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Astrology Forecast September 2 – 8, 2024

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Today’s Virgo New Moon brings a powerful blend of new beginnings and practical energy.

Virgo, an earth sign, is known for its attention to detail, organization, and focus on health and routine. When the new moon occurs in Virgo, it’s an ideal time to set intentions related to self-improvement, work habits, and wellness routines.

Today and tomorrow’s lunar energy is therfore perfect for cleaning up your life, both physically and mentally, and making plans to achieve your goals with precision and discipline.

You may feel an increased urge to get organized, refine your daily routines, and focus on improving areas of your life that need more structure and efficiency. Be careful not to be overly critical of yourself or others, however, as Virgo’s energy can sometimes tend toward perfectionism.

When Mars enters Cancer on Wednesday, its fiery, assertive energy meets Cancer’s nurturing and emotional realm, creating a complex dynamic.

Mars, the planet of action and drive, becomes more sensitive and protective in Cancer, often leading to an increased focus on home, family, and personal safety. This transit can make us more motivated to defend our loved ones and emotional boundaries, but it can also cause mood swings or passive-aggressive behavior, as Cancer’s influence can temper Mars’ direct approach.

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Astrology Forecast July 8 – 14, 2024

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Venus weaves much of her lovely magic this week through several planetary aspects and a major transit. Get ready for a heightened focus on relationships, pleasure, and creative self-expression – but with a twist or two!

Today, Venus in Cancer sextiles Uranus in Taurus, infusing the start of the week with unexpected yet positive emotional and relational shifts.

It will be a great day for creatives and innovators, as creative endeavors flourish with innovative ideas and unique expressions that add a spark to routine tasks or projects. This aspect encourages embracing change and finding beauty in the unconventional, making it a great day to try something new, whether in personal relationships or aesthetic pursuits.

Thursday Venus reigns supreme as she casts several sensual spells on us, so buckle up! Thursday morning Venus trine Neptune, together with Moon sextile Venus, brings a wave of dreamy idealism, romantic vibes and a harmonious blend of emotions and desires. We’ll feel naturally affectionate and receptive to love, making it easier to connect with others and openly express our feelings.

We’ll see the world (and potential partners) through rose-colored glasses, fostering compassion, creativity and a desire for beauty. It will be a good time to connect with our artistic talents, embrace forgiveness, and let intuition guide us toward love that feels divinely inspired.

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Astrology Forecast July 1 – 7, 2024

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This week’s astrological highlights include Neptune going retrograde, Mercury moving into Leo, and a Cancer New Moon on Friday.

With all these changes happening this week, we may want to be mindful and pay attention as our moods and energies shift almost daily.

Luckily, the week starts off with a sensible Taurus Moon today, allowing us to maximize our productivity before things become both intensly introspective and contemplative, yet also expressive and dramatic, starting tomorrow.

This aspect provides a grounding and stabilizing influence today, fostering a calm, balanced mindset that encourages practical action and a more pragmatic focus. Use this lunar influence to establish a routine for the rest of the week, organize your schedule, and take care of outstanding financial matters.

Tomorrow is the most cosmically significant day of the week, as both Neptune goes retrograde and Mercury enters Leo.

Neptune’s retrograde will encourage introspection and a reevaluation of our dreams, delusions, assumptions and beliefs. Over the next five and a half months, until December 7th, the veil between reality and fantasy will thin, leading us to confront truths we may have avoided until now. It will be a time of inner exploration, uncovering hidden motivations and dispelling unrealistic expectations.

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Astrology Forecast June 17 – 23, 2024

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Cancer vibes reign supreme this week as Mercury, Venus and the Moon all transit into this emotional water sign today, followed by the Sun on Thursday, heralding the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere.

The annual summer solstice marks a time of renewal and growth. With several planets in Cancer at the time of this year’s summer solstice, this week is likely to be especially potent for personal development and home life.

This powerful astrological alignment will especially affect our emotions, relationships, communication, and overall energy. The alignment of these planets will create a harmonious and balanced energy, ideal for starting new projects related to home and family.

