Extend Yourself The Grace Of Forgiveness
If you are an empath you may believe that forgiveness should be easy for you, or at least easier than it is for others. But I’ve spoken to many empaths and highly sensitive people over the years who all struggle with forgiveness.
One of the main issues with forgiveness for the empath is that we feel another’s emotions intensely, literally as our own. This muddies the waters considerably, because it tends to blur boundaries. Blurred boundaries can often lead to a closed mouth for an empath. Why? Because it is difficult for us, especially in childhood or in romantic relationships, to know where we end and another begins.
It is easy for others to manipulate appropriate boundaries with an empath, or to erase them altogether. All the empath knows is that there is pain, sadness, a sense of frustration, or anger. If you are an empath, then the question becomes are you angry with them, or yourself? Should you have been able to foresee the catastrophe happening, the relationship ending, job imploding, and so on. This leads to self-doubt and the rehashing of incidents that occurred years ago…with no resolution.
In the meantime, every time an empath thinks about the situation, past or present, we feel it…and the cycle continues.
Yes, you are empathic, intuitive, even psychic, but that does not make you immune to being human, neither does it make you all-knowing or all-seeing, especially when it comes to your own life, childhood or relationships.
The Power Of Creativity To Transform And Heal
Creative play is a crack, or a doorway into another part of ourselves… into our intuitive and spiritual nature. To explore our creativity is to open that door of possibility.
It is easy to doubt our creativity when we compare ourselves to others, and to great artists of the past. Through their life stories and work, the master artists left reminders, showing us that creativity is not something we are taught, but rather something we are. Tapping into this is about experiencing this for ourselves, in whatever form that may be.
I took up painting as a hobby in my late 20s. It began as a desire to learn to paint, although I held the belief that I wasn’t really creative, given my Finance and Accounting background. I had never considered Art to be healing, or that it held personal healing benefits.
At the beginning of my journey, I immersed myself in art books and read about other artists. I also joined a local art group. In class one day, I felt inspired to paint the Buddha. From the moment I picked up my brush to paint him, I could feel a presence by my side and I could see in the blank canvas the face that was to appear, long before it was visible to anyone else. That painting is the piece that changed the direction of my life path, as I embraced my creative and spiritual gifts.
Turning up to a blank canvas, is like saying yes to life and the unknown of what lays on our path. And there are many benefits of saying ‘yes’ to painting. Painting allows us to express ourselves through our work, it allows us a time and space to reflect on our life and the meaning we attached to our experiences.
The Spiritual Power Of Your Voice
With so many talent shows on television these days, there seems to be so much singing talent all over world. The exposure created by these reality shows allows otherwise unheard of individuals to find an international platform for their gifts. Some of their voices bring us alive, others pull back our deeper layers of emotion, and some simply reduce us to tears.
There are youngsters taking the stage on some of these shows who have the voices of angels. Some have never even had a day’s professional vocal training and yet, they sing like they’ve had years of coaching to develop what is already a beautiful gift. They were clearly born with their gift. Like many inventors, and also great composers of music and literature, they bring in many lifetimes of their gifts to share with us.
My father was a singer and songwriter and had a lovely voice. He became quite famous when I was still very young. His voice would get people in a happy, nostalgic frame of mind with his sing-along compositions and, as a good-looking man, he sure got the ladies swooning with his ballads!
“If you look inside my throat and inside that of a person who cannot hold a tune, nor has quality in their singing voice, the anatomy is just the same,” he told me once. He then asked me a question, which really was food for thought: “So, where does a beautiful voice come from?”
Through The Looking Glass
We tend to not see ourselves accurately. We too often choose to focus on our shortcomings and weaknesses, such as we perceive them to be. And I believe we are all guilty of this. I have not in all my years met anyone who was truly satisfied with themselves – until it was sometimes too late.
I was just as guilty of this as anyone else. My childhood was one that I wouldn’t have wished on my worst enemy. I was abandoned by both parents when I was very young. I was raised by an aunt and uncle, who took pleasure in reminding me that my parents did not love me. My aunt also took every opportunity to beat the daylights out of me, while my uncle did nothing.
