My Strange UFO Experience
It was an April day in 1983. It was a normal day at home in the quiet country setting of Delaware, Ohio. Our home was set far back from the road, on a vast expanse of pasture land with no nearby neighbors.
Nothing seemed different or out of place that day. The sky was clear, sun shine shining and birds chirping. My twin daughters and I were enjoying playing a board game in the living room.
So, imagine my shock and surprise when suddenly without warning I heard the terrible sound of what seemed like a crash or explosion right outside the front of the house. The booming sound was so loud it made the house shake.
Thinking it must have been a horrible car wreck or even a plane crash, we jumped up and ran outside. But nothing at all was out of place. There was no one there, or no sign of any accident to explain the loud sound we had heard. In fact, it was unusually quiet outside, no birds, no breeze, no sound. Only an ominous silence.
Then I sensed there was something or someone behind me, but bizarrely I found myself unable to turn around to see who or what it might be, as this energy behind me wouldn’t let me. For a few minutes I couldn’t move at all and felt a great fear for our safety.
Then I heard a telepathic voice saying, “Do not look. Do not turn. Do not move. We are not here to harm you. You and your children are safe.”
Panicked, I called for my daughters to come back into the house immediately, but noticed they were acting oddly. They did as I asked, but without turning around. Instead, they walked backwards into the house!
I happen to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet, and the UFO phenomenon is real ~ Edgar Mitchell
Once the girls where back safe in the house, I felt relief that they were at least safe and found that I could move again. I ran back in the house and closed and locked the door.
Whatever happen the rest of that day remains a blank memory to us all. We never talked about the sound again and not one of us can remember much of what we did after. We seemed to have gone entirely ‘mindless’ for the remainder of that day.
The next day, I woke up somewhat confused and instantly recalled the noise we heard the previous day. I had a strong urge to go out the front door to investigate and figure out what had happened. Maybe a tree had fallen, or something. There had to be a logical explanation.
At first, I found nothing out of place, until I looked towards the left side of the yard. Why were there lines of what looked like blue grass? As I walked closer, I saw it was in the shape of a circle the size of a large swimming pool. The circle was formed by dead grass that was indeed blue! It looked like an object had landed there and remained there for a long period of time to form the shape in the grass. I had never seen such a thing in my life. The grass also never grew again in that circle. Every time we tried to mow the lawn around it and came to close to the circle, the lawnmower’s engine would die.
It is my thesis that flying saucers are real and that they are space ships from another solar system. I think that they possibly are manned by intelligent observers who are members of a race that may have been investigating our Earth for centuries ~ Hermann Oberth
I considered calling the newspaper about this strange event, but then thought twice about the possible commotion it would cause around our home. And the details of the event as we remember it… well it was vague and made no sense. Who would believe us anyway? No one else had heard or seen anything. If anyone had, they would have called me or shown up at the house.
I also couldn’t tell you how long ‘they’ were here, or why. I do however believe it had something to do with the fact that I am psychic.
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