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The Empowering Flame Of Archangel Uriel

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIf you are feeling overwhelmed, depleted, extremely worried, lost and lonely, or in need of a major divine intervention, or a powerful spiritual boost, then calling on Archangel Uriel for support and guidance may be a wise choice.

Archangel Uriel symbolizes the omnipotent power of God, the giver of life. The name Uriel means ‘the fire of God.’ His role is to awaken higher consciousness in all people.

Uriel is held as the patron of wisdom and protector of teachers, ministers, and philosophers. With the fire of his flame, Saint Uriel spreads truth and wisdom throughout the world. This angel is the defender of the sense of the spirit, and guardian of the straight and clear path to achieving the glory of God.

Uriel is credited with the mighty force and spirit of life. The representation of him with a flame of fire symbolizes his duty: to ignite the conscience of men through the fire of truth.

He is known as the angel of those who seek truth and knowledge. Those who come seeking the help of this archangel often need guidance and wisdom to make the right choice in their lives.

Each archangel represents a direction: Raphael for the East, Gabriel for the West, Michael for the South, and Uriel for the North. This can be helpful when we meditate on a particular archangel.

We can approach the Archangel Uriel to ask for help in crucial matters; to ask for wisdom, divine inspiration, and transform that inspiration into decisive action. He is also known to be the archangel of prophecy and psychic ability and therefore the ideal angel to work with in psychic development or to expand your intuitive skills. When you ask for his help in this regards, he will begin to regularly guide you through daily intuitions, clairvoyant visions, and prophetic dreams.

Archangel Uriel helps us live our worthiness and find our freedom from abusive situations which diminish our value. Archangel Uriel heals any loss of self-respect. He helps us find empowerment in our own value so we can shine our light on to the world and claim our good ~ Ambika Wauters

Prayer To Invoke Archangel Uriel

Beloved Archangel Uriel, I invoke you in the name of the Creator Father, Almighty God, wrap me in the Gold-ruby flame, fill my being with Peace, Grace, and Providence.

Fill my world with divine fire and lift my soul above all obstacles. May your presence guide my steps and empower my actions.

Defend me from my enemies and cure my body and soul of all evil. Please guard me and carry my prayers to the holy presence of God. May your intercession release me from present dangers and become my constant shield.

Glorious Archangel Uriel, divine flame, mighty in strength, I ask for your power to guide and sustain me through all spiritual or temporal affliction. My protector, grant me the grace that I request of you, if it is convenient for the good of my soul. Accompany me and guide all my steps until I reach eternal life. Amen.

About The Author: Paul

Paul is literally living his dream, counseling others from a bustling neighborhood in Buenos Aires, in the very place he dreamt of living as a boy. Born with a Clairvoyance that he desired to explore further, he developed his gifts as an initiate of a prominent esoteric school, studying under the tutelage of a Master who helped him to tap into the Divine Presence through Tarot and the Runes. Paul studied the Qabalah and Ceremonial Magic and founded a research group with some friends, which focused on applying spiritual principles to everyday life. For over twenty years, he has shared his talents and knowledge with others, becoming a sought after teacher as well as a highly valued Intuitive counselor. If you would like the deeper meanings of your situation revealed to you and are willing to journey with him down a path that will give you clear answers and fulfillment in your life, You can find Paul at

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