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spiritual awareness

Visualizing Your Soul’s Path

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIf you are currently struggling with feelings of emptiness, loneliness, boredom or a lack of meaning and purpose in your life, it may be that you are not connected to your soul purpose.

We are so much more than just our careers, business pursuits, relationships, family, or home. We are spiritual beings in human form, each with a unique soul path and personal destiny.

To become more aware of our innate spiritual purpose we must pay attention to our inner voice and listen carefully to our heart’s desire. We must find what truly resonates with our soul.

A fun visualization exercise I recommend to anyone looking for clues to their true soul’s path is to imagine the ideal color of your home’s front door.

Imagine coming home on any average day. Were you driving home in a car that needs to be parked in the driveway? Or maybe you took the bus, or were  you walking or biking? Visualize the details your arrival.

Next, see yourself coming up your walkway or entrance facing the front door of your abode.  Now, instead of its current actual color, imagine the ideal new color for your door. What color do you see? The color your spontaneously imagined reflects the interest of your soul.

For example, if you imagine your door to be painted red it may indicate that you operate with a lot of passion and excitement. A light shade of blue may be reflective of freedom of expression, or you are a soul who thinks, feels, and  operates outside the box. A darker navy tone might indicate a more serious nature and a strong sense of commitment to the community. My preferred door color is a bright yellow, which is a sign of my interest in the intuitive and metaphysical realm.

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Our Totems And Spirit Animals

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIt is my belief that we all have animal spirit guides that guide and support us along our life journey.

Each spirit animal represents a different aspect of life. Some show up when we need their particular energy or receive their symbolic message, while others show up consistently throughout our lifetime. These animals, birds, mammals, reptiles, and even fish, are like our personal totems.

I have three main spirit totems: the eagle, the red tail hawk, and the owl. Each has shown up consistently in my life, especially when there is a time of adversity, grief, or crisis occurring.

I was made of aware of these three totems early in my life, when I consulted with an indigenous elder. He gave me my spiritual name: Soaring Free. I instantly loved my name. It represents the proud eagle that soars on high, the red tail hawk that soars in broad circles high in the air, and the owl that is wise and roams free.

The Eagle

After my parents passed away, I was cleaning their house. Not only was I grieving at the time, I was also very distraught, having to decide whether to sell their home or not. I was not at all sure if it would be the right thing to do.

Then, I asked my angels to give me a sign. Moments later, as I looked down towards the lake, there were two beautiful bald eagles sitting on the edge of a tree branch.

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Saved By An Angel

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMany years ago, I had a series of past life regression sessions with a gentleman whom I considered a mentor. I enjoyed hearing his life story, and about his journey to becoming an excellent esoteric counsellor.

In one of our conversations, I was telling him about my experience of seeing angels when I was about nine years old. And then he said something that surprised me.

“You know, I met my guardian angel once, and he was absolutely charming!”

I had no reason not to believe him, as he was a very honest and open person. Being by nature very curious, I immediately wanted to know more about his mystical experience. I was fascinated, as it is a rarely discussed subject

He then told me about a particularly dark, difficult period he was going through in his late twenties. In this negative phase of his life, he was not yet embracing his gifts as a psychic and esoteric counsellor.

He was rock bottom, feeling like a failure. He had resorted to various substances to dull the pain of his traumatic childhood, his sensitivity to other people´s negative energy, as well as “feeling like an absolute waste of space.”.

He had been avoiding emotional pain in any way he could through self-medicating, overwork, and basically trying to fit in with everyone else, whether they were friends, family, or colleagues. But it wasn´t working for him anymore.

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Power Of Love, Or Love Of Power?

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comYou may be familiar with the myth about the city of Atlantis and the civilization that is believed to have once existed there. The inhabitants of Atlantis are also believed to have been very advanced spiritually, much more than we are today. They were a psychic people and possibly communicated telepathically. They were able to build amazing structures and move impossibly large objects, and also do other amazing things that would be unheard of at that time.

The Atlanteans also used crystals, like some of us do today, and they had a higher spiritual or cosmic consciousness. It certainly must have been a very saintly realm. But, as the story goes, there came the influence of a dark, negative energy that made material things look more and more attractive to this advanced people. They turned to material desires and increasingly sought material gain and self-indulgence.

Sometimes it seems we are also going the same way. These days people are more interested in personal gain, getting rich, and owning more. Personally, I find it very sad and disturbing. I believe the first downfall for Atlantis was when they started applying their spiritually advanced abilities for the purpose of self-indulgence and material prosperity.

