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Increase Your Power And Influence With Charisma

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comCharisma is a skill that can have a profound impact on our personal and professional lives. It is often wrongly assumed that charisma is a personality trait or talent that some people are born with. The truth is charisma is a learned behavior and skill that can be developed by anyone.

Charisma is the magnetic ability to attract, charm, and persuade others with our words and actions. The term originates from the Greek khárisma, which means ‘favor freely given,’ or ‘gift of grace,’ because the ancients believed that possessing this quality was a divine gift bestowed only upon those who were favored by the gods.

It is generally associated with people who are confident, engaging, and influential. By cultivating charisma, we become more effective at reaching and connecting with others, which can be invaluable in life.

Whether we are seeking to build stronger, healthier personal relationships, foster better professional connections, or make more friends, having a strong presence and the ability to engage with others is a key factor for success. Charisma is not about being arrogant, manipulative, or insincere. Rather it is about being authentic and genuine, while also being able to express ourselves in a way that resonates with others.

Charismatic people are skilled communicators who are able to listen actively, empathize with others, and express themselves clearly and persuasively. They are also able to project confidence, enthusiasm, and positivity, which can be infectious and uplifting to those around them.

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Meditating On An Archangel

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comArchangels are powerful celestial beings who serve as messengers or agents of God, and who offer protection, guidance, and healing to those who call upon them. They are found in various spiritual traditions, including Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Gnosticism.

Meditating on an archangel is a powerful way to deepen your spiritual practice and connect with God, Source, Spirit, the Divine. For the best results it is important to select the archangel that best corresponds with your personal development, spiritual growth, healing, or manifesting goals.

The seven archangels are Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Jophiel,  Ariel, Azrael, and Chamuel. Each of these angelic beings are associated with specific correspondences, including colors, elements, planets, and virtues. Here are some of the correspondences for the four main archangels in the Judeo-Christian tradition:

Archangel Michael: Michael is associated with the color red, the element of fire, the planet Mercury, and the virtue of courage. He is depicted as a warrior and protector, and is known for his powerful ability to vanquish evil and defend the righteous.

Archangel Gabriel: Gabriel is associated with the color blue, the element of water, the Moon, and the virtue of purity. He is depicted as a messenger, and is known for delivering important messages from God, including the announcement of the birth of Jesus Christ.

Archangel Raphael: Raphael is associated with the color yellow, the element of air,  the Sun, and the virtue of healing. He is depicted as a guide and healer, and is known for his ability to bring physical, emotional, and spiritual healing to those in need.

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How To Start Living The Life Of Your Dreams

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen I was 21 years old, I had many dreams and ideals, but not much direction in life. At the time I remember feeling very motivated listening to the song Hold On Tight To Your Dreams by The Electric Light Orchestra.  To this day, it still inspires me.

What life has however taught me since those starry-eyed days is that holding onto our dreams is indeed very important, but what is more crucial is taking the necessary action to make it happen. Spirit has shown me that the only way to truly manifest the life of our dreams is to go for it with everything we have: mind, body and soul. To actualize our dreams sooner rather than later, we must approach it with a determined, proactive combination of spirituality and practicality.

Find Your Faith

The first and most important step is to rally the support of spirit. Attempting to achieve our goals without the inspiration, protection and guidance of God, Source, Spirit, the Divine, is an arduous, and often treacherous undertaking. Only fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

Manifesting our dreams in ways we never before deemed possible requires spiritual alignment with our higher self, as well as faith in our ability as children of the Universe to create our best life. Holding on to big dreams without believing in a higher power or something greater than ourselves is a meaningless exercise and a mission impossible.

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Cleansing Rituals Are A Vital Spiritual Practice

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEnergy cleansing should be a key component in our regular spiritual practice. To achieve and maintain a state of higher consciousness and enhanced spiritual awareness, we must constantly aim to purify and rebalance ourselves mind, body and soul.

Purification rituals are traditionally practiced in many world religions and various spiritual traditions embrace tangible cleansing rituals as a way of communing with and manifesting the Divine energy. Water-based rituals of purification are practiced, for example, in the Baháʼí faith, Christianity, Hinduism, Indigenous American religion, traditional African spirituality, Islam, Judaism, Mandaeism, Neopaganism, Shinto, Western esotericism, and Wicca.

