mediumship reading
A Treasure In Every Intuition
Living a life tuned into God’s grace, through my intuition, never ceases to amaze me. It is ever-adventurous – never old, dull, or flat. Why is it so exciting and fresh to me? Because every moment is in the moment. Each sign, sense, and gift is unique, individual, and reciprocal. At every step there is potential to experience the unexpected – something magical, mystical, miraculous, unpredictable.
Unpredictable? Isn’t that what psychic ability is all about – being able to see and predict the future? Not necessarily. Intuitive gifts come in many diverse shapes and forms – as many as there are people. Some have the ability to foresee things before they happen, but not all psychics receive such predictive vision, and even those who do, aren’t necessarily shown all things, in all detail, all the time. It is a gift, up to the Source and Supreme Gift Giver to grant.
What makes an intuitive life richly rewarding, and conducive for helping others, is the openness to receive and transmit what is divinely placed in one’s awareness, beyond the ordinary range of sense perception. Every genuine reader has something beautiful and meaningful to offer. As there is a multi-dimensional reality, so are there a multitude of angles from which truth may be revealed to one’s intuitive sense of sight, sound, and touch.
Consulting with too many different readers can produce confusion, due to variations in the information received. Most often, however, these differences can be reconciled with deeper, discerning insight to understand how they weave together, to create an enriched texture of awareness of the many layers, sides, and subtleties of a subject.
Communicating With Your Spirit Guides
Each of us has spiritual guides on our side, whether we know it or not. These beings, whether they are angels, spirits of loved ones, or even animal spirits, are there to comfort, guide, nurture, and assist us.
Because we can’t see them, their communication tends to be more subtle, and they are always trying to give us messages in small ways. But we can also connect directly with them. However, because we can’t call them on the phone, or send them a quick text, there are other methods we can use to reach out to them.
The first method I often recommend is to use a set of oracle cards. The Tarot or Angel cards work well for this purpose, although there are many other oracle decks available these days. Choose one that feels right for you.
Ask your spirit guides a question, the more specific the better, and then choose a card randomly from your oracle card deck. This will serve as the answer you seek. Let your intuition guide you when interpreting the card’s message.
You can also do a three-card spread, with one card each to represent the past, present, and future. Learning more about the meanings of your chosen cards will help you better interpret communications from your spirit guides.
Another method you can use to communicate with your guides is to dowse with a pendulum. A pendulum is any solid object connected to a string, chain or cord. As with oracle cards, you will want to find one which you resonate with, and feels in tune with your personal energy frequencies.
The Mediumship Messages That Matter The Most
After the passing of a loved one, many people turn to psychic mediums for confirmation that their deceased loved ones have transitioned safely into the Spirit realm.
Typically, during a mediumship reading our deceased loved ones will relay evidence through the psychic medium to prove that they are the ones communicating from the Other Side. This may include references to jewelry, or other personal possessions, they have left behind; mentions of the things they enjoyed while in the living; places they used to love going to; shared family memories; as well as very specific personal information, like their first or last name, date of birth and passing, and so on.
It’s always very rewarding to create this psychic link to connect with a deceased loved, because much information can flow through in such a short amount of time. Sometimes our loved ones offer guidance and advice to better our lives, and even predictions about forthcoming events in our lives.
Some mediumship clients are concerned that they did not get the opportunity to say goodbye, or show their love and gratitude to a loved one while they were still in this life. Some clients are also curious about opinions their deceased loved ones may have regarding current issues in their life.
For example, if there is family conflict about an inheritance, they may want to know how the deceased loved one feels about it, and what advice they may have to offer on the matter. Most of the time the departed loved one will encourage the family to strive for peace, compassion and forgiveness, but the rest of the decisions are usually left up to those in the living.
The material things we are so attached to in this life, are typically of no interest to our deceased loved ones. They have moved on from this material world, and have more important matters to address when they communicate during a mediumship reading. Our deceased loved one want us to know they’re okay, but in my experience what seems to be most important to them is our spiritual growth while we are here. I can’t be sure of why this is, but it seems to have to do with lineage work.
