The Truth About ‘Twin Flames’
If you are confused about the spiritual concept of ‘twin flames’ and ‘soulmates,’ you’re not alone. Perhaps, I can shed some light on this very misunderstood subject.
I could never have understood or imagined it myself either, until I found myself going through the ‘madness’ myself, over 20 years ago. If you have never gone through a so-called twin flame experience, you won’t understand it. It’s a romantic connection like no other! But the biggest lesson I learned for it is that it is also no reason to stay in a toxic relationship.
My twin flame relationship was highly important to me, regardless of it being a one-way street. I meant so much to me that I ended up travelling to Mumbai, India, to obtain advice and assistance from a highly skilled gurugi (spiritual teacher). I was convinced that she could fix things for me, since my relationship was surely ‘meant to be.’
The feelings were so intense, for me, anyway. And, I was convinced that my beloved’s feelings for me were of the same exquisite level. In fact, I had no idea or any way of gauging otherwise. The ultimate fantasy, right!
Further, I thought that it was up to me to heal this person that had captured my heart. It seemed to me the more painful the relationship was, the more healing I had to do for him. As a result, I carried the entire relationship energetically, and emotionally.
For example, although I had always been a passionate ‘foodie,’ I began to look anorexic, as I continued on this healing mission for him. I was eating plenty of good food all the time, but I realize now that I was so drained, as a result of giving him so much of my energy, that it wouldn’t have mattered what, or how much I ate.
The Transmutation Power of Crystals and Stones
The beneficial powers of gemstones and crystals is well-known in the psychic and metaphysical community. Many of us use them in our daily spiritual work. One of the most amazing things crystals and stones do for us is to transmute energy, that is to say, change negative energies into powerful healing.
Let’s take a closer look at some of the more popular crystals and stones and their individual energy properties. Remember, if you choose to use any of these crystals in your daily practice, their energies can be combined, depending on your individual needs.
Rose Quartz
Shades of pink, milky or opaque
Represents the planet Venus, and the signs of Taurus and Libra.
Not surprisingly, given its connection to Venus, this stone contains energies of universal and healing love. Many practitioners use it to increase levels of compassion for others, or before and after a session for grounding.
Rose quartz will help us to rid ourselves of fear, anger, jealously, or aggressiveness. It can also help us in a journey to let go of loved ones we have lost.
May 2020 Weekly Astro Forecasts
May 4 – 10
The Scorpio Full Moon takes center stage this week and could shake things up for a few days, as it waxes full on Thursday. Scorpio is the most karmic sign of the zodiac, making this Full Moon famous for the spiritual and the unusual. We’re likely to reconnect with people we haven’t seen in ages, or quite possibly, even in this lifetime! Because a Full Moon promotes release, this week can herald a time of reconciliation, forgiveness, and letting go of the past. This Moon opposes the Taurus Sun, which can also affect finances, health and comfort.
The Moon will travel through Libra on Monday and Tuesday, allowing us time to get things in order and restore balance on all levels: emotional, physical and spiritual. Once the Moon waxes full, we’ll begin to feel much lighter and joyful. Friday and Saturday’s Sagittarius Moon will add to the sense of hope and optimism in the air, and insists we focus on sharing and unconditional love with all those around us.
Saturn will turn retrograde on Sunday and continue to travel backward until the end of September. A Saturn retrograde allows us to take down walls, move more freely and in tandem with the Scorpio full Moon, release anything that stands in the way our dreams.
Change Your Life With Mantras And Affirmations
We live in difficult and uncertain times, and happiness often seems elusive. It is possible, however, through training your mind, to ‘flip a switch’ to activate feelings of joy and happiness with just a few words. This is known as affirmations and mantras.
The two concepts are somewhat similar or related. Mantras are short words or phrases used in meditation in order to create focus, peace and calm, as in the practice of Zen. Affirmations are positive statements of intention that are repeated frequently to create new neural pathways, thought patterns and energy frequencies.
It’s easy to incorporate these two techniques into your daily spiritual practice.
If you already meditate, you may choose a traditional mantra, such as Ananda (the Sanskrit word for bliss) or Ohm (the primordial, sacred sound of all creation). You could also choose another mantra that has special meaning for you, or even create your own.
As you engage in meditation, pay special attention to your breath as you focus on you mantra, either spoken aloud, or silently in your mind. Let all negativity go as you exhale. Repeat this process for 10 to 20 minutes each day, preferably in the same place, without any outside distractions. This way your mind begins to associate your mantra with feelings of calm and serenity.
The Spiritual Purpose Of Patience
Life has been teaching me that patience is indeed a virtue. I have been becoming much more patient than I used to be. It is one of the lessons that I will have to learn in this lifetime.
Patience is something that we are all told to have more of, but it can be difficult to be patient in trying circumstances or stressful times. Often we are wanting to advance in our life, and we have to get from one point to the next as quickly as possible, while patience is all about a spiritual ‘halt.’
Patience often ties into our soul contract, and why we have come here. We have to learn certain lessons before we can get to the next level. We can try to bypass patience, and force things to happen our way, but remember each of us have come here with a soul contract that guides us along our path. The higher self always knows which way is the best and easiest, but we try to rush things, and we jump into things and get ahead of ourselves, in ways that we should not.
We don’t always listen to our inner voice, and for this there are usually repercussions. Being impatient only serves to slow us down, or complicate our progress. Spirit is telling us that we can get to where we need to go, but it may take our time to get there. Our guides try to intervene and keep us paused. If only we would pay attention and listen.
Patience is all about understanding ourselves. When you send a wish or desire out into the Universe, you can’t dictate when it is going to come back to you, but you must trust that the Universe is going bring you to the place that you want to be.