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earth angel

A Myriad Of Angels From Heaven And Earth

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!I have encountered many people over the years that I could have bet my life on being angels in the flesh. Whenever I find myself at a crossroads and ask God for guidance, these people, or should I say “angels,” invariably appear in my life.

They show up with unwavering reliability, arriving just when needed with ideas, suggestions, messages, or signs that gently guide me back to my path of highest good.

It’s as if the universe is orchestrating these moments of serendipity. A casual conversation in the grocery store aisle, a chance encounter with a stranger on a bus or plane – each of these seemingly ordinary interactions holds the potential for life-changing divine intervention. In these magical moments, answers I didn’t even know I was seeking are revealed, and suddenly clarity floods in like a new beacon of hope.

Our lives are intricately connected to the Divine Light. God works through everyone and everything around us to keep us attuned to a higher frequency. When we pay mindful attention and remain fully aware, we find ourselves in harmony with the divine flow of life.

To truly appreciate the presence of angels in our lives, we must cultivate awareness and gratitude. By slowing down and paying attention to the subtleties of our interactions, we become attuned to the guidance that is constantly flowing our way.

We never need to feel lost or confused because the guidance we seek is always present, woven into the fabric of our daily interactions. The process is simple: ask for help and it will be given; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened.

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The Old Souls Of The New Children

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Since the 1960s, the “New Children” have been arriving on the Earth plane in increasing numbers, bringing with them wisdom, insights, perspectives and innovations that are sorely needed in our rapidly evolving, and currently very troubled world.

The New Children are old souls reincarnated to return to the earthly realm on a special mission — to guide, heal, teach and enlighten; to awaken humanity to a higher level of consciousness.

As more and more of these ancient souls grace our planet with their presence, it is becoming increasingly apparent that they possess a profound understanding of the interconnectedness of all life and the inherent unity that binds us together.

Through their innate wisdom and pure-heartedness, the New Children are converging to transform the collective consciousness of humanity. They are introducing us to a future society where prejudice, discrimination and injustice are relics of the past, replaced by a deep reverence for the inherent dignity and worth of every soul.

The wisdom that this new generation of humans carry is not bound by the limitations of social constructs and dogmatic religion. They challenge us to look beyond the superficial labels of body, gender, race, creed, and nationality, reminding us that these are merely temporary identities that obscure the true essence of who we are. They have a deep understanding that we are all equal and deserving of love, regardless of outward differences.

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The Angels, Spirits And Mystical Beings That Walk Among Us

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!When I was very young, I had a strange dream. I was in the living room of our house, and it was very late at night. I dreamed that I went to the window. The curtains were closed, but I pushed them aside to look out. There I saw a vision that I will never forget.

In our front yard stood an old woman with white hair. She was holding what looked like a glowing rock or quartz crystal.

I remember thinking to myself that this was all very strange, that it might not be good for her to be standing there in the cold so late at night. But I also remember not feeling surprised or scared. Instead, I felt comforted and curious at the same time.

Then the old lady turned around, as if she had noticed me. But instead of looking at me, she bent down, gently dropped the glowing crystal on the grass, and walked away.

Twenty years later, I was at the checkout counter in a supermarket and noticed an unusual old lady nearby. Something about her told me she was a very special soul. We are all unique, of course, but this lady was definitely not from around here! She was wearing vintage fashion that was clearly from the 1920s. Before I could figure out why she drew my attention, she started walking toward me.

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The Angel That Saved Me

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI love to go hiking, often alone. Over the years I have had a few scary moments. One time, it was an encounter with a rattlesnake, another when lighting struck a mountain ridge very close to me. Fortunately, I have not had any incidents with bears or mountain lions!

However, I did have one very frightening experience involving another person. I was walking back down in a quiet, wooded area, about one hour away from the trail’s end, when a man came walking up towards me. We exchanged brief greetings, as he passed by me, and I continued down the path.

But then he stopped, turned around, and followed me.

“I think I’ll hike back down with you,” he said, once he caught up with me. The tone of his voice sent a shiver down my spine.

“Thank you, but I am actually needing a little alone time today,” I replied politely and just kept walking. But he ignored what I said and kept walking next to me, speaking in a manic way.