Developing Your Spirit Communication Skills
Spirit communication is the process of sending and receiving information to and from the spirit realm. This process can sometimes be overwhelming for individuals. The spirit realm and nature sends us inspiration, messages, comfort and guidance. In every moment of every day we receive information. Are we deciphering that information correctly? Are we also clear in our requests to Spirit?
There are many ways spirit communicates with us. For example, a synchronistic song playing on the radio, which we associate with a loved one in Spirit; unusual behaviors, or unexpected appearances of animals, birds or insects; seeing so-called ‘angel numbers’ or synchronistic clock times like 11:11 or 12:12; Ouija board messages, as well as Tarot and oracle card signs; pendulum dowsing; and dreams.
Then there are messages relayed by intuitives, psychics and mediums during professional readings, using the clair senses, channeling, divination and mediumship. These modes of communication can be natural for some, but also a developed skill for others.
Were you a child that had imaginary friends or saw relatives who were dead? If so, then you have the innate capability pre-developed, but you may need to enhance and strengthen your communication ability. Not to become a professional psychic reader, but to be better connected in life. Strengthening comes through discipline, commitment and a passion to be of service.
Apologies From The Other Side
Departed loved ones have come through to me many times over the years with a message of apology for how they treated me, or one of my clients. There is typically a common thread in these spirit messages: they didn’t know better at the time, but they do now, and they now see things differently. With the apology usually also comes great regret and remorse, acknowledging the pain they caused us.
For anyone who has been on the receiving end of abuse, I have come to believe that there is also a lesson in this. For me, the lesson has been learning to love myself. I was a people-pleaser for most of my life, and to some extent this is probably still the case, but there is a lesson in this too, in learning about self-love and learning to put my own needs first. My experience has been instrumental in enabling me to identify with others, and, in turn, I have become more able to help others the best I can.
I love the teachings of the spirit guide Emmanuel, as channeled by the late Pat Rhodegast. Emmanuel says, “If we were not meant to have done something, we would not have, but that it was all appropriate at the time.” I seem to recall his teachings stating that this does not mean that we should condone the harsh treatment of others.
As adults, we have more choices, but when family and loved ones treat us harshly, we often hope that things would get better, or that perhaps they were just having a bad day. I personally would do just about anything to please them, desperate to get their approval. Others often commented on and in hindsight they were right, but I would continue to hope.
Physical Fitness Advice From The Other Side
My grandma and I were very close while she was in this life. We spoke about many things and held many of the same views. She was a highly intuitive person. Many in the family didn’t know this about her, but she could accurately sense and feel things about people. She would also predict things before they happened.
Her mother was also a well-known intuitive – again something that her own children didn’t even know about her. My great grandma would predict gambling numbers for people, and they would often win! Grandma told me, “My mother would dream the numbers and people would pay her for this advice.”
Grandma also shared many other stories with me about her family growing up. Some of those stories still fascinate me and to this day I reminisce about the things she told me. I feel very lucky and blessed to have shared 47 years of my life with her. Grandma had children at a very young age, so thankfully she was able to see some of her grandchildren, and even some of her great grand children grow up.
We spent many summer vacations at my grandparents’ house. Just like me, my grandma loved to talk about ghosts, spirits, and all things paranormal. We would talk into the wee hours of the night. Some of the things she shared with me, she may not have shared with anyone else in the family. I guess she sensed in advance that I would need some of this information for my future calling.
Nurture And Nourish Yourself With Nature
In our busy world we tend to take nature for granted. Consider for just a moment all the things flowers, plants and trees really do for humanity. They sustain life all around the world. Plants produce food and oxygen for many of the largest animals around the world, as well as for humans. Plants are also used for healing.
Unfortunately, modern humanity demands that things grow faster and produce better crops, leading us to alter plants in such a way that they might no longer be as healthy as they once were.
Just by watching the trees, one can predict the weather. We sometimes have an abundance of acorns from the oak trees here in Maine. It is said to be a sign of a snowy winter. Most acorns mature in late summer and begin falling from the trees in September or October. It’s a great time for the squirrels to collect them, and become fat and round before the winter.
In Maine the winter tends to be very long and it’s easy to become a somewhat down and sad. So, my friend and I decided earlier this year to take a ride on such a gray day to the local greenhouse that is open all winter. Plants, flowers, trees and beautiful landscapes can change one’s state of mind and put a smile on your face!
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