Astrology Forecast July 29 – August 4, 2024
The week begins this morning with the Moon in a moody semisextile aspect to Chiron and a semisquare to the Node, causing us to feel more emotionally sensitive and introspective, with a hint of tension about our path forward.
Pay attention to subtle inner cues, as these can offer profound insights into personal growth and understanding. You may feel a slight tug between past patterns and future aspirations this morning, requiring a balanced approach to resolution. Trust your intuition and consider how your actions align with your long-term goals.
Fortunately, the Sun’s quintile to the Moon later this morning offers a spark of creative inspiration and emotional clarity. This aspect enhances your ability to express yourself authentically and creatively, paving the way for positive interactions and innovative solutions.
This week we can expect to feel the pre-shadow effects of Mercury going retrograde on Sunday. As it is, Mercury is already slowing down to retrace its steps through the degrees it will later revisit during retrograde.
We may begin to notice miscommunication, delays, and technological glitches even before the official retrograde period begins next week. The pre-shadow phase sets the stage for retrograde, and being aware of it can help you prepare and manage its potential effects more effectively. If you have not already done so, now is the time to back up all your data and update your computer and smartphone.
Self-Charity Is Your Spiritual Responsibility
Charity truly begins at home. To be truly charitable to others, we must first be kind and generous to ourselves.
Whether we view “charity” as giving alms to the poor, showing kindness to strangers, or extending non-judgment in times of questionable behavior, it is imperative that we first take care of our own needs. Why? Because we cannot freely and easily give to others what we have not given to ourselves.
Our true nature as incarnated spirit beings is to be loving, kind, and giving. However, it is our spiritual duty to take care of ourselves first so that we can offer more to others and make a real difference in the world.
Self-charity, or prioritizing our own needs before helping others, involves several key components.
Self-awareness is critical, requiring regular self-reflection and mindfulness to stay in tune with our mental, emotional, and physical states. Prioritizing self-care through activities such as regular exercise, healthy eating, adequate sleep, and relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga is essential.
Mindful time management helps balance work, rest, and play, ensuring we don’t overcommit and have enough downtime to recharge.
Emotional management is essential and includes healthy ways to process and express emotions, such as journaling, talking to a trusted friend or therapist, or engaging in creative activities. Setting boundaries, learning to say no, and protecting our time, energy, and resources help us manage our lives effectively. Seeking support when needed, whether from friends, family, or professionals, ensures that we don’t carry burdens alone.
Invoking The Power And Beauty Of Freya
The goddess Freya has a special place in my spiritual self-care routine. I often turn to her when I need extra guidance and support.
Freya is the ancient Norse goddess of love, beauty, fertility, and war. She is one of the most important deities in Norse mythology, embodying the ultimate ancient archetype for ‘girl power’ and ‘boss lady’ energy.
She is traditionally revered for her deep wisdom, boundless compassion, and fierce protection. Invoking her divine feminine power has brought much transformative and empowering energy to many aspects of my life.
In Norse folklore, Freya rides a chariot drawn by two large, powerful cats and is often depicted wearing the Brísingamen necklace, a symbol of her power and beauty.
The Brísingamen was created by four dwarves known for their exceptional craftsmanship. The necklace symbolizes beauty, desire and the power of attraction. It also represents Freyja’s connection to the earth and its fertility.
Freya is the leader of the Valkyries, the warrior maidens who choose those who may die and those who may live in battle. Freyja is said to receive half of the slain warriors in her heavenly field, Fólkvangr, while the other half go to Odin’s hall, Valhalla.
This dual role highlights her authority and revered status among the gods, bridging the realms of life and death. The Valkyries, under her guidance, serve not only as fierce selectors of the fallen but also as protectors and guides for these chosen souls, ensuring their honored place in the afterlife.
The Choice To Stay In Your Peace And Joy
The other day I was sitting in a park surrounded by people. Some were sitting in chairs, looking up at the trees, seemingly in a state of pure relaxation, with no thoughts in their minds, just taking in the nature and sounds around them.
I felt a deep sense of peace and tranquillity, having just meditated before coming to the park. I had spread a blanket under my favourite oak tree with a book in my hand.
