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A Ghostly Intervention For A Stubborn Pair

Click Here FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI’ve had many strange paranormal occurrences in my life, but the most recent one really takes the cake!

My talkative Libra husband was on a marathon 3-hour call with a friend, when a wondrous thing happened during their conversation. A strange, ethereal voice cut-in and actually cursed my husband out, repeatedly!

The call was on speaker phone, and I was downstairs in my kitchen, hearing the entire discourse.

“What is going on up there?” I called out.

“You heard that?”

“Of course I heard that. It’s beyond creepy.”

His friend heard nothing on his end and thought my husband was playing some kind of a prank on him.

Then the eerie voice returned, this time calling him a horse’s hindquarters.

“It just happened again!” he shouted.

“I know…I heard that. I’m coming up there now to record it,” I said.

All the while, his friend continued to hear nothing on his end.

I hit the record button on my cell and waited…but crickets ensued. There was absolutely nothing, so eventually I went back downstairs, somewhat disappointed.

Of course, the moment I arrived back in my kitchen, the disgruntled spirit returned shouting the same colorful epithets, like a salty sailor! No surprise there, as my husband actually is a bit of a salty sailor himself and knows many who’ve passed in the industry.

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My Paranormal Experiences Using A ‘Ghost App’

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWant to be a ghost whisperer? ‘Ghost-hunting’ apps for smartphones has become increasingly popular in paranormal investigation in recent years. I was a little apprehensive at first to try it myself, suspecting these apps might be fake, rigged or designed merely for entertainment. But I have been using a particular paranormal app for a while now that is actually very good.

What I like about this particular app is that you do not have to use your voice. You can telepathically ask your loved one who has crossed over questions, so that you can be sure the app is not merely listening to and responding to what you are saying. It’s pretty cool. I like to write my questions on paper, and not speak it at all, and right after the spirit messages just come in on the ghost app verbatim to what I heard or sensed prior.

I am claisentient and clairaudient, which means I can hear and sense spirit. So, I know if these apps are actually the real deal when I use them. To actually see on the app what I have been experiencing all my life is quit fun and exciting. I have lately been asking spirit to come in using the ghost app and I have had some fascinating personal experiences.

For example, my grandmother passed away a little over a year ago, and after she had passed the hospice worker put her set of dentures right next to her. Fortunately, I noticed this and remembered her saying that she wanted her teeth to be either in her mouth, or kept safe.

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Ghosts Are Real

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAcccess.comAre ghosts real? I certainly know that they are, because I have come face-to-face with them during paranormal investigations. Many paranormal experts claim there is scientific evidence that they are real. Believers say that skeptics are not listening to what is in front of them, but skeptics say that any paranormal evidence likely has a rational explanation and that those who are chasing ghosts are fooling themselves. All I know I is this: I have seen ghosts right in front of me… standing there, looking right at me.

I have been to many haunted sites and sometimes ghosts can be downright nasty, not to be confused with spirits. Ghosts do not know that they are dead, and they can become very annoyed when you are in a house that they dwell in. In these cases you are the intruder. I have had objects thrown at me, heard voices telling me to get out. I always smudge myself with sage. I use it before and after an investigation so that nothing attaches to me.

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The Paranormal Mystery Of Psychic Sounds

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI read once that it takes considerable energy for spirit to connect with us by means of sound. Right in the middle of a session at one of my last psychic circle gatherings, before I moved to another continent last year, the four of us heard a loud male voice outside the room.

Nobody else was home, but the girls immediately thought it was my husband, even though we hadn’t heard the obvious signs of an electric gate opening, nor his truck driving in. My interpretation was that the voice said: “Hello girls”. I immediately thought of my father who, since his passing in 2005 has been a regular visitor to our monthly psychic circle. Continue reading

Orbs And Apparitions In My New House

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comLast week I saw something I never thought I would, even after years of living in a haunted house. I bought a brand new house in 1992 for this every reason – no more hauntings, apparitions and paranormal activity! I really never thought that my new house will become haunted too.

On February 9th, 2013, I was in the living room talking to my wife and I noticed that my three year old puppy, Peppermint, was standing in the kitchen looking up at the ceiling and wagging her tail. It seemed as if she was looking at something, or someone. I joked with my wife and said, “Look, Peppermint is looking at ghosts!” Peppermint was walking slowly, the way she usually does when she is approaching a person for the first time. Then suddenly she backed off really quick, but she did not bark. She was intrigued and cautious, but certainly not frightened. The scene reminded me of something I saw on a paranormal investigation TV show recently, so I followed my intuition and went to my computer room to grab my digital camera and my digital recorder. Continue reading

Sixth Sense A Link To The Other Side

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIt is generally accepted that we only have five senses, namely sight, hearing, smell, feeling and tasting. But have you ever wondered about the sixth sense?

Believe or not, we all have six senses. There is the normal five, but each of them has a deeper dimension, which is collectively known as the ‘sixth sense’.

When someone close to us crosses over to the other side they use our sixth sense to let us know that they’re still around. Not only do they do this to let us know that they are in a better place now, but also to reassure us that they’re thinking about us. Continue reading

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