crossing over
Invoking Archangel Michael In Your Spiritual Practice
Archangel Michael, the divine warrior and champion of truth and justice, is a powerful figure in many spiritual traditions. He is a prominent figure in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, the Baha’i Faith, and Neo-Paganism.
His name in Hebrew means “Who is like the Lord?” and his title “Archangel” means “Prince of Angels.” Michael is the leader of the angelic realm and is known for his strength, courage, and protection. He fights for good, empowers the faithful, and accompanies the souls of the righteous to heaven.
He is typically depicted as a warrior, complete with sword and shield. He is also often shown defeating a dragon or other monstrous creature. In Christianity, he is specifically mentioned in the Book of Revelation as battling Satan.
In some depictions, he is shown holding scales. This is a reference to his position as guardian of the dead as their souls leave the earth. Just as the Roman god Mercury accompanied souls to the underworld, Michael is said to accompany the recently deceased on their journey to the other side.
Michael is a venerable spiritual figure and is often invoked in prayer, meditation, and other spiritual practices. Believers invoke his presence for protection, guidance, and spiritual strength.
The Exit Points In Our Soul Plan
I believe that we have access to several ‘exit points’ throughout our lives. These are moments when our spirit or soul can separate from its physical form to return to the non-physical. It is said that we are given a few such exit points in our lifetime.
Planet Earth is not our primary home. I like to think of our physical existence in this world as a challenging ‘schoolroom’. This physical life journey can be very difficult at times, and I find that it makes things a little easier if we can look at it from this perspective.
I have yet to meet a person who has had a complete fairytale existence in their life. We have all had some magical moments, but not necessarily as magical as some far-fetched novels or films might portray. Sometimes we feel like we’re banging our heads against the wall just to survive on a daily basis, physically, financially or emotionally, but deep down we all have a built-in survival instinct to stay and complete what we incarnated to do.
Exit points are moments when we have the free will choice to stay in this physical world or return to the non-physical. These moments of choice can be a major health emergency, a near fatal accident, a traumatic event in which we are exposed to extreme danger, and so on. It is usually one of those profound life experiences that make us feel very lucky to still be alive!
Paranormal Encounters In Unexpected Places
People generally believe that cemeteries, historic battlefields, and old buildings such as castles, forts, and mental hospitals are the most haunted places. The truth is that paranormal activity can be found in many other unexpected and less stereotypical locations.
In fact, as a psychic, I find a cemetery to be a very peaceful place to visit. People sometimes laugh at me when I tell them that I like to go to cemeteries just to walk around and look at the life stories of the people on their headstones.
To be honest, I have never felt the presence of any malevolent energy or restless spirit in a cemetery. To me, a cemetery is like a little piece of heaven on earth. It is truly a sanctuary; a sacred place of peace and rest. I could easily spend the night in a cemetery and sleep like a baby. Graveyards are not haunted in my experience.
Now, a junkyard full of old, wrecked cars is a whole different situation. Creepy, to say the least! Many drivers have died suddenly in these cars and their spirits have never left the vehicle because they have the impression that they’re still in this life and on their way to their destination.
You see, often when a person dies very suddenly, they don’t go towards the light and cross over to the other side. They do not realize that they are no longer alive.
That is why you could not pay me to visit a junkyard. Just driving by and seeing such a place from a distance scares me! I have endless admiration for the people who restore old cars from these places. I can only imagine what kind of residual energies they bring home with them.