Astrology Forecast September 4 – 10, 2023
Jupiter goes retrograde today in Taurus where it will be the rest of the year. Jupiter is the planet of growth, expansion and risk-taking. It also rules higher truth, law, philosophy, and spiritual wisdom.
When Jupiter goes retrograde, these influences are turned inward and we may find ourselves reflecting more on our personal and spiritual growth, and where we may lack the courage and determination to make necessary changes in our lives.
In Taurus, Jupiter’s retrograde energy will steer our self-reflection over the next few months towards new opportunities for growth and future possibilities for expansion; recognizing where we may have been lazy in our past efforts; the need to improve our financial situation by saving and investing for the future; evaluating where our lives may currently lack security and stability; and revising our goals and plans to include more effort and risk-taking in the future.
A Taurus Moon today and tomorrow makes these first two days the most productive of the week. Once the Moon moves into Gemini on Wednesday, social interaction will take center stage as we enjoy being around people and making new friends.
Our attention will shift to learning new things and sharing our thoughts and ideas with others. This is also a great time to network and build business relationships. But try not to be restless and stay focused to make the most of this transit.
Things will ease up on Friday and Saturday under a nurturing Cancer Moon that turns our attention to the comforts of home and family. If you are empathic or highly sensitive, you may feel a strong desire to care for others over the weekend. It is good to be kind and nurturing, but be careful not to do so at the expense of your own self-care. In order to truly be there for others, we must also care for ourselves.
Fortunately, there will be a great opportunity for some quality ‘me time’ on Sunday, when the Moon moves into Leo, giving you a chance to nurture yourself and indulge in your favorite battery recharging activities.
How To Manifest Your Best Life
As spiritual beings in physical form, we are the conscious creators of our best life and have the divine power to shape our own destiny. We create our future every day with our free will. But contrary to what some believe, this is not just a matter of positive thinking, daydreaming, or casually wishing for a better future without being proactive.
To achieve what we want in life, we must take daily action steps that will lead to the achievement of our goals and manifest the results we desire.
If you have been wishing for a better life and a brighter future with little success, the following strategies can empower you to achieve better results. By implementing these tactics gradually, one day at a time, you will see a major change in your life.
Gratitude is the mother of all manifestation efforts. When we are grateful for what we already have, we attract more of what we want.
Seems simple, right? Yet we easily forget to count our blessings and tend to be very ungrateful. Instead of celebrating what is good in our lives, we tend to focus on what is wrong or missing. When we are constantly sulking or complaining, we are self-sabotaging because wherever our focus goes, energy flows.
How To Manifest The Love Of Your Life
The Law of Attraction has become a widely practiced metaphysical principle in popular culture since the success of the 2006 book and film The Secret, which is based on the spiritual teachings of the New Thought movement that began in the late 18th century.
New Thought is a spiritual philosophy based on the notion that everything in the universe is essentially energy, including our beliefs, ideas and thoughts, and that like energy attracts like energy. This is known as the Law of Attraction, one of several universal, metaphysical laws that govern the Universe.
The practice of this universal law to manifest personal goals or outcomes has become more common in post-modern metaphysics and alternative spirituality, especially as information has become more readily available through the Internet.
But while there is a vast amount of information available on the subject today, the Law of Attraction is often misunderstood and poorly applied in the practice of manifestation.
There are certain avoidable pitfalls that cause many inexperienced practitioners to become frustrated, disappointed or to give up before achieving their goals. This is especially true when it comes to manifesting romantic love.
If you have not had the best results with your manifestation efforts and are still hoping to attract a better love life, try the following improvement strategies to increase the success of your manifestation efforts. These techniques can be used to attract a new relationship, as well as to improve an existing relationship or marriage.
Paranormal Encounters In Unexpected Places
People generally believe that cemeteries, historic battlefields, and old buildings such as castles, forts, and mental hospitals are the most haunted places. The truth is that paranormal activity can be found in many other unexpected and less stereotypical locations.
In fact, as a psychic, I find a cemetery to be a very peaceful place to visit. People sometimes laugh at me when I tell them that I like to go to cemeteries just to walk around and look at the life stories of the people on their headstones.
To be honest, I have never felt the presence of any malevolent energy or restless spirit in a cemetery. To me, a cemetery is like a little piece of heaven on earth. It is truly a sanctuary; a sacred place of peace and rest. I could easily spend the night in a cemetery and sleep like a baby. Graveyards are not haunted in my experience.
