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The Value Of Anger In Manifesting Your Desires

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!A client recently talked about her struggles with anger and that no matter what she did, she could not get rid of her ‘anger issues’. She was concerned that her anger would inevitably attract and manifest more negativity in her life.

Spirit’s response was that there is value and wisdom in anger. The reality is that sometimes we get smoking hot, furious, explosively angry! It is a human response to events that go against our wishes and desires. If it were not a natural reaction, the experience of anger would not be part of our physical life journey.

The truth is that all negative emotions are actually a dear friend who is there to tell us something. It indicates that we are out of alignment with our Higher Self, Spirit and the Divine. When we experience fear, anxiety or anger it indicates that we are out of alignment and no longer in the flow.

A common “pain-causing” tendency is the stories we tell ourselves about the future. One of the most common narratives I find when working with clients is the one that begins: “I will be happy when…”

We create a story about the fulfilment of certain desires and then focus more on the result or outcome rather than the process and the present moment. When our happiness depends on the future fulfilment of a story, we are no longer in resonance with the present reality and out of alignment with the universal flow. We are no longer living fully, we are merely playing an impatient waiting game.

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The Wisdom Of Being Open To Psychic Guidance

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!I’ve seen firsthand the transformative power of being open to the truth and the willingness to receive guidance in a psychic reading. I have also seen the opposite, and its sometimes devastating consequences.

Every reading offers the potential for profound insight and growth, but sometimes people struggle to face the truth in the answers and guidance they receive.

One particular reading stands out in my memory as a poignant example.

Several years ago, a client came to me for a reading about a very challenging romantic relationship. With a troubled look and a sense of urgency, she asked her question:

“Will my relationship with my partner get better?”

As I tapped into the energies surrounding her situation, the answers that emerged were quite disturbing and definitely not what she had expected. The runes spoke of lies, deception, and deep-seated issues that did not bode well for her or the relationship. However, when I shared this message with her, she was not at all pleased. Instead she reacted with resentment and stubborn resistance.

“That’s not what I asked,” she insisted, her voice tinged with anxious frustration.

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Embracing The Magical Art Of Allowing

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!There is a magical force in the universe – a profound creative essence that flows through all realms, weaving its way through the fabric of existence. This magic essence is not bound by the limits of our understanding nor the constraints of our control. Rather, it emanates from the depths of surrender and trust. This magical power is the sacred art of allowing.

For much of my life, I found myself grappling with the notion of control. I sought to navigate the complexities of existence with a firm grip, believing that my willpower alone could shape the course of my journey. Yet, time and time again, I was met with the harsh reality of resistance — the relentless struggle against the ebb and flow of life’s currents.

It wasn’t until I stumbled upon the profound wisdom of allowing that I began to witness the transformative power of surrender. Allowing is not passive resignation; rather, it is an act of radical acceptance — an invitation to dance with the rhythm of the universe and surrender to the innate flow of existence.

One of the most profound lessons in allowing came to me during a time of immense uncertainty and upheaval in my life. I was at a crossroads, grappling with decisions that made me feel like I was carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders. In my desperation to find clarity, I clung to my preconceived notions of how things should unfold, trying to force the puzzle pieces of my life into some semblance of controlled order.

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Transform Your Chores Into Moments Of Zen

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI recently had to find my “inner zen” when I had to file my taxes in person. Even though I was really, really not in the mood and not looking forward to it at all, I decided to make the most of this dreaded chore by practicing a time-tested spiritual technique of just being present in the momentThis attitude made my day so much easier and more fulfilling.

As I waited in line at the tax office, I couldn’t help but overhear a less than happy man ranting in one of the booths. I felt bad because, well, we are all human and this is about paying taxes, for goodness sake! We can hardly blame others for reacting this way. I mean, who really enjoys doing their taxes?

