News and Views From The Psychic Access Community


Our Choices Are Ours To Make

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe past few years have been challenging for everyone. The pandemic, political upheaval, and economic uncertainty have affected lives all over the world.

I have personally witnessed the pain and struggles of many people close to me, as well as my clients.

I even had to take a ‘mental vacation’ at times as I began to feel disoriented and somewhat confused by the messages the angels were giving me.

I asked the why’s with no clear answers. I’ve asked the how’s without sensible explanations. As a lightworker I tend to feel compelled to fix things, to make things better.

Then one day I had a breakthrough when spirit told me clearly that it is not my job to fix everything and everyone.

Spirit has led me to understand that my job is to spread love, light and healing to the best of my ability. How people choose to think, feel and act in response to their life challenges is not for me or anyone else to try to control. Everyone’s choices are theirs to make as they see fit, and with much choice comes much responsibility.

As heartbreaking and frustrating as it may be at times, it is not my place to interfere with other people’s karmic journey and soul plan. This newfound insight was jarringly confirmed by a traumatic event just a few weeks ago.

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Astrology Forecast November 20 – 26, 2023

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe highlight of this week will be the Sun’s entry into Sagittarius on Wednesday, moving us out of the sultry vibes of Scorpio and into a more light-hearted and fun atmosphere for the next four weeks. Sagittarius is also the sign of justice, fairness, and the law of the land, so moving with honor and intention will be emphasized.

However, we’ll be leaning toward a more spiritual, ethereal stance today and tomorrow as the Moon moves through Pisces. Go with the flow and trust your intuition when making important decisions during this time.

This morning’s Pisces Moon conjunction with Saturn may cause us to feel a little melancholy or even depressed. Guard against unwarranted feelings of dissatisfaction or loneliness, and try not to be stubborn or unnecessarily difficult, as this will only set the tone for a much more challenging week than would otherwise be the case.

Tomorrow afternoon a Pisces Moon square to Mercury in Sagittarius could cause some problems with communication and travel. Double-check your route before you hit the road and make sure you are sending that text or email to the right person! Some of us may also experience brain fog, lack of focus and negative thoughts.

The pace will pick up on Wednesday and we will fly through our commitments with ease until Friday under an assertive Aries Moon.

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Kindness Will Transform Your Life

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comRecently, I have noticed that many of my clients are increasingly seeking spiritual guidance for loneliness and feelings of isolation. No matter what their unique circumstances may be, spirit’s response in these matters is always that the solution begins with ourselves.

We must be the change we wish to see in our world in order to live a more connected and joyful life. Yes, the world we live in these days can be very stressful and alienating, but that does not prevent us from being more kind and generous to others.

Whether it is a smile, opening a door for a stranger, saying thank you or have a nice day, giving a compliment, or making a small donation to a charity, these small gestures every day have a magical impact on our lives. Spirit says we have chosen to experience this life and it is part of our soul journey to go out and be the difference we wish to see in this sometimes difficult, chaotic world.

Being kind is a powerful daily reminder to ourselves and others of our interconnectedness; that we are all on this journey together. Whether it’s a small gesture of kindness or a grand act of generosity, the ripple effect of compassion creates a chain reaction that inspires others to pay it forward.

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Empower Yourself With Mindfulness

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIs your inner guidance system out of sync? Do you feel out of alignment with your higher self? Out of touch with the universal flow? Disconnected from Spirit? You are not alone.

In today’s fast-paced, hyper-connected world, where digital information is exchanged at an unprecedented rate, finding a moment of stillness and spiritual connection can feel like chasing a mirage in the desert.

Our modern lives are characterized by a relentless barrage of demands on our time and attention, both personally and professionally, and a constant stream of distractions from every conceivable angle.

The cacophony of app alerts, text messages, emails, social media updates, and the pressure to stay “in the loop” can be overwhelming. Yet we remain perpetually tethered to our screens, constantly on edge and spiritually disconnected.

Being constantly busy has become a toxic badge of honor in our society. Being on the go and constantly multitasking has become associated with success and prosperity. But this obsession with busyness is a poisoned chalice. Yes, we may get more done, but in the long run it comes at a great cost to our mental and physical health, as well as our spiritual well-being.

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Astrology Forecast November 13 – 19, 2023

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe week begins with a Scorpio New Moon this morning, which may cause some of us to let our emotions get the better of us. Usually a Scorpio New Moon inspires gentle harmony in our relationships, but unfortunately today is a perfect cosmic storm for potential upheaval and conflict in romantic relationships and marriages.

The reason today can become an emotional minefield is that a Scorpio Moon opposition to Uranus in Taurus, as well as a conjunction with Mars, can cause our heightened emotional sensitivity to turn into moodiness, irritability, and even outright aggression. By midday, emotional tensions may escalate further due to a Scorpio Sun opposition to Uranus in Taurus, and tonight’s Moon transit into Sagittarius may be the final fiery straw.

So, for some of us, this could become a very emotionally challenging day. Focus on being patient and tolerant, especially with your romantic partner. Stay calm, centered and grounded unless you want to start the week with a big fight or even a petty breakup drama.

Fortunately, our romantic lives will take a turn for the better tomorrow morning with a Sagittarius Moon conjunction with Mercury in Sagittarius and a sextile with Venus in Libra. These aspects promise good vibes for love and relationships, and we will be better at communicating our feelings and resolving disagreements.

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Work-Life Balance For The Single Parent

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSingle parents face many daily challenges and can easily feel overwhelmed. This is especially difficult when juggling childcare, household responsibilities, and your career or business.

It is undoubtedly important to maintain a healthy work-life balance in your life, but it is easier said than done. How does one balance work, family, life, and love as a single parent in the busy world we live in?

Here are some simple strategies for single parents to achieve a better work-life balance.

Work-Life Boundaries. The first important step is to set boundaries between your work and home life. I find that this is often a key element that is missing in the lives of many of my clients.Without clear boundaries between work and home, it is very difficult to be fully present and focused on one or the other at any given time. Without defined boundaries, the single parent is constantly straddling two worlds.

Creating work-life boundaries simply means not mixing business with pleasure. You designate specific times and activities for work and specific times and activities for spending time with your children. This means no thinking about work, no work-related texting, no checking email, and no taking phone calls outside of your designated work time.

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Transform Your Life With Mindfulness

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn the midst of our fast-paced daily lives, marked by never-ending to-do lists and the constant barrage of modern distractions, it’s all too common to feel overwhelmed and stressed.

Finding moments of peace can be challenging, but there’s a ray of hope in the form of mindfulness. This ancient practice offers a haven of calm amidst the storm of our chaotic lives.

Mindfulness, the art of being fully present in the moment without judgment, is a profound spiritual practice for cultivating self-awareness. It encourages us to pay attention not only to our external environment, but also to our internal world of thoughts and emotions.

By incorporating mindfulness into our daily routine, we unlock a wealth of benefits that lead to greater fulfillment and happiness. And it doesn’t take much of a time commitment. It’s simply a matter of adopting a new perspective and appreciating the importance of each moment.

Mindfulness isn’t just a practice; it’s a habit and a way of life that leads to a calmer, more fulfilling existence. The following strategies are simple ways to incorporate mindfulness into your lifestyle and make it a permanent part of your daily routine. By embracing some or all of these practices, you can transform everyday activities into opportunities for self-discovery, self-improvement, and a deeper connection to the world around you.

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