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The Many Deaths And Rebirths In Your Lifetime

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comYou have already died many deaths. Many versions of you will ‘die’ in this lifetime. And, many versions of you will be reborn.

Of course, you have also passed through the veil between this life and the next for many past lives. But in this case, I am referring to ‘deaths’ we suffer in this lifetime.

We can identify these dramatic changes, transitions, shifts, or ‘deaths’ in our astrological chart. Your Saturn Return, for example, occurs around the time of our 30th birthday. Our Saturn Return forces us to take an honest look at everything we may have been avoiding until now. It forces us to make much needed changes and improvements. It is the ending of our youth and the birth of our new adult self.

We do not remain the same person throughout our lifetime. Our goals, ideas, and life lessons all serve their purpose until they are phased out to let in new information, new ideas, and new opportunities for growth. If we do this right, life keeps changing us. We continue to grow and expand.

For this purpose, it is wise to interact with people who have different beliefs, practice other religions, and have other political affiliations compared to our own. And more importantly, to really listen to them. We must allow all the information in and trust our intuition to let our beliefs and understanding of life continuously evolve.

Our life experiences constantly challenge and change our ideas, goals, and views. We are constantly shedding our old skin. Just as our body changes every day we are alive, so does our soul. We take in every experience, whether we know it or not. It’s like adding ingredients to a recipe.

Embrace these deaths and births along your life path. They are needed for your soul growth and spiritual expansion. I’ve witnessed over the years some people really fighting change and resisting growth…and it always makes them miserable. Fluidity and acceptance are spiritually essential. Simplicity will bring you inner peace.

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Nagging Thoughts Are Life Lessons

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSometimes I do it too – we all do it. We sit there and rehash stuff in our minds…over and over. We beat ourselves up and say things like, “If only I would have done this”, or “If only I had not said that”.

This kind of thinking really is a waste of time. It can be very draining to sit and analyze things gone by and worry about the past.

Of course, it is certainly better to move with some discernment and caution, while we are going about our day, so we don’t make unnecessary mistakes or fall victim to this kind of regretful thinking later. But it is also important to know that no one is perfect.

Some go about their days not caring what they do or say, and neither do they ever feel the need to do this kind of obsessive thinking about the past. But the majority of us sometimes wonder if we could have done things differently, or feel the need to hold ourselves accountable for every thought, word, action and deed – and that is why we tend to go over things, time and time again.

When you find yourself engaging in this kind of thinking, just stop doing it. Thoughts that just replay events over and over again in your mind is such a waste of energy. Instead consider for a minute how the relevant events are actually a wonderful learning experience.

Those thoughts are there, bugging you, as an opportunity for growth. Ask yourself what you will do or say differently next time, and then you can go about the rest of your day with inner peace and comfort, knowing you that you have gained valuable new knowledge from the experience, and now you can turn it into wisdom for the future. People who learn from themselves and their actions can truly smile, knowing that they can ‘cruise’ along this cosmic wave called life at a higher altitude and higher level of thinking.

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Visualizing Your Soul’s Path

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIf you are currently struggling with feelings of emptiness, loneliness, boredom or a lack of meaning and purpose in your life, it may be that you are not connected to your soul purpose.

We are so much more than just our careers, business pursuits, relationships, family, or home. We are spiritual beings in human form, each with a unique soul path and personal destiny.

To become more aware of our innate spiritual purpose we must pay attention to our inner voice and listen carefully to our heart’s desire. We must find what truly resonates with our soul.

A fun visualization exercise I recommend to anyone looking for clues to their true soul’s path is to imagine the ideal color of your home’s front door.

Imagine coming home on any average day. Were you driving home in a car that needs to be parked in the driveway? Or maybe you took the bus, or were  you walking or biking? Visualize the details your arrival.

Next, see yourself coming up your walkway or entrance facing the front door of your abode.  Now, instead of its current actual color, imagine the ideal new color for your door. What color do you see? The color your spontaneously imagined reflects the interest of your soul.

For example, if you imagine your door to be painted red it may indicate that you operate with a lot of passion and excitement. A light shade of blue may be reflective of freedom of expression, or you are a soul who thinks, feels, and  operates outside the box. A darker navy tone might indicate a more serious nature and a strong sense of commitment to the community. My preferred door color is a bright yellow, which is a sign of my interest in the intuitive and metaphysical realm.

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The Art Of Receiving A Psychic Reading

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comYes, there is an art to receiving a psychic reading. It is an art of the heart.

What is art? Art is an expression of emotion, vision, creativity. It is an expression from the soul, the self. Art is also a skill that is practiced to proficiency in a specific area or aspect of human life.

The more open the heart is, the more that spiritual truth can enter. Before getting a psychic reading, it is worth the time to prepare the heart with careful introspection. The deeper you dive to the core of your inquiry – to the innermost reason why the answer, insight, or guidance you seek is important to you – the greater value you will derive from the answers you will receive.

Getting to the heart of what you need guidance with, or want to know, opens the doorway to spiritual wisdom and clears the pathways to the best reception of information available in the unseen energies that exist.