But I think it’s better to stay calm and carry on, because in the end everything will be fine. Having a “panic attack” or “hissy fit” like the guy in that booth won’t change the situation, except to make it worse. I know from experience that keeping an inner calm always wins the day.

If you have to deal with a chore or task that you are not looking forward to, try to embrace it and immerse yourself in the experience rather than making it worse by creating a lot of resistance around it. There is a lot of ancient wisdom in “being present in the now.” It is no accident that this concept is rooted in various spiritual traditions and teachings throughout history, as it points to a universal truth that is essential for spiritual living and personal well-being.

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Breaking The Pattern Of Relationship Trauma

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comToday I did two consecutive readings for clients who are obsessed with a relationship from a long time ago. They both wondered why the relationship ended and what could have been if things had gone differently.

In retrospect, there have been many similar calls recently. I have even had clients who have had vivid dreams and nightmares about a particular ex-love, lost friend or estranged family member.

In all cases, I find that Spirit consistently offers the same guidance. These haunted thoughts and obsessions are due to a lack of closure and unresolved trauma. Spirit has also indicated that there is a growing epidemic of loneliness in the world. Because of this, more and more people are dwelling on old relationships and their regrets.

This has even happened to me recently, with people from my past that I have not thought of or seen in years coming to mind more and more. It can be surprising and disconcerting to have such random memories pop up. Spirit gave me exactly the same wake-up call. These memories are a sign that there is a need for forgiveness and healing. It is essentially a form of delayed grief, when instead we should be having happy and fond memories of the people in our past.

I find it helps to remember that they, like me, were just doing the best they could with what they knew and had at the time. When someone has shown signs of unkindness or aggression, I have also come to realize that it was the result of their own hurts, losses, or disappointments.

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What Reality Will You Create Today?

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn this lifetime, it is important to remember that we are all the creators of our own realities, as well as the co-creators of our shared reality.

This means that as an individual we have the divine gift of free will. Free will is our personal power to make our own choices in life. It is one of the most important and valuable aspects of human existence because it allows us to determine our own fate and shape our own destiny.

Without free will, we would not be autonomous and responsible spiritual beings in human form. Instead, we would be robots, pre-programmed to act in a certain way. Being born with free will allows us to make moral choices, to love and be loved, and to create our own unique paths in life.

Of course, with free will comes responsibility and accountability. We are responsible for our own thoughts and actions, both good and bad. We must therefore think carefully about our choices and make sure that we are acting not only for our own highest good, but also for the greater good.

Free will also does not mean that we are completely free from the constraints of external circumstances and worldly influences. We also share a collective free will with the rest of humanity. Just as we create our own daily reality and shape our individual destiny, we also co-create a shared global reality with the rest of the world.

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Transform Your Life With Sustainable Resolutions

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEvery new year, I hear my clients complain about what they hope to change about themselves, what they want to change about themselves, or what they should be changing about themselves.

I then ask them why they are not claiming their power to change right now?

You do not have to wait until the New Year or some other major life event to make a change in your life. Once you’ve decided on a new path or course of action, the key is to stick with it for the long haul, taking small steps every day.

The Japanese call this kaizen, a philosophical concept that emphasizes continuous improvement, often in small increments. The idea is that by making consistent progress, even if it is just a little bit each day, you can eventually achieve significant results.

Sustainability should be the ultimate goal of whatever you decide to change in your life. While New Year’s resolutions are all noble and lofty, you have to acknowledge the inherent resistances and blockages you carry within and agree to be patient with yourself in order to ultimately get there.

I’m still working on some New Year’s resolutions I made in 2016. Do I look back in horror and say, “Why is it taking so long?” or “I really should be doing better!” Sometimes, yes! Do I use that as an excuse to backslide, fall off the wagon, or throw in the towel? Not at all, mostly because I’ve come to realize that if I hadn’t decided years ago to make those resolutions to make powerful changes in my life, I’d still be where I was, or worse. I’d be living a life of regret, not progress.

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