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Daily Energy Cleansing With Epsom Salts

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI love to take baths. I can remember enjoying a good bath as far back as far as my early teens. I have always loved the way it relaxes me – mind, body and soul. For the past 15 years I have been adding Epsom salts and essential oils to my baths. It’s not only relaxing and soothing on all levels, but it helps me to quiet my mind and allow anything that is not serving me to seep out… down into the drain.

My favorite time to take a bath is after a day of doing psychic readings. Being an empath I think it is super smart to take daily Epsom salt baths. Empaths tend to absorb energy from others and it can weigh us down. Baths with salts helps us to detach and connect with our own energy, and let go of any drama and chaos that may have attached itself to us.

I do energy cleansing visualizations while taking my baths and it has become my daily energy cleansing ritual. The salt cleanses me from any negative energy that may have attached itself to me. I can step out of the bath feeling lighter, energetically recharged, and renewed.

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Opening Your Third Eye

click here for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comThe Third Eye has been known since ancient times to be a gateway to psychic ability. It is known in the psychic field for its role in deep intuition and spiritual clarity.

Many experts further associate the pineal gland, a tiny organ in the brain, next to the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland, with the Third Eye. Biologically, this gland serves a number of essential functions, from circadian rhythms to the regulation of hormones.

We can maximize this tiny, but critical part of our spiritual being, by ‘opening’ and activating the Third Eye completely. Some experts believe that detoxification, specifically from calcium phosphate, is necessary to awaken its higher functions. Calcium phosphate is a chemical found in many of the foods we eat, as well as associated with fluoride found in drinking water.

Over time, as the pineal gland becomes calcified, we lose the ability to see the world as it truly is – unified with the spirit realm. It is the spiritual equivalent of a pair of glasses with scratched or clouded lenses. Eating a nourishing, beneficial assortment of foods, as well as drinking purified water, will help to rid the body of the toxins that has accumulated in the pineal gland and therefore clouds the Third Eye. A variety of organic supplements and essential oils, when added to an improved diet, can also speed the process.

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Emotional Self-Care Through Daily Spiritual Practice

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAcccess.comFor those that are highly sensitive, including psychics, mediums, healers and empaths, awareness and self-care are critical to our overall well-being. If you are an individual that fits into this group and you are not doing daily maintenance on your emotional well-being and spiritual body, then you are leaving the gate wide open for an attack that can not only impact your emotions, but also your mental and physical health. This maintenance is achieved primarily through a daily spiritual practice.

Spiritual practice can be anything from prayer to meditation and is defined as the regular performance of actions and activities for the purpose of inducing spiritual experiences and cultivating spiritual development. Simply put, spirituality is the way you choose to find meaning, hope and inner peace in your life.

If you already adhere to a specific faith, tradition or religion, wonderful, but be certain that you are taking time each day to actively engage with your beliefs. Why is this important? Research has shown that those that engage in a regular spiritual practice live longer, and are healthier mentally and physically.

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Sacred Space

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHave you noticed that a certain physical space can influence how we feel? How can a room affect us in this way? Well it’s all about energy. When you walk into a room and people have had a fight there, or received some awful news that may have caused great sadness, we tend to pick up on the energy. We often sense it, without really knowing why we are suddenly feeling angry, sad, or drained.

One of the scripts that I use with hypnotherapy clients is to visualize your own sacred space and then picture yourself inside that space. Just thinking about such a space, where you feel safe, happy and calm, can help to relieve anxious feelings for most people.

There are also just some spaces that seem to promote a sense of belonging and trust that everything is okay. For some people their sacred space may be a certain place in their home, while for others it is simply outside in nature. It doesn’t really matter where your sacred space is, as long as you feel good inside it.

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A Few Minutes Of Daily Self-Care

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI often tell my students to take some ‘me time’ each day, even if it’s only five minutes for self-care. And I have heard 101 excuses as to why someone cannot do this, ranging from parenting responsibilities and career, to house cleaning and maintenance. These excuses typically start with the words, “I have to…”

At one workshop, I had several people offer their excuses for not having even  a few minutes for themselves on a daily basis.  Then I narrowed it down to a simple question. When you have to go to the washroom, do you hold it in all day long, and all night, because you ‘have to’ do something else?  After the laughter stopped, because I did do an exaggerated imitation of someone ‘holding it’ by rolling on the floor in agony!

And then I asked the next question. By holding it all day and night, and writhing in pain and agony, what did I accomplish?  How much time did I waste focusing on this issue of ‘I have to go,’ but ‘I don’t have time.’

This is the simplest way to explain time management versus wasted energy and time. I take a bath or shower each day, as do most people. I am usually at least a few minutes under the water in some way. Water is my peacemaker and my calming force. It energizes me and charges me for the day.

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Your Sacred Center Of Self-Love

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe all thrive on being loved. This is natural, of course, if you look back at humanity in history on an evolutionary level.  Ancient people came together in tribes, families, and groups, to cultivate a place of safety, security, nurturance, and love. If you were different or stood out in any way, or even left the tribe, you were literally putting your own life at risk. This topic can be viewed from so many arenas, including psychological, spiritual, scientific, and psychic.

I often wonder how and when did we start defining ourselves by how others felt about us, and why did we believe that other’s thoughts about us were true? At what point in time did we allow others to define us? It’s as though we as humanity went into a deep trance.

We all know the phrase, “Love thyself first”. When did we forget this vital piece of information? There are many ways we can come back in touch with this essential truth, but for the most part, our society does not support a lifestyle that would naturally lead us back to our sacred center of self-love. How often do you take a moment to look in the mirror, or tell yourself, “I love you?” Most of us feel silly doing this, but it is very healing.

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Spiritual Power And Spiritual Practice

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe are spiritual beings having a physical experience. This is important to remember when considering the nature of spiritual things. The root word for spirit is ‘breath.’ This means that every person that is breathing is equally spiritual.

Too often people think that there is a hierarchical system within spirituality; that some people are ‘more spiritual’ than others. This is simply not true. There may be individuals that have a more intentional spiritual practice, with more understanding, knowledge, or wisdom. However, this does not make them ‘more spiritual.’

The nature and purpose of spiritual practice is also something that can be misunderstood. Whether it be prayer, meditation, invocations, or other sacraments, these practices are not just to get what we want. It can be a byproduct of authentic spiritual seeking and practice, but in nearly every tradition, true spiritual power is often summed up with three principles: Love, Joy, and Peace.

All spiritual practices are intended to lead us to tap into these three qualities. In the Judeo-Christian tradition, Love, Joy, and Peace are the first of many “fruits of the spirit.” Authentic spiritual practice is meant to lead us to the experience of these three things.

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