I don’t want this to happen to life as we know it for us. I am very fortunate to work with some of the best psychics on the internet at Psychic Access. We all have a true gift and we use it to help and guide others, and serve our fellow man. But there are also those in our field who also have the gift, but they use it for self-gain and profit, certainly not to help others. They live selfishly and for self enrichment.

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When You Wish Upon A Star

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMy dad always said one should make a wish on the very first star that you see every night. Anything your heart desires will come true. When you see, or hear the word star…what emotions arise in you?

Think of how many up-lifting songs have been written about the stars. The first song many people learn on an instrument is often Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. It reminds me of the theme song for the Walt Disney classic, Pinocchio. It is such a ‘feel-good’ song. When you wish upon a star it makes no difference who you are.

For some of us a star was the very first symbol that made us feel good about ourselves as children. In kindergarten getting a star for a job well done was a big deal! It always had such a sense of pride to show my parents at the end of a week how many gold star papers I had acquired.

A great pastime for children, especially at summer camp here in Maine, is laying on the ground looking up at the stars and hoping to see a shooting star.

Night people often say they get their batteries recharged by looking at the moon and stars. It brings them a sense of peace and hope for the future. One thing we can always count on is the sun, moon and stars will shine again.

Looking at the heavens for answers, ancient mariners used the stars to navigate where they were on the ocean. Sailors learned how to navigate by watching the movement of the stars.

According to natural navigating coach, Tristan Gooley, the North Star, known as Polaris is directly above the North Pole. “This means that whenever we point towards the spot on the horizon directly below the North Star, we must be pointing north,” he writes.

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Spiritual Awareness Belongs To Everyone

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe other day, while eating breakfast with my family, my son teased me by calling me a ‘boomer.’ Annoyed, I looked up from my phone and asked him why he said that? Apparently, I was holding my phone ‘incorrectly’ and I had the nerve to gingerly scroll the menu with my pinky finger in the air!

“Mom, you are holding the phone like an old lady, squinting your eyes to see the screen, because you’re a boomer.”

“Well excuse me, Mr. Gen Z,” I replied, trying not to laugh. “You have it all wrong, as I happen to be a proud member of Generation X. I was not born during the time of the ‘baby boomers.’

This brought up a family discussion about younger generations acting as if they are so ‘woke,’ and automatically assuming their parents and grandparents are ignorant or behind the times. Meanwhile it seems most younger people are not necessarily as aware and informed as they’d like to believe they are.

I remember when I was young adult, thinking that my parents and grandparents were ‘square’ and did not possess all the wisdom they seemed to claim they had. So, to be fair, I displayed the same youthful arrogance or pomposity back then that my son did at the breakfast table.

While I was doing the breakfast dishes, the conversation got me thinking about humanity and how we have evolved as a species. When does change in behavior really occur and what is it that makes a person spiritually aware and truly wise? What is spiritual awakening and what does the term mean to most people?

Many spiritual seekers use the term ‘awakening’ loosely to refer to an inner epiphany or a change in personal consciousness that makes one ‘more special’ or ‘superior to others,’ but I don’t think true awakening is anything like that.

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The Ripple Effect Of Kindness

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAlthough I am usually very careful with online transactions, I received a notification yesterday of two unknown online purchases for the same amount, but from separate companies, both debited to my credit card without my knowledge.

It´s been a few years since I have been scammed in this way, so when I began investigating the matter it soon became obvious that online fraud has become rife in recent years. It’s much more complicated and frustrating to sort this out with vendors and the bank than it used to be. It was certainly a lesson for me to be more careful in future.

However, an unexpected blessing came from the mishap, as it often does. At the end of the first phone call I made to report the issue, the call center agent who assisted me thanked me for “being so nice to him.” When I asked him what he meant, he said my voice had soothed him and that he consequently felt a great sense of calm. He explained that people usually begin these call by yelling at him, as if he is somehow to blame.

“Well, it´s hardly your fault,” I said.

He continued by saying that customers are usually very angry and upset. Although he is trained to handle such calls, and understand the frustration of the callers, one never really get used to the feeling of being attacked and insulted – simply for doing your job.

I felt blessed after our interaction to know that I had impacted someone´s day positively. It reminded me that our words and actions really can make or break someone´s day.

It reminded me of the time when I used to work for an airline, many years ago. Our service training was heavily focused on customer care, particularly as this particular airline didn´t have a great reputation for punctuality or customer service in those days. Management was making a concerted effort to rectify their bad reputation.

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