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Sacred Space

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHave you noticed that a certain physical space can influence how we feel? How can a room affect us in this way? Well it’s all about energy. When you walk into a room and people have had a fight there, or received some awful news that may have caused great sadness, we tend to pick up on the energy. We often sense it, without really knowing why we are suddenly feeling angry, sad, or drained.

One of the scripts that I use with hypnotherapy clients is to visualize your own sacred space and then picture yourself inside that space. Just thinking about such a space, where you feel safe, happy and calm, can help to relieve anxious feelings for most people.

There are also just some spaces that seem to promote a sense of belonging and trust that everything is okay. For some people their sacred space may be a certain place in their home, while for others it is simply outside in nature. It doesn’t really matter where your sacred space is, as long as you feel good inside it.

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A Few Minutes Of Daily Self-Care

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI often tell my students to take some ‘me time’ each day, even if it’s only five minutes for self-care. And I have heard 101 excuses as to why someone cannot do this, ranging from parenting responsibilities and career, to house cleaning and maintenance. These excuses typically start with the words, “I have to…”

At one workshop, I had several people offer their excuses for not having even  a few minutes for themselves on a daily basis.  Then I narrowed it down to a simple question. When you have to go to the washroom, do you hold it in all day long, and all night, because you ‘have to’ do something else?  After the laughter stopped, because I did do an exaggerated imitation of someone ‘holding it’ by rolling on the floor in agony!

And then I asked the next question. By holding it all day and night, and writhing in pain and agony, what did I accomplish?  How much time did I waste focusing on this issue of ‘I have to go,’ but ‘I don’t have time.’

This is the simplest way to explain time management versus wasted energy and time. I take a bath or shower each day, as do most people. I am usually at least a few minutes under the water in some way. Water is my peacemaker and my calming force. It energizes me and charges me for the day.

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Healthy Boundaries – The Best New Year’s Resolution!

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe best New Year’s resolution many of us can work on in 2019 is to create healthy boundaries with the people in our lives. These boundaries don’t have to be all about just creating space or distance between you and a few toxic people and things in your life. It can also include keeping yourself from being exposed to negativity on social media, or avoiding those foods you are intolerant to. In 2019 I recommend we all take a moment to think about the things we do, say, consume, and the people we spend our time with. Whatever it may be that brings us down, or steals our energy, needs to go. And no more people-pleasing.

Dr Seuss says, “Those who matter don’t mind, and, those who mind, don’t matter.” Well, it’s true. Those people who have a problem with you, because your belief system is different from theirs, for example, are absolutely out of line! I have said it once and I will say it again: the world will be a very boring place if we all had the same ideas and way of thinking. Diversity is what keeps our world going. So it’s okay to be different. I am big on keeping it real and being authentic. I refuse to be a conformist.

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A Sense Of Wonder – A Message From My Guides

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe observe sometimes that individuals can be quick to settle into ruts. The day-to-day routines of school, work and family often become repetitive and, dare we say… monotonous at times.

During these mundane periods of discontent, people often focus on themselves, and their lack. They will complain about being overworked and underpaid. Whether professionally or personally, they often feel under-appreciated and under-acknowledged. Stress and resentment can start to build.

In order to alleviate stress, you already know that there are many options from which to choose. Whether people get into a daily habit of deep breathing, visualization, meditation or various forms of exercise, the body becomes transformed and stress is dissipated for the time being.

Rather than just staving off bubbling-under-the-surface irritation and potential health issues, we recommend taking things a step further. Most people have heard the phrase, “Stop and smell the flowers!” Well, whether you prefer to cultivate the soil or be an observer, it is vitally important to redevelop a new sense of wonder in the garden of your life.

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The Wisdom Of Forgiveness With Healthy Boundaries

click here for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comWe all have experienced the unease of feeling unable to forgive someone who has wronged us in some way. Sometimes it is really hard to let go of the way someone has gossiped about us, for example. It is difficult to understand why some people have the need to act the way they do, especially when these people are directly or indirectly related to us. Some families just split up and have nothing more to do with each other, because of this lack of forgiveness.

I was meditating on this one night before bed, and asked the Great Spirit to give me deeper insight and understanding on forgiveness. I had consciously made the healing decision for myself, that I will no longer share and keep space open for those who continue to do the same things to me, over and over, because it is unhealthy for me. But, I still felt the need to forgive. And I needed insight on how to do this.

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The Soul Self In The Age Of Technology

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI used to work as a realtor for a short period of time. Most likely the short duration of that career was, even though I absolutely love people, that I sucked at the selling part.

As part of that chosen career path, I felt compelled to purchase and carry a cell phone. Customers looking for a salesperson usually will not wait long and will often just move on to the next available agent – hence the need for a phone that I had to carry with me constantly.

When I was out visiting family or friends, I had to explain immediately why I was carrying this device and my need to answer it quickly, so that I didn’t lose a potential sale. Everyone seemed to understand the situation.

If my phone rang and it was only someone wanting to chat or another type of call, I simply explained to whomever was on the other end that I was thus engaged and would call them back. However, this did not always go over well! People who call someone sometimes feel their call must be taken and followed through with a conversation.

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A Life-Changing Ripple Effect

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAfter a visit to the doctor a friend of mine was told she needed to be more active. Her job requires her to travel, so not a lot time to work out. Her office job also doesn’t offer a lot of opportunity for her to move around and get that much needed muscle activity going in her body.

After a reading with me she said she was motivated to change her lifestyle and do something she hadn’t even thought of before, but loved the idea of it so much she decided to “take action.” Pun intended.

Her plan was to start a group exercise class that incorporated Yoga and some light callisthenic exercises using a chair, for those who couldn’t stand long. Her aim was to make it appropriate for all age brackets and all levels of fitness, so that anyone could participate. The key was to move!

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