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Spiritual Techniques For Emotional Closure

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSpirit has taught me, from a very young age, that gaining closure with a person (where necessary of course) is imperative so that we can move on with our lives in a positive way.

After all, we cannot possibly embrace our future wholeheartedly without having effectively dealt with our past. There are three types of closure:

1. Natural closure that comes with the passage of time.

2. Direct closure that we may have with the person or persons involved and where love is concerned.

3. Third party closure when we meet someone else.

All well and good, you may be thinking, but it takes time to get that natural closure. Maybe your ex (or whoever) won’t give you direct closure and you don’t want to have to wait until you meet someone else in order to get it! But you do need a degree of closure now.

Well, spirit recognizes this and offers the two following solutions which may be of benefit to all those who need to gain closure on someone and find forgiveness, and start afresh in the shortest possible time:

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Astrology Forecast October 23 – 29, 2023

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The Sun moves into Scorpio today, setting a more spiritual and karmic tone for the next four weeks. This is one of three times a year when the veil between worlds is at its thinnest, making it easier to delve into our souls, as well as communicate with spirit on the other side.

The Aquarius Moon square to Uranus in Taurus this afternoon may bring out the worst in some people for a few hours, so be prepared for mood swings, erratic or hyperactive behavior, as well as stubbornness and irritability. Stay in your zen, do not overreact, and avoid making hasty decisions.

The Pisces Moon tomorrow and Wednesday will add to the magical tone of this week, making inner and soulful movement a priority over outer activity.

We’ll feel re-energized Thursday and Friday under the Aries Moon, making these the most productive days of the week.

A Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse takes center stage on Saturday, urging us to let go of the past and prepare to take on a more fluid and flexible tone for the next two weeks. It also marks the second eclipse of the month and the promise that we will have a different focus and perception of our lives for the next six months.

Sunday’s Taurus Moon will inspire us to acknowledge the beauty that surrounds us, calling for a day of grace and gratitude.

A True Soulmate Connection

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAs a psychic consultant, I have the unique daily privilege of guiding clients through the complexities of life, including the challenges of romance, dating, and committed relationships. A popular topic in my readings is the question of soulmates.

Personally, I have had an interesting journey in this regard that has shaped my understanding of soulmates and the deep connections that can exist between two people beyond the realm of romantic love.

Since the age of 16, I have shared an extraordinary bond with a very special man. Our connection defies conventional labels and goes far beyond the boundaries of a typical friendship or romance.

We’ve always had an uncanny ability to truly understand each other, offer each other unwavering support, and share a safe space for vulnerability and authenticity. We are soulmates in every sense of the word.

People often associate the term ‘soulmate‘ with a special romantic partner, but my journey with this wonderful friend has shown me that soulmates come in many forms. Our relationship is a testament to the fact that soulmates are not limited to romantic entanglements and can play a unique and profound role in our lives.

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Accepting The End Of A Relationship

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDon’t resist change, even in love. It is always best to accept things when a relationship ends. Sometimes a door needs to be closed in order for another door to open down the road.

I have seen this in my own personal relationships and those of many of my clients and friends. If it’s meant to be and there is true, everlasting love between two souls, there can never be a permanent goodbye. Rest assured, if you are meant to be with your beloved, they will come back to you, or you will go back to them.

At some point we all experience the pain of saying goodbye to someone we love very much. Experiencing relationship break-up tends to turn our lives upside down. This is especially true when we have to close the door on someone we love very much when we don’t really want the relationship to end.

But if we do it in a way that leaves the door open for them to come back, then maybe we can have a new beginning later. We just have to do the very hard thing of saying goodbye and taking a step back for now. If we refuse to accept that a relationship is over, we only prolong the pain and dysfunction, and make it difficult to heal and grow from the issues that caused it to fail in the first place.

Instead, we should focus on ourselves and our own needs for a while. When we are in a relationship that is not working, it can be easy to neglect our own needs and issues. Accepting the end of a relationship allows us to focus on our own healing and well-being. No matter how hard we try to hold on, it will only make it more difficult to bring healing to the aspects of the relationship failure that need healing.

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Astrology Forecast October 16 – 22, 2023

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe will be marching to the beat of our own drummer this week, so forget what others think and follow your instincts; it is the best way to make the most progress!

There is an intense energy under the Scorpio Moon today, so be careful not to step on other people’s toes in your attempts to achieve your own lofty goals.

To make matters worse, the day begins with the Scorpio Moon in opposition to Jupiter in Taurus, which is a transit notorious for instigating legal issues and clashes with authorities, as well as conflicts in marriages and romantic relationships. Slow down, stay calm and watch for any signs of trouble at home, in the office, and on the road.

Tomorrow through Thursday will be more light-hearted as the Moon passes through fun-loving and social Sagittarius.

Thursday afternoon’s Sagittarius Moon sextile Mercury in Libra offers a particularly good opportunity for sales, advertising and marketing, and our communication skills will be at their best. However, we may not get much done due to the Moon’s square to Neptune in Pisces and sextile to the Libra Sun. These two transits tend to lower our energy levels and invite hypersensitivity, laziness, daydreaming, and a passive attitude. You may have to pull yourself up by the bootstraps to get it done!

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How To Thrive As An Empath

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEmpaths have the unique ability to deeply experience and understand the emotions of others. While this gift is a wonderful source of compassion, strength, and connection, it also comes with its share of challenges.

Living as an empath can be a double-edged sword, as the heightened sensitivity to the emotions of others can lead to emotional exhaustion, boundary issues, and a constant struggle to maintain one’s emotional well-being.

One of the biggest challenges empaths face is emotional overload. Empaths tend to absorb the emotions of those around them, whether it’s joy, excitement, sadness, anger, depression, or fear.

This emotional absorption can be so intense that it can become overwhelming to the empath, leading to feelings of confusion, restlessness, anxiety, emotional exhaustion, and even physical symptoms such as headaches and fatigue.

Managing this constant influx of emotional energy can be mentally and physically exhausting, sometimes leaving empaths completely drained and in dire need of some solitude and self-care.

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The Misguided Fear Of ‘Missing Out’

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comFOMO. The “fear of missing out.” The term is typically used when young people feel envious or sad because they haven’t been invited or can’t go to an event or outing that their friends are attending. For others it is a matter of feeling driven to attend absolutely everything, including the opening of an envelope.

This mindset is spiritually misguided. Firstly, if you think carefully about what you are worried about missing out on, you usually find that you are not missing out on that much after all.

Secondly, there are much more valuable things to invest your time and energy in, especially for a young person. For example, if we don’t invest in improving our well-being in body, mind and spirit early in life, we will miss out on many blessings of joy, fulfilment and abundance later in life.

Instead of trying to attend every event or doing everything and the kitchen sink to keep up with the Joneses, it makes much more sense to create a foundation of joy, inner peace and abundance for ourselves. It is a wellspring that will never run dry. This is what one should really be ‘afraid’ of missing out on.

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