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Healing Your Inner Dialogue

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMost of us talk to ourselves when we are alone, In fact, research findings on this phenomenon dates back as far as the 1880’s, concluding it is a common, normal behavior. However, doing it when others are around is probably less common, but if it makes you happy…go for it!

As spirit beings we all have an inner dialogue going on, pretty much at all times. At times we are highly conscious of it, but mostly it is like a white noise that punctuates the rest of our never-ending thoughts.

But what is this inner dialogue about? What is it saying to you? And what do you believe about the things you hear in this internal conversation? Have you ever stopped to ask yourself these questions? Do you ever pay proper attention to how you’re engaging in this most intimate conversation?

Our thoughts are energy signals that ultimately become our reality. Therefore, our internal dialogue creates the lens through which we are manifesting our daily reality experience. How we think about and interpret our experiences and emotions, what we believe and pay attention to, determines what we are busy creating for our tomorrow.

So, ask yourself right now: are you mostly kind to yourself? Are you optimistic about your life and the future? I often work with clients who are struggling with a negative view of themselves or a deeply pessimistic view of their reality. If this is you, then it is vital that you make some change to self-talk habits and self-sabotaging thought patterns.

Shifting from a negative mindset and pessimistic self-talk, to a place of empowerment requires determination and focused attention. Doing so can supercharge your ability to manifest a state of flow with Universal abundance.

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Start Your Lifetime Of Happiness Today

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhat does it take to be truly happy? This seemingly simple question is one of the most difficult to answer. As a psychic advisor who has been relaying guidance from spirit for over wo decades, I have come to understand that happiness is determined by several factors. Spirit has repeatedly shown me over the years that true happiness is a holistic thriving of the mind, body, and soul. It is also a unique state of being for every person.

Sometimes people are also more, or less happy than they might realize. And in my experience reading for people all over the world, many folks also have no idea what would truly make them happy. Have you ever asked yourself what makes you happy, or will make you happy? It certainly is not fame and fortune…that much I do know.

In the many relationship and career readings I do, I also find some of my clients tend to put their own needs aside to take care of others. They prioritize other people’s happiness, instead of their own. This is at times very kind and noble, but spirit says it is always important to remember that you matter most in your life, because if you are not happy…you can also not offer others very much for very long.

Too many people give, and give, and compromise, and sacrifice, yet never get much, if anything, in return. Which in turn leaves them feeling empty and miserable to the extent that they are no longer able to be there for themselves, nor anyone else. Taking care of yourself first is not a luxury, but a necessity…and a spiritual duty.

Ask yourself today: Am I happy? If the answer is ‘no’ or ‘not sure’ then ask yourself why? What seems missing? Which of your needs are not being met? When was the last time you felt content or fulfilled, and why? Carefully consider what changes you can make in your life to fill in your happiness gap. This might seem silly or simplistic, but do give it some thought…you might just surprise yourself.

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A Cheater Is Never ‘The One’

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI have been doing love and relationship readings for over 30 years now…and one thing I have learned is that staying in a toxic, soul-crushing relationship with a partner who is cheating never ends well.

I am clairvoyant and therefore able to remote view the lives of my clients. I can see, for example, if there are other women around someone’s husband or boyfriend.

Sadly, whenever this kind of information comes up in a reading, I find some clients refuse to accept the truth of their situation. They are often in denial and believe that their unfaithful partner or spouse will change his ways.

In readings, I also analyze the couple’s astrological compatibility and their romance and marriage aspects – which oftentimes further indicates their partner came into this incarnation with a predisposition for infidelity, polygamy, sex addiction, and so on.

As a seasoned love psychic, I can assure you the best thing most people in such a relationship can do for themselves is to get out of it! Never settle for less than you deserve in a relationship. If you are currently doing that, reflect on your self-worth. Self-respect is impossible without self-love.

Indeed, no relationship is perfect, and it always requires commitment, dedication, hard work, compromise and at times even some personal sacrifice. But this should never include being okay with infidelity and dishonesty. Cheating should be a dealbreaker, no matter what.

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The Wise Approach To Mercury Retrograde

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According to astrology, our lives can be in upheaval when Mercury goes Retrograde. Its effects can be felt by anyone, regardless of your zodiac sign.

However, some signs may be more sensitive to its influence than others. This is because Mercury is the ruler of Gemini and Virgo, and people with strong placements of these signs in their birth charts may be more likely to experience disruptions in communication, technology, and transportation during a Mercury retrograde.

Although this concept is widely touted in the spiritual and metaphysical communities, I find that many people affected by it do not understand its true meaning and are not well informed on how best to deal with it.

Mercury retrograde is indeed a challenging cosmic influence. It tends to feel like we have just finished one round of it, and the next one is already looming on the horizon.

