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Old And Worn, Or Shiny And New?

Click Here NOW For A FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMy dad was an avid coin collector. This is probably why I have the habit of collecting spare change to look at the dates or any flaws on each coin. I guess it’s in my DNA.

One of my favorite memories of my dad is sitting at his antique roll-top desk looking at his coins with a magnifying glass. Some coins were old, dirty, beat-up, others new and shiny. It is easy to be attracted to the new and shiny coins.

I remember my father telling me some of the ones that look so old and ugly are sometimes worth much more than they may appear to be. When we go on looks and youth alone, the old, tarnished silver dollars in our lives might look like they are not worth much, but sometimes they are priceless.

My dad always said, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” After he had passed, my mother took some of his silver dollars in for appraisal and much to her surprise some of the silver dollars were worth thousands.

When I am doing readings, my dad, who is now in spirit, will sometimes come through to show me a certain old coin. It is my personal psychic symbol meaning the person I am reading for has something, or someone, in their life that may seem ‘old and worn-out,’ but worth much more than face value.

It is human nature to choose things that are bright, new, young and shiny. Sometimes we make bad life choices regarding people, places and things on appearance alone. I once bought a sports car for the way it looked. It was red and looked feisty, but it was not a great choice for the snow and ice we have here during the winter. Totally impractical. What was I thinking!

I have been reminiscing about my dad a lot lately. I asked him once if he could only live in one of his former houses, which one would he choose? Without hesitation his answer was the old family house in Maine. He was the third generation to own that house. “Why the old house,” I asked. His reply, “There is nothing in the Florida house I cannot replace. The old house has memories that are irreplaceable and priceless, right down to the wood and square nails that hold it together.”

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Realign Your Spirit This New Year

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWith the difficult year 2020 finally in our rear-view mirror, it is time to stop for a moment, clear our minds, hearts and spirit, and embrace the hope, happiness, well-being and prosperity that awaits us in the new year. We do not have to carry the pain and chaos of 2020 forward with us.

The first step to achieve this would be to check our alignment body, mind and spirit. Alignment is defined as the “arrangement in a straight line, or in correct or appropriate relative positions,” as well as a “position of agreement or alliance.” Happiness, well-being and abundance becomes blocked for us when we are not in agreement and alliance with our spirit.

Many of us have been in survival mode the past year, instead of in thrive mode. Dramatic changes in our health and wellness, career, business, finances, relationships, family and social life, and our lifestyles in general, can cause our soul energy to go sideways and out of alignment, just like being sideswiped by a car.

If you step off a curb suddenly, fall, twist an ankle, or pull a muscle, it will often put unusual stress on our spine and central nervous system. When the spine is misaligned a myriad of symptoms such as headaches, lower back pain, neck pain and numbness can manifest. Symptoms like these are the body’s way of letting us know something needs to be urgently attended to.

The same holds true for our spiritual well-being. When our energy, mental processes, and emotions begin to run amuck, our spiritual alignment needs to be corrected to regain our balance. Our body, mind and spirit must all be facing the same direction for us to move forward.

Staying in alignment with Spirit enables us to bounce back quickly, stay on course and manifest happiness and prosperity in our lives. Alignment with Spirit is our natural and preferred state, and while we may find ourselves temporarily off for various reasons, we are never too far to come back.

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Embracing The Mirages Of Life

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comImagine yourself walking through a hot desert, whipped by the relentless winds, and scorched by what feels like an unforgiving sun. Suddenly, a crystal-clear spring emerges in the distance. But the closer you come to this beautiful fountain, the more you realize that its calm waters are evaporating into thin air.

Taken aback, you face the reality that what you envisioned was never real or true. It was nothing more than a mere mirage. This optical illusion created by warm air near the ground refracting the light from the sky has deceived weary travelers for thousands of years.  Ancient poets even wrote verses that spoke of the delights and dangers of the mirage. Sacred texts reveal the mirage that gave hungry and thirsty pilgrims hope during long migrations or exodus.

As a spiritualist, I often receive calls from clients who have also been misled by mirages, only these mirages are not of the biblical deserts that prophets of old journeyed across. These are instead the ‘mirages of life.’ I often hear clients lament how everything appeared to line up so perfectly, but the outcome was an unexpected disappointment. My answer is always the same. There are times in life when on the surface everything seems to be falling into place, yet the desired outcome does not complete the story we had hoped to write.

I some cases, the seemingly ‘perfect partner’ stuck around for years without any proposal for marriage. In other instances, there was an awesome interview for the dream job that ultimately was offered to someone else. I could share countless examples of how expected outcomes are sometimes derailed in our world.

We have all encountered mirages in our life, as well as the disappointment and heartbreak that follow. But if you really take a step back and reflect on your past disappointments, you will soon note that Spirit always had a much better plan with your name on it. The love you thought you lost is often replaced with a better love you never imagined possible. The position you wanted more than anything was more appropriately aligned with someone else, and instead of misplacing your gifts and talents, the new job you ultimately found was much more fulfilling than you ever thought possible.

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Accepting Your Psychic Abilities

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI was recently asked how I became aware and started using my psychic abilities. For many this can be a complicated, challenging journey, but I was fortunate to grow into my psychic gifts quite easily.

It all began with me growing up in a small town with a population of only 8000 souls. We were a large family of 12 children, which at that time was more common than today.

