Faith As A Spiritual Science
It is generally assumed that all forms of ‘faith’ is merely matter of ‘belief.’ In other words, to have faith is seen as having belief that is blind; it is a belief without reason, evidence, or experience. However, there is another kind of faith that develops through a reciprocal relationship.
According to the Vedic teachings and the practices of Krishna Bhakti (awareness of, and affection for Krishna, the Supreme Person) faith begins with hearing spiritual knowledge from a liberated soul, who is beyond the four defects of material conditioning.
Ordinary people (or conditioned souls) have four defects due to their contact with material existence. These defects are:
- The tendency to make mistakes.
- To be illusioned.
- The propensity to cheat others.
- To have imperfect senses.
At the initial phase of faith, there is an appeal to the intelligence of the conditioned soul that evokes exploration of knowledge through hearing deeper spiritual insights, which in turn appeals to their intelligence to apply it.
From the experiment of applying it, comes observable experiential results that corroborate the truth of what was initially heard from the transcendental authority (liberated soul).
This confirming experience not only yields faith in the knowledge and process applied, but it also forms an evidential knowing beyond a mere baseless, ‘blind’ belief. Therefore, developing a relationship with God through Bhakti-Yoga or Krishna Consciousness is a spiritual science.
Waiting On The World To Change
Waiting On The World To Change is not just a great John Mayer song, it is also a devastating pattern in many people’s lives. Too often people are waiting for some outside force to come along and bring them the happiness and fulfillment they want. Living one’s life ‘on hold’ in this way can become a incapacitating habit that will only serve to make us eternally stuck and unhappy.
When we are waiting for a change from someone or something other than ourselves, we are not taking control of our own power. More importantly, we are also not taking personal responsibility for our God-given free will choices, nor are we holding ourselves accountable for our own actions (or inaction).
We all have that friend who is always saying how great her relationship would be ‘if only’ her partner would change a certain habit, or do something differently. Or that colleague who never gets the promotion, while she keeps blaming others as to why she is constantly overlooked. Or the diseased relative who ‘cannot’ improve her health and wellness, because making better lifestyle choices just doesn’t fit into her busy work schedule and social life.
The worst one for me is people waiting for that amazing soulmate relationship to finally materialize, when they are not making even the least bit of effort to put themselves out there and meet new people.
Some people spend a lot of time constantly setting new goals or intentions, making wish lists, creating vision boards, or doing visualizations or rituals, to manifest the changes they want to see in their lives. But what if the thing they need to change is actually themselves?
Astrology Forecast February 20 – 26, 2023
The week starts with a Pisces New Moon and Venus moving into Aries today.
New Moons herald a time of new beginnings, and in Pisces the focus ison spiritual advancement, and expanded views of the physical world and metaphysical realms as they relate to each other.
Venus loves to show off in Aries, so get ready to express yourself! And be prepared for others to act with more drama and flair than usual.
Tomorrow afternoon’s Pisces Moon conjunction with Neptune in Pisces can cause us to be nervous and hypersensitive. Some grounding and centering energy work is advised. On the upside the dreamy, poetic energies of this aspect is also ideal for journaling and artistic self-expression, so if you have been lacking inspiration lately this mid-day transit may be just the muse you have been waiting for.
Wednesday the Moon dashes into Aries, which will get us up and running! Creative ideas abound under this Moon, as well as accelerated energy to help us move through the mid-week with determination and ambition.
Friday and Saturday are all about the material world as the Moon cruises through Taurus. Making a real dent in home projects or implementing new self-care practices will be a theme for many of us.
Reserve Sunday for social media activities, as the Gemini Moon inspires more time online. Updating your news feed, doing zoom calls, and good old-fashioned in-person gabfests are likely to be on the agenda.
Pay Attention To Your Psychic Intuitions
My psychic abilities were evident from a young age. For example, I remember ‘knowing’ beforehand that I was going to have a new teacher’s at school when I was just five years old, while nobody had said a word about it to me.
I often knew days in advance when certain children’s TV program would be broadcast before I could read schedules in newspapers or magazines. I also knew in advance when next I was next going to see my favorite cousin again, even though he lived on the other side of the country and his family had no immediate plans of visiting.
When I was a teenager, I remember causing a commotion with a local hairstylist. I had told her that she would meet a Scottish guy who was a widower and that he would ask her out on a date. A few weeks later, much to her amazement, she did.
We all have some level of psychic awareness. Our intuition is a communication channel through which God, Source, Spirit, the Divine guides us in the right direction along our earthly journey.
Have you ever ignored a hunch or a gut feeling, but that little voice inside just wouldn’t go away? I bet you regretted it later. It is never a good idea to disregardstrong gut feelings and nagging intuitions. It is usually spirit alerting you to something that requires your attention or immediate action. I learned this in a profound way some 42 years ago, when I prevented a child in a buggy from being blown in front of an oncoming vehicle.
About 12 years ago, my brother sadly suffered a stroke, which he thankfully recovered from. The evening it happened, I remember sensing that he may be in some kind of distress or danger. I did not know for sure exactly what it was, but I felt he was not doing well.
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