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Keeping My Promise To A Departed Loved One

Click Here FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSometimes we become so busy and preoccupied in our daily lives that we forget the commitments we made to loved ones, relatives and friends. But this does not only apply to the living. Some of us also forget the promises we make to those that are no longer with us.

Too often we hold the hand of a loved one on their deathbed and promise to look after those they will be leaving behind. They wish for us to look after those they will no longer be able to care for and love in this life. And we promise wholeheartedly to do whatever it is they ask of us in their final moments.

But once they have departed and life returns to normal, we soon forget these promises and serious conversations. Our memories become conveniently selective. We usually don’t mean for this to happen, but life does have a way getting in the way.

I had a shocking reminder recently of my own selective memory in this regard. Several years ago, I got into the habit of journaling about issues in my life that deeply matter to me. Recently, I was not able to sleep and was encouraged by spirit to go through my journal.

So, I sat up at about four o’clock in the morning and randomly opened my journal on the very page where I had written about a promise that I had made to a loved about another person, whom I had a strong dispute with in the past. Being only human, I had some seriously negative feelings towards that individual.

However, I had promised to check in and be supportive to this person, whom I did not like very much at all, on behalf of the person who was in their final hours. At the time, I remember saying that I would “do my best” and that “if I could, I would.”

The promise was much more than just checking in on the relative. It went as far as the very items I was meant to get at the grocery store, as well as things to say to this person when I delivered it. I had however conveniently forgotten about it since, until I discovered the entry in my journal.

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The Manifesting Power Of Mindful Mornings

Click Here FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMornings are special. The energy of the morning is different than at any other time. When the sunlight is still fresh and gentle, the world is calm and quiet, there is a magic to this time.

The first few moments of our day help to set the tone for our experiences throughout. Becoming aware and attuned to this fresh universal energy can be as simple as creating a small morning routine.

Now, I realize not everyone loves the morning as much as I do. If this is the case for you, the idea of creating a morning routine may not sound appealing at all. Starting with small, quick steps can make all the difference here.

Your morning routine is meant to set you up for success. It is about doing things you like in the morning, that get you in the right frame of mind and heart.

Bringing a bit of mindfulness into your morning can set you up energetically to respond more effectively to your experiences throughout the day.

Below is a list of things you can do in the morning to create a personalized routine that works for you. You certainly don’t have to do all them! Just pick one or two to get started and build from there.

While consistency is important, if something is not working for you, change it up and try something new. This routine should be fulfilling and meaningful to you.

Affirmations – Start saying ‘I AM’ affirmations. As you are getting ready in front of the mirror, look yourself in the eye and speak aloud three ‘I AM’ affirmations, for example: I am learning to let go of fear and negativity. I am worthy of abundance and fulfilment. I am grateful for all the good things in my life.

Gratitude – Place a note somewhere you are going to see it in the morning that reads: ‘What am I grateful for today?’ Every morning you see it list three things aloud.

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The Miracle Of Automatic Handwriting

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comGrowing up in a psychic family, I was constantly among adults who were seeing ghosts and reading people’s eyes. But I always wanted to be different than the other psychics in my family.

I guess that is one of the reasons why I began reading ordinary playing cards, instead of the Tarot. But I wanted to experiment even further, and in time I also discovered that I could open up the flood gates with automatic hand writing.

I have to be very careful, because when you use automatic writing it can be like opening a can of worms. Each time I do this I make sure beforehand that my mind is calm and clear. I also see to it that I have lots of blank paper, because you can use a lot of paper in one session.

I also have to make sure that when I did connect with a spirit it was indeed from the Light. After some of the things I have witnessed in my life, I certainly do not want to invite any evil spirit or any other dark entity that could harm my family or me.

I remember my very first time I was very skeptical of doing automatic writing; I asked, “Are you with the Light?” A simple question. The only answer I received was a straight line. I was not very happy or impressed. That was it? Just a straight line? My second time it was not bad, because the pen wrote the word yes. It kind of freaked me out at the time.

I knew I needed to practice more. So, I put more hours into it and the more often I did it, the better I became. I would even try it while playing music. Eventually, I was ready to try this together with the cards. This is not a traditional method, but like I said, I wanted to be different. The first time I placed the cards face down and then did the automatic writing first, to see what it would say.  The first word that came through was “baby”. Next was the word “girl” and then “candy.”

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Connecting With Your Team Of Spirit Guardians

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comYou have a ‘squad’ of spirit friends you can count on and talk to when you need support. Our spirit helpers, be they guardian angels, guides, animal spirits, ancestors, or departed family members, are there to look out for us. They want to make our lives better.

So, how can you get to know them better? Because these beings are of the spirit realms, it’s not quite as simple as calling a human friend or sending a text, but the channels of communication are definitely open.