When I hit puberty, several older males in my ‘family’ began to stalk and harass me. I’d go into the kitchen and soon find myself backed up against a wall. Nobody believed me. Nobody did anything to stop it – not even when I was raped at 16 by a family friend’s son, who was deemed to be a “good boy” and “would never do anything like that.”
I could go on and on about all the horrible things that happened to me, but once I turned that momentous age of 16, and having had the experiences that I have had, I left my aunt and uncle’s home. I went to live with my boyfriend, his sister and their mom. When I left, my uncle dumped all my clothes on the front lawn.
The Ideal Career According To Your Zodiac Sign
Astrology is a great tool for identifying your ideal career and the kind of employment that will fulfill your longing for soulful, meaningful work. Here are a few guidelines for the different signs of the zodiac and the careers they are typically drawn to, and may thrive in.
Fire Signs
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Energetic, impatient and independent Fire signs tend to crave adventure and love a challenge.
Aries is enthusiastic and outspoken as natural-born leaders. They prefer jobs that involve a certain amount of risk or challenge, such as fire fighting, law enforcement, competitive sports or the military. Any career that recognizes initiative, ambition and the ability to overcome many obstacles is ideal for them.
Leo loves being in the limelight and being in charge. They’re often drawn to careers that will bring them the respect and appreciation they desire. Of course, acting and any career in the entertainment field would be a perfect fit. But any profession that allows them to be the center of attention is a natural for them.
Sagittarius loves to be engaged with life and enjoy talking, writing, teaching and traveling. They’re well-suited to careers in education, publishing, law and the travel industry. Always energetic, Sagittarians prefer being outdoors and can’t stand any sort of job that keeps them stuck behind a desk.
Know More About Your Zodiac Sign
Here are some fun facts about the different astrological signs of the zodiac. Find your sign and learn more!
Aries – The Ram (March 21 – April 19)
Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, is ruled by Mars. Impetuous, hardworking and action-oriented, Aries are the first ones on the scene when it comes to adventure, daring to go where angels fear to tread. They are creative and love new endeavors, often having two or three projects going at the same time. However, because they bore easily, they don’t always finish what they start. Aries are loyal, confident, determined and forthright. They can also be rash, stubborn and impatient.
With an Aries, what you see is what you get. They are unpretentious and open. They are generally athletic and love to walk, run and hike. Like their symbol the ram, they are not afraid to hurdle steep mountains on their climb to success. They exude radiance, vitality and generally enjoy good health. Because Aries rules the head, this sign needs to watch for stress headaches, fevers, ear or eye troubles.
ELEMENT: Fire, Masculine
THEMES: Business, enterprise, spiritual awakenings
PASSIONS: Fast cars, travel, exploring
FRENEMIES: Cancer, Capricorn
HOT CHEMISTRY: Scorpio, Aquarius
TRUE LOVE: Gemini, Libra
FLOWER: Honeysuckle
How To Interpret An Aura Reading
I find aura reading to be interesting and a lot of fun. It has broken down social barriers for me, especially with those I have come across who have a somewhat challenging disposition. You can read anyone’s aura anywhere, anytime. It can be done on a complete stranger, or someone you may have known your entire life, and the person can come from any walk of life.
For example, I have a friend who is abrasive, abrupt, and bristly, but also precious and sweet. All this dynamic energy rolled into one little ‘ball of fire.’ Over the years many have not only overlooked her, but also completely misunderstood her. Her soul color is a flashing white, with a brilliant swath of pink streaking directly through the center. I have known her personally for most of my life, and I thought you might not only enjoy helping me analyze her entire aura, but in the process also learn to read and interpret a complete aura yourself.
Let’s begin at the beginning, which is the head area. This is done looking entirely at the outside of the head itself, as if we were going to draw a ring around it. When I look at her aura here, I determine a strong gray undertone first, and then an overlay of light blue. The gray tells me she is not feeling the best right now, possibly suffering from a head cold. The blue of course denotes that she is extremely creative. This makes sense since my friend loves poetry, is a gifted crafts person, and loves to knit fashionable clothing and accessories. Her designs have been sought after by individuals that recognize and appreciate her unusual talent.