Now, a junkyard full of old, wrecked cars is a whole different situation. Creepy, to say the least! Many drivers have died suddenly in these cars and their spirits have never left the vehicle because they have the impression that they’re still in this life and on their way to their destination.
You see, often when a person dies very suddenly, they don’t go towards the light and cross over to the other side. They do not realize that they are no longer alive.
That is why you could not pay me to visit a junkyard. Just driving by and seeing such a place from a distance scares me! I have endless admiration for the people who restore old cars from these places. I can only imagine what kind of residual energies they bring home with them.
The Keys To Manifesting Success
In the book The Law of Attraction, authors Esther and Jerry Hicks write, “The more you come to understand the power of the Law of Attraction, the more interest you will have in deliberately directing your thoughts — for you get what you think about, whether you want it or not.”
Many people practice various manifestation techniques in an attempt to get the Law of Attraction to work for them, including visualization, journaling, prayer, vision boards, focus wheels, affirmations, dreamwork, and so on. Some succeed spectacularly, while others, sadly, fail miserably at manifesting their desires.
If this has been your experience, know that there is always a solution! Since the universal Law of Attraction definitely works for some people, it surely must work for everyone. All that is usually required are a few adjustments to one’s approach to the manifesting process.
Consider the following practical strategies as potential keys to your manifesting success:
Be Relaxed
Try to be as relaxed as possible when doing any kind of manifestation exercise. Stress and tension make us negative, but to manifest we need to be relaxed and positive. We can only attract what we resonate with, because like attracts like. You cannot attract positive things into your life if you are in a negative state of mind. Do your manifesting work in a grateful, joyful mood in a comfortable, quiet environment. Continue reading
Life Lessons From Spirit That Make Us Stronger
As we wander through life, we often face many roadblocks, many stumbling blocks and many disappointments. There are many questions that arise as we walk our path and at times it feels like the entire world is against us, as we progress on our journey.
Many people blame God, Source, Spirit, the Divine, or other people for the situations they are in, and cannot get past. This simply an illusion that we create in our humanness. Spirit does not want us to fail in life. Spirit does not want us to be unhappy. Spirit does not want us to live a pauper’s life.
It is time to sit down, take a look at all what has happened to you and discover two things about each situation. Why did it happen, and what was the lesson you learned from it? As you look at the examples of pain, suffering or disappointment in your life, what do you see? Were they life lessons from spirit?
For example, you have been with the love of your life for many years. One day your your beloved unexpectedly abandons you for another person. What could you have done to prevent this? What could you have done differently? Why were you not enough? You were in love, totally and unconditionally devoted to this person, and you thought they felt the same way about you. Why did they do this to you?
In almost all cases where this happens, there is nothing you could have done to prevent this. It was not you who walked out of the relationship or marriage; it was your partner. And all people have free will and free choice. This was not your decision to make.
Astrology Forecast August 28 – September 3, 2023
We are in for a busy week astrologically, starting with Uranus going retrograde today.
While outer planets can be subtle when they begin a retrograde period, Uranus is the exception, as its very nature is to create unexpected changes. In combination with the Moon passing through Aquarius (the sign Uranus rules) today and tomorrow, it’s best to expect the unexpected.
More annoying than problematic, some of the problems this scenario may cause is oversleeping, overeating, and minor computer or appliance problems. Nothing that comes our way will be too overwhelming to navigate, but it may cause brief delays as we rally to get things back on track.
On Wednesday we’ll have a Blue Moon, meaning it will be waxing full for the second time this month. Thus the saying “once in a blue moon,” to refer to a rare or unexpected event. A Blue Moon usually brings a positive surprise our way, and perhaps this will remedy whatever problems we encountered on Monday. Fingers crossed!
Stay grounded and prepared to face the truth Thursday afternoon, because the Pisces Moon opposite Mercury Retrograde in Virgo could reveal information that may disillusion or compel us to change our mind about a long-held belief. Think carefully before you act and try not to overreact.
If you’re wondering if there will be any quiet days this week, take heart! Friday and Saturday the Aries Moon will restore our energy and get us back on track in no time. And there’s more good news. On Sunday, Venus will end its six-week retrograde and go direct, bringing back the love, passion and beauty that this planet is known for.
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