The first thing you need to do is get to know their names. If they are the spirits of loved ones or pets, of course, they already have a name you know them by. Use your intuition to receive the names of your guides and angels. All you need to do is ask. They will reveal their name to you when you are ready to receive it.

It is also important to understand that our spirit guardians communicate through various unspoken messages and signs, such as patterns of recurring numbers, lyrics of a favorite song, or seeing the same patterns in nature, such as cloud formations or a particular animal. Pay attention to these special signs. In our world, it’s easy to become distracted and overstimulated, but our guardians are always sending these subtle messages if we pay attention.

Engaging in your daily spiritual practices is necessary to connect with your spirit guides. When getting to know angels, for example, an angel card oracle deck is a useful tool, or a Tarot deck to link archetypes to individual guardians.

For animal spirits there are also lovely card decks, which can be very useful in identifying your totem of guardian animals. You can also keep your departed pet’s favorite items after they’re gone.

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Astrological Forecast January 11 – 17, 2021

Click Here NOW For A FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comYou will be up and running early this morning under the diligent Capricorn Moon, plowing through projects at record speed! There’s an additional boost coming tomorrow, as we welcome in a Capricorn New Moon with open arms.

Get done what you can though, as the Moon moves into Aquarius on Wednesday and casts an unpredictable tone to the remainder of the workweek.

Uranus turns retrograde on Thursday, reminding us to be diligent with our new year resolutions, especially those that involve getting healthier, losing weight, and improving our finances.

After a busy busy week, we’ll get to step back and relax under this weekend’s Pisces Moon, as it encourages us to go inward and tend to our spiritual selves.

Meditating, journaling, and venturing out into nature are all great ways to embrace the soulful vibes of this weekend.



Dreamwork With Your Angels

Click Here NOW For A FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDreaming is not only the doorway to the unconscious, but also an entrance to other realms. Our dreams connect us with our subconscious mind and the spirit realms, often in the form of strange and mysterious symbolisms.

We should be more grateful for our dreams, because even the difficult ones, that stir up our traumas and worries, help us to deal with any issues we have been resisting.

Dreams are also a portal into the influence of angelic forces. Connecting with the Angels in this way is easy and natural; it happens even when we are not aware of it.

The dream state is an entry point that offers unique advantages for our heavenly companions, for when we sleep, the mind is wide open. The resistances and blockages of our busy minds are suspended for us to access what normally cannot be seen. The fluidity of dreams is closer to the higher dimensions, rather than to the structured, material state in which we exist in our waking hours.

Our Angels often appear to us in dreams, but we seldom remember this, or, if we do, we do not recognize them. They are usually that friendly presence that often accompanies us through a dream. Or they may feature in the dream, as wise, powerful, and influential figures, but not necessarily with wings or other stereotypical symbols of their identity, such as ‘harps and halos.’

Angels are messengers of the Divine, and they come in various manifestations. For example, they sometimes appear in animal form, or make their presence known as an intense, bright light. They also have diverse things to communicate and infinite ways for doing so. But they all have one common purpose, and that is to be of service to humanity.

Most of us have all been brought up to believe that there is a separation between humans and Angels, but in truth we share our world with them! In our dreams, we can overcome the mental barriers that separate us from their higher energies.

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Manifesting A Better Life Starts With You

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAnyone can manifest what they want and need in life. It all comes down to energy because we are spirit energy in human form. The energy we put out; is the energy we receive back. It pretty much is that simple. But we also need to believe this, for it helps a great deal in bringing it closer to us.

So, how does this energy swapping process work? Well, it begins with focusing on something that you really want or need. Then think more on it, request it, wish it, desire it. This is called the process of manifesting or deliberate creating or cosmic ordering. You are putting your wish or desire out into to the Universe, and Universe, Spirit, God, the Divine receives this information and ultimately brings it back to you in manifested form as a gift or blessing.

Some people are more in-tune with the Universe than others, or more aligned with Spirit, and therefore able to manifest more easily and quickly. But while some of us believe wholeheartedly and have absolutely no doubt, others may be more hesitant or uncertain about what to believe, or not. Fortunately, no matter where you fall on the belief spectrum, you can still use manifesting to assist you in life, but your results will vary based on your faith.

One can manifest with positive thinking, prayer, affirmations or meditation, but I find that focused visualizations, creating a vision board, and writing down your wishes, seem to make it even more powerful! It’s as if the Universe says, “Wow, she is really serious about this, and asking so sincerely, let me reward her efforts!”

Sometimes manifesting can grind to a complete halt for us. We all have to grow, and learn, and evolve spiritually. If we do not do this, the Universe is not too happy when we repeat the same old patterns, make the same old mistakes, and show little effort to become a better person, or a more evolved soul. We cannot expect to receive spiritual rewards or gifts until we make the necessary changes. Successful manifesting goes hand in hand with personal growth and spiritual expansion. Continue reading

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