My intuition prompted me to keep walking and just let him talk. My gut instinct was telling me that if we were to stop, the situation might escalate! Meanwhile, I could feel my energy shifting to my lower chakras (fear, fight, flight) and had to work very hard to stay centered in my upper chakras (intuition).

The stranger became increasingly excited with our ‘conversation’ and it was apparent that he was mentally unstable. He began talking about “loving first times,” while I sensed the danger increasing. My intuition was now in high gear and I started praying silently in my mind. “Please help, please. If ever I needed a guardian angel, then it is right now.”

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Saved By A Mysterious Angel

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMany people have in-person encounters with angels without ever knowing it. This is because angels do not appear to us in physical form with stereotypical accoutrements like ‘wings, harps, and halos.’  Fortunately, some people do realize when they come into contact with an angel…and live to tell the tale.

The most commonly reported modern instances are typically of strangers mysteriously showing up to save or protect drivers, passengers or pedestrians traffic incidents.

For example, early in 2021, Tracey and Dann Stadler were trapped in their burning car after they had been hit by a drunk driver. While desperately praying to God to not let them burn to death, they were miraculously lifted from the inferno by a mysterious man they both described afterwards as “a Heaven-sent person in angelic form.”

Later the same year, in December 2021, Candace Pimentel and her children were driving home from church, when her nine-year-old son Raylen started to choke on a piece of candy stuck in his throat. She immediately pulled off the road and tried to help her son, but was unsuccessful.

Then a mysterious man showed up at the scene in a pickup truck. He calmly stepped in and performed the Heimlich maneuver on the boy, effectively dislodging the piece of candy, enabling Raylen to breathe again.

The mysterious man then told the boy and his mother that he loved them, gave them a hug, got back in his truck, and drove off. Nobody knows who he was. Candice later said she felt that the “Heavenly Father sent an angel to help me.”

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Why Do Old Souls Return To Earth?

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEvolved souls have many options to choose from when they reincarnate, so why do we choose to come to this world? After all, planet Earth is a highly challenging environment for advanced soul growth.

The energy conditions here offer an excellent spiritual ‘classroom’ for younger souls. Earth offers many experiences to learn from. Justice and injustice. Love and hate. Pain and joy. Feast and famine. Wealth and poverty. The magical experience of having children is also very appealing and unique to Earth.

These learning opportunities are a strong pull for young souls, but for the older soul the physical experience here tend to be frustratingly slow and dense. Existing in a frail human body is an added challenge.

There are other planes of existence where a physical body or constant efforts to maintain a raised vibration are not at all needed. In those higher dimensions there is no time-space limitation, nor dense material form. There is only pure consciousness. There are also other planets in the Universe, beyond our solar system, where the energy vibration is much higher and lighter, and the expansion of consciousness much more evolved, and less taxing.

So, why do some old souls choose to repeat the human experience once again, and sign up for another difficult life journey in such a spiritually inhospitable place here on Earth?

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The Heavenly Love Of Our Fur Angels

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comConnecting with my spirit guide this morning , I asked what I can share in my blog today that needs to be shared with the world and spirit says the following:

One of the closest things to God’s love in this world, is the sincere love we receive from our ‘furry friends.’ And when we lose one of our fur friends or family members, it can be devastating.

When our pets pass away it is important to remember a few things, says spirit. They are very much at peace and not suffering. They remember, just like you remember them, the kindness you afforded them and how you treated them.

They are still a part of you. Love is the strongest bond. They can hear your voice even in the afterlife. So, when you speak their name with the intention to call them to you, they hear it. They are your angel, guide, protector.

If you were not able to be there for your fur friend, be it a cat, dog or any other animal member of the family you loved, know that it is okay. Do not over think it.

You do have to get to a place where you can let go of the guilt. You know that you had the best of intentions to be there and sometimes we just cannot. Sometimes we are just in a place in our lives that makes it literally impossible to be there.

I can tell you from experience that when they pass, they are comforted by those who are there for them on the other side. So, they had a smooth transition. There was no pain. Our animals do not suffer in the end. God takes care of them.

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