How To Get More Out Of Your Journaling
I always thought of all journaling as writing one´s thoughts and feelings down on a notepad or in a book- something like a very personal diary. But recently, a very artistic, creative friend posted photos of some exquisite journals she makes. I had simply had to get one.
I even got to choose the colour, together with a sigil my friend will add between the layers of the journal. My choice for a sigil was something I am working on manifesting, so seeing that inscribed symbol will be a constant reminder of my manifestation each time I journal.
I asked my friend what her view is on journaling, because she absolutely loves creating these works of art. She envisions her creations being used as perhaps a gratitude journal, a dream journal, a meditation journal, a poetry notebook, as well as for general journaling or recording one’s favourite quotes.
At the beginning of the year, I began a nightly routine before falling asleep in making a mental note of the big and small things I am grateful for, and also to ponder about what I have managed to achieve during that particular day, be it a small chore I had procrastinated on, or something more important.
My fancy new journal will now be used to write down all the things I am grateful for at the end of each day, as well as recording my achievements. I feel it will have more impact written, and will be good to look back on, because I tend to be my own worst critic when something doesn’t get done.
Journaling is going to help me realize that I have really accomplished much as I could possibly get around to on any given day, and that I have done the best I could with the time and energy available to me.
Journal writing, when it becomes a ritual for transformation, is not only life-changing but life-expanding ~ Jen Williamson
Keeping a gratitude journal is known to be very healing. It also clears any negativity from our path to manifest our desires.
An ‘achievement journal’ for me will be a confirmation of things getting accomplished. Some of the items I write down may even seem rather petty and mundane to someone else, but I am finding it very rewarding and empowering.
My daily achievement list includes having made that call to someone I´ve been putting off for too long; letting someone with less items go in front of me in the supermarket line; clearing out my closets and donating it to a local charity for their open fayre day; and even cutting my fidgety young dog’s claws!
Journaling of a more therapeutic nature calls for us to jot down our deeper feelings and thoughts. We may have buried feelings connected to past problems and overthinking them, but writing it all down helps us to see things in a different light and get a deeper understanding. I call it ‘expressive writing’ and it is an invaluable tool when done on a daily basis when one is unable to find counselling, or even in addition to conventional counselling.
An avid journaler years ago told me that when she first began peeling off those deeper layers of unexpressed emotions, it evoked some strong emotions which she felt were being peeled back like an onion, bringing some tears. These sad feelings lasted a couple of days, after which she felt significantly lighter. She felt the process had allowed her to let go of some issues which no longer served her highest interest.
Writing is my way of expressing – and thereby eliminating – all the various ways we can be wrong-headed ~ Zadie Smith
To get the most out of your journaling set aside a few minutes each day and find a place where you won´t be disturbed. This process is about you and for you, so keep it that way. It is for your eyes only, so when you are done, tuck the work away safely from prying eyes.
Once you have finished the process, allow a few moments to reflect and take some deep breaths to both centre yourself and release any negative memories which no longer serve you. For that additional feeling of cleansing, step out into nature, or have a salt bath or cleansing shower, as you visualize any emotional toxins being flushed away. Let it all drain away.
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