I looked around and saw a young family. The children were playing, throwing a ball back and forth, while the father was absorbed in his mobile phone. The mother was busy preparing a picnic, setting the table with a beautiful tablecloth. Eventually they settled down.
On the other side of the park was a lovely play area where families watched their children playing, climbing and jumping.
In the middle of the park, a group of young people were playing volleyball, being quite loud and using foul language. Their behaviour attracted everyone’s attention. The family preparing for the picnic decided to leave, put everything in their cars and drove off. Others sitting in deckchairs and some children in the play area also left.
The noisy volleyball group eventually attracted the attention of a police patrol. I overheard one of the officers reminding them of the ban on alcohol in public parks and urging them to be respectful of others, especially with small children around. Despite the warnings, they remained loud and disrespectful until they finally left.
Astrology Forecast July 22 – 28, 2024
The Sun entering Leo this morning shifts the energies for the next four weeks toward confidence, creativity, and a desire for self-expression. Combined with the influence of an Aquarius Moon, today will be a great time to pursue creative endeavors, connect with others on a deeper emotional level, and embrace both leadership and nurturing roles.
An Aquarius Moon on a Monday combines the emotional and nurturing energy of the Moon with the innovative, rational, and community-oriented qualities of Aquarius. This results in a balanced approach to emotions, innovative problem solving, improved social connections, and a strong focus on humanitarian efforts.
The Aquarius Moon trine Jupiter in Gemini this morning will add a refreshing and positive energy that promotes innovation, effective communication, and a sense of optimism. This aspect is likely to enhance both personal and professional interactions, making for a great start to the week.
Use today’s innovative energy to brainstorm and implement new ideas or projects at work, and explore new ways of dealing with personal emotional challenges by embracing unique and unconventional solutions.
Mercury enters Virgo on Thursday, reinforcing our analytical thinking, clear communication and attention to detail. This transit promotes an environment of efficiency, clarity and constructive communication.
Seeing The Future In Precognitive Dreams
Many people will tell you that they’ve had a precognitive dream at some point in their lives. In short, this is a dream that somehow revealed or predicted a future event or circumstance. Literature, myth, and history are filled with stories of such dreams, from ancient times to the sinking of the Titanic.
The concept of precognitive dreams has fascinated mankind for centuries. In ancient cultures, dreams were seen as messages from the gods or the universe, guiding individuals through their waking lives.
The Bible, for example, contains numerous accounts of prophetic dreams, such as Joseph’s dreams that foretold his rise to power in Egypt. These stories underscore the long-held belief that dreams can provide glimpses into the future.
But how much truth is there in the idea of dreaming the future? Is it really a thing?
Throughout history, people have reported dreams that seemed to predict future events. These precognitive dreams, as they’re called, have included personal tragedies, world-shaping conflicts, and even scientific breakthroughs.
Carl Jung, a prominent Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, was interested in the phenomenon of precognition in dreams. He believed that dreams could sometimes contain elements of future events or insights that were not consciously available to the dreamer. Jung coined the term “synchronicity” to describe meaningful coincidences that defy conventional explanations of cause and effect, suggesting a deeper connection between the psyche and external events.
Is Your Texting Pushing Him Away?
A new client recently contacted me about a promising romantic relationship. The first thing that became clear as I began to read for her was that she had a long history of dating men who seemed like potential long-term partners, but then suddenly disappeared or broke up with her after only a few months.
It quickly also became clear to me that texting was a significant factor in her dating problems. Misunderstandings due to texting have damaged the romantic, family, and friendship relationships of many people I have worked with as a psychic professional. This client was no exception.
As I read the energy around her situation, I sensed that she had a tendency to push men away by unnecessarily panicking when she did not feel completely in control. Guys can sense panic and controlling tendencies and for most men this is usually a big turnoff.
This kind of negative energy is also stressful and doesn’t improve the outcome of an uncertain situation. Excessive obsession, panic, and worry will not bring someone closer to you; in fact, it can push a potential long-term relationship away forever.
I then had to tell her that while I did see the potential for a long-term relationship in their connection, I didn’t currently see a long-term future for them if she continued with all the texting she was doing. I told her to take a step back, breathe, stop worrying so much, and definitely not try to resolve things through texting any more.