spiritual protection
Your Spirit Guides Are Always Listening
As the turmoil of this time on our planet is happening – the lockdowns, the frustrations, the fears and worries, the isolation, and the anger – you may feel lost, or all alone in this world. It may be affecting your mental and emotional state, as well as your physical well-being.
When the negativity of all that is happening starts to affect you, turn off the news and even more so, turn off all social media! There are too many ill-advised souls on social media that are experts at creating chaos and turmoil, and causing unnecessary anxiety about the pandemic.
Instead, when things are difficult, turn to your spirit guides. Take the time to spend a few minutes simply being in the moment and talking to spirit on a daily basis.
Your spirit guides hear you, as they are always listening. They will hold you in their arms and empower you with renewed courage and inner strength. But, you have to let them in, and trust that they are there for you.
Your angels and guides will never desert you. They are listening at all times. They hear every word you speak, as well as those that you don’t. They feel your energy and want you to lay your burdens on them, and not carry the burden all by yourself.
Finding Peace And Strength In Trying Times
The past few months has been a very trying time for all of us. It is easy to get worked up over where we are right now, and become anxious about the future.
At the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, a wave of fear and worry crashed over us. We were wondering if there would be ‘enough.’ Enough food, enough hand sanitizer and disinfectant, enough hospital beds, enough money to pay the bills, and even enough toilet paper! No longer were we looking to ‘keep up with the Joneses.’ Instead we were looking to make sure our households were safe and just had the basics.
During this time, I was reminded of all of the Laura Ingalls Wilder books I read as a young girl. She also lived in a time when they were not sure if they would have the necessities to live out a harsh winter. Here I was now, all these yea healthy and protected. Everyday items universe tie into all of this you may ask? Many have wondered if they were on the right path with decisions being made during this crucial time. Worrying if work will be there for you we normally would take for granted suddenly took on a new significance.
These fallout of the coronavirus pandemic, and subsequent lockdowns all over the world, have also caused many of us to wonder if we were on the right path with decisions being made during this crucial time. Many have been worrying about our jobs and businesses, and whether or not we will be able to pay our bills.