The clarity of your receptivity pathways will ultimately determine what your psychic advisor will be able to ‘see, hear, feel, and know’ on your behalf. They will only be able to channel the information you are ready to receive.

Although each psychic’s individual gifts may have the capacity for much more, they are nonetheless divinely ordained to only deliver only as much as your heart is able to hold at that given time.

Furthermore, what has not been cleared from your mind and heart can also create ‘static’ in the reading. Every thought and feeling emits an energy, like a radio wave. True psychics are finely tuned to energies and will ‘pick up’ such vibrational frequencies. Therefore, if the real heart of your inquiry is distorted or coagulated by skepticism, pretense, or superficiality of focus, for example, these intruding energies may clutter the clarity of channeled information you might otherwise receive.

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Making The Most Of Dream Healing

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI love dreaming, because it’s like a mini-vacation! I lucid dream all of the time. Many times I will dream of someone who will come to me the next day, always in the same manner in which I had dreamt they would.

I record all of my dreams, because I find it helps me to remember my dreams and not miss the very smallest details. I think it’s so vitally important for everyone to record their dreams, because it opens up one’s psychic awareness.

Dreamtime is the most alive we will ever feel while we are alive. The only other time we feel more alive is when we die and leave our earthly shells; when we depart from this weighed-down realm.

I also love that my dreams allow me to communicate with all my loved ones from all of my past lives, as well as with my spirit guides. I also meet my friends and family in my dreams, while they are also sleeping and astral traveling at the same time as myself. I love that when we communicate in our dreams it doesn’t matter what language we speak, everything we wish to convey happens telepathically.

Like the cord of love that connects us to all of our soulmates and loved ones, the silver cord that connects us our body and soul will never separate when we astral travel and dream. We can go wherever we wish, several universes away, or we can just stick to our own dimension. I love to visit other places and existences. Many times I will remember with cell memory other lives I have had, and truly amazing experiences. I record them, so that I can reflect on them later when I am in a more awake alpha state.

I love tapping into that other 90% of the mind that we do not use. My dreams sometimes are the key that unlocks for me those places in my mind that have been dormant and unvisited for so long. I can sometimes find the answers to questions, like why I fear this or that, or why I don’ want to experience this or that. Because of my dreams I can face my fears and move forward in my life.

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Telepathy Is Our True Spiritual State

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI can read other people’s thoughts. It is known as telepathy, or the direct transference of thoughts from one person to another without using the usual sensory channels of communication. It is a psychic ability, or what parapsychologists refer to as extrasensory perception (ESP).

My first awareness of being telepathic was around age three. As a child I thought everyone could read other people’s thoughts. It wasn’t until my early teens that I realized this was not the case.

Being a telepath is not necessarily fun. I sometimes hear, for example, people judging me in their thoughts. These brief telepathic perceptions can be so sudden and unexpected that they completely stop me in my tracks for a moment.

For instance, I could be teaching a class, and suddenly I ‘hear’ one of the students thinking something hostile, disparaging or disturbing about me. When this happens, it can make it difficult for me to continue speaking or functioning for a few seconds.

I have become much better at dealing with this as an adult, but it was very difficult for me as a child. I would often glare at the person, which I think freaked them out. I have since come to understand that their ‘mean thought’ is very fleeting, and that people have many other thoughts at the same time. They normally do not even notice or remember the thought they had about me, so they would not know why I was glaring at them.

Consider your own thought patterns and self-talk habits for a moment. Most people have a lot going on in their mind all at once. Imagine how overwhelming this can be for someone else – to get into your head and hear some of that chatter. Some of it can actually be quite alarming or upsetting. Being telepathic can be both a blessing and a curse.

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Transitioning With Grace

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAutumn always awakens my awareness of transitions. Not only does the entire scenery change color, but each individual leaf on every tree is in a constant shift of shades of greens, golds, yellows, oranges, and reds. With every shifting shade and combination of them, the pattern of the palette continuously alters too.

Then, of course, there is the falling of the leaves – the gradual transition from tree to ground, from full foliage to bareness in various new measures day by day. The rise and set of the sun, and the length of the night and light incrementally inch through their own thresholds as well.

Like the changing season, life is full of transitions. From the moment the soul enters the womb, an endless sequence of them begins. The body develops in a rapid succession of changes, then carries the soul from womb to world.

In the world, the embodied soul then undergoes transition through various ages and stages, growing from infant to toddler to child to adolescent to adult, until gradually winding down to leave the body behind and proceed to the next one or world.

In between, you and I – the embodied souls – may face a multitude of additional transitions in relationships, careers, residences, levels of consciousness, and more. Such transitions – even the best of them – are not easy. They naturally incorporate intervals of instability in the liminal spaces between here and there. Transitions entail shedding, releasing, letting go of the old that was, and then birthing and rebirthing the next and new phase that will be. They empty us out and fill us up, again and again. Transitions are not easy; they may even make us feel queasy!

So, how can we move through the endless array of life’s transitions gracefully? As with all things, there are probably as many ways as there is individuality among people. What I share are simply some of the ones I have found especially helpful.

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