This configuration can also be a powerful time for emotional healing and the release of past traumas. It’s a good time to focus on self-care and nurturing your emotional well-being.

But proceed with caution, as emotions can run deep this week, leading to increased sensitivity and possibly moodiness. Decisions may also be influenced more by feelings than logic.  Instead, use this emotional energy to honor your feelings and those of others. You may feel a greater need to care for others and to seek emotional security.

In terms of communication, our conversations may focus more on home, family and emotional issues. We will feel a greater need for security and comfort in love. There may be a focus on personal safety, both emotional and physical. Prioritize strengthening family bonds and creating a nurturing home environment. This week is a good time to set goals related to home improvement or family matters.

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Astrology Forecast April 15 – 21, 2024

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The week begins with a Cancer Half Moon today, meaning the Moon is at a 90-degree angle to the Sun. This lunar energy brings focus to issues of emotional and security needs, as Cancer is associated with home, family, and emotional nourishment.

Cancer is ruled by the Moon, so emotions tend to run high during this phase. We may be more sensitive, intuitive and introspective. We will also be more focused on domestic matters, and there may be a greater need for emotional support and connection with others.

Given Cancer’s focus on personal life, this lunar phase may make balancing work and home life more challenging. Emotional distractions and an increased need for security could affect productivity or interactions with colleagues. Rather than focusing on work, we may instead be preoccupied with issues of comfort, care, and connection with others, especially family members.

The emotional intensity of this phase can also lead to conflict, both in personal relationships and in public. It’s important to be aware of your words and actions. The protective and sometimes possessive nature of Cancer energy can also cause tension if not handled with awareness and compassion. Given the potential for heightened emotions and sensitivity, taking a moment to reflect before responding to challenges can prevent misunderstandings and conflict.

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Navigating Relationship Conflict With Astrology Humor

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comNavigating a lover’s quarrel can range from simple and fleeting disagreements to complex and time-consuming arguments and feuds.

In the midst of such challenges, a sense of humor can sometimes be a good thing, providing a quick relief valve and a broader perspective on the situation. A little humor can even prevent us from saying or doing things we later regret!

A great source of humor is our zodiac sign. Understanding how our partner’s sign and our own might handle relationship conflict differently can actually help one see the funny, lighter side of even a serious disagreement.

Throughout my years as a psychic reader, I’ve certainly noticed the humor in how different clients handle arguments with their partners based on their signs.

Different zodiac signs have different communication styles. Knowing your partner’s style and your own can help you appreciate the differences and find humor in miscommunication. Each sign also has its flaws, and recognizing them can help you approach conflict with a greater sense of humor. Instead of seeing flaws as insurmountable problems, see them as opportunities for growth and laughter.

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Astrology Forecast July 3 – 9, 2023

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comA Capricorn Full Moon sets the scene today for a potentially temperamental, irritable start to the week. The Moon’s opposition to Mercury in Cancer is likely to add to this ticking time bomb. So, take care to center yourself!

Tread lightly at home with significant others, find your inner peace before you venture out, and try to avoid unnecessary contact with relatives, as this lunar energy is notorious for its tendency to trigger family conflict and drama. You may also have a ‘bad hair’ moment this morning, and feel very indecisive about what to wear. Just keep it simple and go with that go-to favorite outfit.

A calm, focused state of mind is especially vital today and tomorrow to ensure that we will complete obligations, tie up loose ends, and release it, as once the Moon moves into Aquarius on Wednesday, we want to be ready for the next cycle to pursue new projects, adventures, and goals.

The key to bringing our dreams to life is to begin within, nurturing them energetically, before manifesting them in the physical world. The Moon in Pisces on Friday and Saturday will prove a great time to do just that.

By Sunday we’ll be ready to take action on our new plans and ideas. Spurred on by the Aries Moon, we should see great progress in the days to come. It’s not typical to see such powerful activity when the Sun is in Cancer, but all the planets seem to be aligned for an assertive shift forward, so go ahead and dust off those manifesting skills this weekend.

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