It is no accident that animals also clean themselves regularly by grooming their fur or feathers. Nature instinctively understands thatcleanliness is next to godliness.’ Mother Nature also cleanses herself throughout the year with changes in the weather and the succession of the seasons.

I’ve never been much or a ritual or ceremony person myself, but I have come to embrace the need for a regular energy cleansing routine as I have grown in my own spiritual and psychic awareness.

For many years now, one of my go-to rituals is a simple spiritual cleansing bath with Epsom salt. I find it is a wonderful practice to realign my energy flow and restore inner peace and harmony. Nothing beats a proper ‘soul detox’ every few days.

Another practice I’ve adopted of late is chakra candle work. I often use these scented candles to jumpstart a client’s cleansing process, or cleanse and rebalance my own energy. The candle for each chakra is infused with its own combination of essential oils. The heart chakra candle is my personal favorite.  It’s laced with sandalwood, jasmine, and rose essential oils and really packs a punch!

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Online Dating Is Seldom The Problem

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHow does one find that everlasting love so many of us seek? This is the big question. In today’s era of social media and online dating, romance is so very different from the old days, when one would more often meet someone through friends and relatives, or at work. I am not saying that oes not happen anymore, but chances are slim in a new era where more of us are working from home and studies reveal that more than half of adults are experiencing loneliness.

I believe nowadays most people are actually scared to enter the dating scene. Not only does it take one out of your comfort zone, but we have all heard horror stories of people who tried online dating and now feel they will never want to date again. Some people are also adamant that online dating simply does not work.

The truth is quite the opposite however, when one looks at research statistics. For example, in a 2019 study found that meeting online has become the most popular way for couples to connect in the United States.

A 2021 study estimated that about 323 million people worldwide were using dating apps and matchmaking sites to meet new people. A recent survey found that about one in every three people who use these platforms found someone to have a long-term relationship with, and at least 13% of online daters eventually get engaged or married because of using these platforms.

In my experience the dating apps and websites are not the reason why some people fail to meet the right person or have bad experiences with online dating. I have seen time and again in readings I do for clients all over the world that the key elements for dating success are self-love, self-worth, mental health and spiritual awareness.

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Take Some Time To Envision A Better Life

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe most valuable thing we can do for ourselves is to envision a better life and future for ourselves. We are the creators of our own reality and the masters of our own destiny. If your life is not the way you wish it to be, then you can begin to change it for the better starting today.

The best way to begin is to take honest inventory of your life – focusing on those things that are within your control – to determine what achievements and successes you are proud of. At the same time, also take careful look at what you might want to do differently or accomplish going forward.

If you are unhappy with your life as it currently is, know that your circumstances do not need to remain the same for the rest of your life

If we look at our current lifestyle, prosperity and well-being and do not like what we see, it is usually a sign that our level of self-worth or our sense of feeling deserving has been very low and that we have most likely succumbed to negative thinking and beliefs in recent times.

To transform our lives for the better, we must then change our thinking and visualization habits, in order to start attracting the superior conditions and improved quality of life that we would prefer to have in our lives.

It’s perfectly okay to dream of greater glories, whether that means more money, a new home, a loving partner, or something all-encompassing such as delightful happiness, superior health, and true abundance.

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How To Truly Let Them Go

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen a relationship ends, we may find it very difficult to let go of the other person, especially when they have been the one who chose to leave. Friends and clients have often asked me this question. How do I forget him? How do I stop thinking about her? I have asked myself this a few times in my own life too.

My psychic observation has been that consciously trying to forget someone for whom we have strong feelings of love and affection will only serve to make it worse. ‘Forgetting’ someone we love is unnatural and goes against our grain. It only creates resistance that further increases tension and intensifies our pain.

So, it is usually better, but not easier, to channel or process our feelings of love and affection for another soul, in a more constructive, liberating way. This includes honoring the freedom of every soul’s path in relationship with God, Source, Spirit, the Divine.

It is essential to let our feelings flow, because emotions are energy in motion (e-motion). The energy will move through and in time lessen, like storm clouds passing through the sky, until the sun is visible to the eyes again.

Keeping the heart open is an important part of this process. The vision God gives me to describe this is of being in your home, going about your own life within it, with all your attention focused on the activities, surroundings, and experiences of the moment, and simply being present with what you have and what is, while the front door remains open in the background.

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