A common side effect of Mercury Retrograde for many people is unexplained nervous energy or restlessness. You feel anxious and stressed about everything, and you can’t figure out why? Sometimes you feel anxious about things that have never bothered you in the past.

You may also have a hard time concentrating on things. Retrograde energy can throw even the most calm and centered person off balance.

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The Courage To Rescue Your Inner Child

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMany people wish they had better memories of their childhood. For some the traumatic experiences of their youth is something they would much rather forget. But spirit has shown me that each piece of our life happens for a reason.

Learning to overcome and rise above the negative events in our life enables us to grow and expand. We do not get to pick and choose the parts we like, and discard the rest in the deepest closet of our mind. We become an empowered, improved version of ourselves when we find healing and forgiveness by redeeming even the worst parts of our life experience.

We all matter. We all bring unique gifts to this world. No matter what has happened to us, we must rescue every lost or damaged moment of our life journey. Those tragic events and awful experiences are what molds us into who we are today and who we are meant to become.

Nobody chooses some the things that might happen to them: family dysfunction, separation, divorce, rivalry, abuse, loss, death. As children we often blame ourselves for the things that happen around us, or we block it out, never wanting to remember it again. But this only means that you have left a part of yourself behind in the darkness of the past. But now that you are older and wiser, wouldn’t it be awesome if you could go back and save that part of you?

As a little girl I loved horses and dogs, but we could not afford to keep any. I made up for it by drawing them. My parents could also not afford to buy me expensive drawing paper, so I had to wait until my mom returned from the grocery store, because I would then get the used brown paper bags to draw on. It may seem somewhat silly, but to this day I still buy lots of paper whenever I get the chance! One would think there was going to be a shortage on paper, based on how I tend to stock up.

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Dream Big This Summer!

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSummer is a perfect season for welcoming happiness. It brings out a spirit of joy in everyone. Invitations arrive in the mail for outdoor parties with friends, beaches officially open, and outdoor markets beckon with fresh produce, conversations, laughter, and music. Summer is also the culmination of the seeds planted during the early spring. It is the season when connections are made with friends and loved ones and a time for renewal and self-love.

As we witness certain events unfold these days in our cities and towns, some positive, some troublesome, and some with more profound lessons that stir our souls, we must hold fast to the joy that summer promises. We must not be discouraged. The world’s weight can be a heavy load to carry, but the burden does not belong to us as individuals. It is time to change the station on your internal radio, and replace the gloom and doom with a deep resonance of peace.

In choosing light over darkness, we signal to the universe that a shift has occurred in our minds and spirits. The universe will respond with similar energy and usher in our lives more love, joy, forgiveness, peace, solitude, and all we desire.

Each of us can live a life free of heavy anchors that only serve to weigh us down. Each of us can soar high above the mundane world that challenges our hopes and dreams and sometimes sends a message that our most important goals do not matter. Do not allow anyone or anything to stand in the way of manifesting your heart’s desires!

This summer, I invite you to create a vision board with your most precious dreams, boldly outlined from border to border. Place a photograph of yourself in the middle of your vision board and connect your desired outcomes to your photo, like tree branches.

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Healing The Karmic Patterns Of Ancestral Trauma

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSometimes during meditation, I recall past events and childhood memories that had been long forgotten. A recent vision, for example, took me back to the home I was raised in. But the scene was one I do not remember.

I saw myself as a little girl, around three years old, and members of my mother’s family were visiting us. Everyone was singing and playing instruments together. I saw myself watching them and enjoying the music, but then felt guided to look diagonally upward to another scene happening simultaneously.

In the other scene I saw my ancestors; at least that is what I concurred because they were going back in a line. Behind my great grandmother, who was playing the piano, there were people who I sensed to be her parents, and then her grandparents behind them, and so on.

In that glimpse into the distant past, I observed how the behavioral patterns and family dynamics of our ancestors, some of it dysfunctional and unhealthy, had become the patterns of my family. I also saw how these patterns were passed on to me and how it has shaped the patterns in my life and my own family to this day.

I then invoked the Heavenly Light to wash over all of us: myself and my family, my living relatives, all my ancestors who came before us, as well as all of our future descendants. I prayed that all of the disharmony in my family lineage be healed, and also that any other families and individuals we had disharmonious interactions and relationships with be healed too.

In Hawaiian culture this kind of healing prayer is known as Ho’oponopono. It is an ancient spiritual practice of reconciliation and forgiveness, which in English literally translates to ‘to make right,’ or ‘to make good.’ Ho’oponopono is essentially a personal responsibility and forgiveness prayer or ritual to heal, among other things, feuding families and ancestral trauma. When practiced repeatedly, it is said to balance out karma. I do believe in praying for those who wronged or harmed us, because within their healing we find our own as well.

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