From the time I can remember, my mother used to foretell events and always spoke of a person’s “inner character,” as if she could clearly see their internal mechanisms as one would with an X-ray. It was also clear to everyone who knew her that she never seemed to be wrong in her estimations.

At the same time, my grandmother, as well as my father, frequently spoke of spirits coming back to visit us from the afterlife, and sightings of loved ones who had passed on was a common occurrence in our family life.

I can remember even as a very young child that I also just ‘knew things’ and certainly it never occurred to me to question the validity of any information I perceived. In my family it was not unusual to hear talk of someone having the “third eye” or the “second sight.” No one was ever denied their gifts.

As children we simply took these ideas in our stride and accepted them as natural and normal. We never had reason to question any of it and we didn’t realize this was not something all children experienced in their families. It was as common to us as any other domestic event that would occur in other people’s homes.

Psychic ability, metaphysics and the paranormal was something that we would naturally nourish growing up and utilize to whatever advantage we needed. Maybe ones of the reasons it became so strong among the siblings, was our inherent drive to survive under extremely arduous and stressful conditions. Only later in life did we come to understand that not all brother and sisters develop this strong psychic bond, with the ability to connect and detect danger in any situation, despite the great distances that might separate us to this day.

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The Angelic Astrology Of Dolly Parton

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDolly Parton is no doubt a national treasure and international superstar, always in our hearts, and lately also in the news headlines – and this inquisitive astrologer wanted to know why.

So, I took the liberty of looking into Ms Parton’s Profection Year – an astrology technique I like to use for a voyeuristic peek into what’s going on in the stars of our favorite stars.

To get started, I investigated her natal chart, which is basically the user manual or blueprint each of us is given at birth. Dolly was born with, as one might expect, some highly fortunate planetary positions in her chart.

She has her Venus and Moon in exalted signs, and her Jupiter – that larger-than-life reward-giver – in a very dignified position too!

Her birth chart predicts that she was going to go far in life. And quite easily, too. It even suggests that she might be put up on a pedestal of admiration by many. Hindsight certainly is 2020.

According to her chart, however, Dolly has earned every ounce of adulation she’s received. Her Sun in Capricorn, and her Virgo Rising, make her a hard worker who’s climbed her way to the top. She has an unstoppable genius, due to her Mercury in Aquarius, and a Mercury chart ruler that is planted firmly in her 6th house of tough grind and perseverance.

It’s really no surprise that Mercury – a versatile, peculiar planet – is ruling her artistry and song writing prowess. And her unique voice (Mercury) is unlike any other (Aquarius).

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My Childhood Psychic Awakening

Click Here right NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comBeing gifted from an early age, I had lots of questions, and wanted specific, detailed answers about psychic phenomena, spirituality and the paranormal. This later became my norm to everything, and the world around me. The why’s and how’s continue to fascinate me in every aspect of my life.

My spirit guides have been very helpful over the years, as I found that humans can seldom answer my questions clearly, nor adequately. Over the years, my guides provided me with the stepping stones for my personal psychic development.

My guides assured me early on that they would never give me more than I could handle. They also made it clear that the truth of anything can always be confirmed by simply asking. I believed them, and each time I had an unusual sense or feeling, I asked for confirmation. I still do.

My first paranormal encounters and psychic experiences were with the animals. Their energy and communication is easier to understand, just like my guides, and they always communicate with unconditional love. This also led to a special bond with nature, and especially the trees. Soon after came the wind, and the water, their sounds so soothing and calm. As a child, I always experienced a deep, tranquil feeling of well-being, serenity and inner peace whenever I was outside in nature. I still do.

My next extra-sensory experiences were of premonitions and forebodings concerning the safety and well-being of others. At such a young age these presentiments were tricky to relay to adults. I would sense that someone was in danger, or shouldn’t go on a trip, or should not engage with a certain person who had dark energy around them. These apprehensions seemed to constantly haunt me. How do you share such warnings with grownups who will not listen, or take your seriously?

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The Dreamy Neptunian Waters Of Sean Connery

Click Here NOW FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThis year, on All Hallow’s Eve, I received news that truly rattled me. Halloween is normally a magical time for me, but I was left shaken with sadness this year, because one of my most beloved heroes, Sean Connery, had passed.

I think of Connery as Indiana Jones’s ingenious, funny dad, or as Daniel Dravot in The Man Who Would Be King, as well as the handsome love interest Mark Rutland in Hitchcock’s Marnie. But most of all, he is the true James Bond 007 original, of course, to which all subsequent iterations pale in comparison (although Daniel Craig does come a close second in my opinion).

Taking a peek at this iconic movie heartthrob’s astrological chart, one discovers some interesting nuggets as you dive deeper into his mysterious Neptunian waters!

His humble beginnings on “the street of a thousand smells,” as Connery once described it, was anything but easy. This is evident in his natal chart, with the serious nature of Capricorn, with its retrograde ruler, Mercury, sitting on his Ascendant.

However, this is also why he managed to make something of himself, often by using purely his wits, versatility and ingenuity, because Mercury is a capable planet placement that ruled his house of hard work! True to his Virgo nature, he worked diligently on his physique to become a notable bodybuilder, for example, which laid the foundation for his future stardom. The Moon in his 9th House further gave him the imaginative mind and empathetic understanding he needed to become so successful internationally.

An 8th House Virgo Stellium (a cluster of three or more planets in a single sign or house), made this meticulous, down-to-earth Virgo very much the perfectionist, and contributed greatly to the legend he ultimately became.

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