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spiritual awakening

Find The Spiritual Gold Outside Your Comfort Zone

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSome people are not ready or strong enough to embrace the truth, nor the unfamiliar. And that’s okay. We are all at different stages in our soul evolution. Energetically we are like magnets that resonate with those who are on the same frequency, and bounce off those who do not share our level of understanding. And that is okay.

The more evolved and sensible we are spiritually, the more open we are to embrace new information and learn from the acquired insight and wisdom of others. The higher our vibration, the less likely we are to overreact with extreme resistance, or become anxious or annoyed when we are confronted with inconvenient new realities.

Resistance and defensiveness stem from the ego. The ego tends to hinder us from being present and truly connecting, learning, growing, and expanding. This ultimately keeps us from evolving spiritually.

I have always been a firm believer that the teacher will appear when the student is ready. Those who are no longer held back by the human ego, are more ready and open to receive new information and explore deeper wisdom on a soul level.

We need not unconditionally agree with everything, but one can always find some ‘gold’ in whatever crosses our path. There is always some nugget of wisdom or insight we can use, even if we choose to discard the rest. There is always something of value that we can add to our toolbox of personal growth and soul expansion. There is always something new to learn or discover.

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A Near-Death Experience Transformed My Life

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comLife has a way of revealing profound truths to us through unexpected circumstances.

When I was 20 years old, a life-altering event occurred that forever changed the course of my existence. I was severely injured in a traffic accident which led to a near-death experience (NDE).

It was a profound experience that transcended the ordinary and opened my eyes to the interconnectedness of all things. It ignited a profound spiritual awakening within me.

Expanding Consciousness

In the wake of the accident, a remarkable phenomenon occurred. I found myself stepping out of my physical body, witnessing the unfolding events from a vantage point of expanded consciousness. It was as if a veil had been lifted, allowing me to perceive not only my immediate surroundings, but also the entire location and surrounding city.

My heightened awareness continued to expand, to ultimately the entire planet, until I transcended even that, merging with the boundless expanse of the Universe.

Becoming One

During this extraordinary journey into higher realms, the boundaries of my individual self increasingly dissolved, and I experienced an indescribable sense of unity with the Universe. My consciousness soared past planets to embrace galaxies and ultimately behold the vastness of the entire cosmos.

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The Universal Power Of Prayer

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comPrayer has become a loaded, even triggering concept in spirituality. The modern notion of this practice has become religified and somewhat sanctimonious. It has mostly been appropriated by dogmatic, organized religion and too often assumed to only belong to the chosen, privileged few.

In my experience, prayer is in fact both a divine gift and universal law that belongs to us all, no matter what our particular spiritual or metaphysical beliefs may be. We all receive what we pray for, both spiritually and on a secular basis. And we all pray in different ways.

Prayer follows the path of least resistance, and the Universe abhors a vacuum. If our heart and mind are in the right place, prayer always works. We get what we pray for. The downside of getting what we pray for requires carefully choosing what we pray for. Time and time again, throughout history, this choosing has caused generations of clean-up. The karmic cleanup is not often successful, because we have not been willing to understand the hindrance of ulterior motives and hidden agendas. Spirit knows all, and there is nothing truly hidden or secret.

So, yes, we do get what we pray for, but we need to also be careful when we pray, because karma is also a Universal Law. We must always pray bearing in mind the Universal Law of Cause and Effect, the Golden Rule: as we give, so we receive.

One does not need to be a scientific genius to understand the basic concept of vibratory energy frequency and how it determines what we attract and impacts the quality of our life. A ‘vibe’ is either low or high. This does not only apply to us as individuals, but also to the collective vibrations of our families, communities, nations, as well as the collective frequency of the entire planet, which has been changing significantly in recent times.

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A Quantum Leap Into Powerful Manifestation

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI have been experiencing profound manifestations in recent times. It all began with an unusual spiritual encounter that led to a heightened connection with my higher self and the spirit realm. It inspired a personal quantum leap that profoundly transformed my life and especially empowered me to achieve greater levels of successful manifestation.

For example, I struggled with limited physical mobility for over two decades due to peripheral neuropathy. It is a nerve condition that causes weakness, numbness and discomfort in my feet and toes that has made normal walking a painful challenge for many years.

But all that has been rapidly changing, due to my enhanced manifesting ability. I have recently begun to walk more frequently without a cane, and I fully expect to soon be able to permanently kick the old crutch to the curb!

One of my friends was so impressed by all the positive outcomes she has lately been witnessing in my life, that she also began making more of an effort with her own spiritual practice.

She used to labor with feelings of insecurity, sadness, and cynicism due to many disappointments in her life. As much as she had dreamed of becoming a wife and mother someday, it never materialized for her. The men that crossed her path never fully appreciated all her beautiful qualities.

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What Is Christ Consciousness?

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe mystic and clairvoyant Rudolf Steiner predicted more than a century ago that humanity is entering a time in which a new spiritual awareness or higher consciousness shall emerge. Steiner named this new awareness Christ consciousness, a transformative energy that would transcend orthodox, dogmatic religion.

Steiner explains that Jesus was able to tap into a higher level of consciousness that comes from the realm of God, Source, Spirit, the Divine. He became “christed”to show us how to accomplish the complete activation of the spiritual seed we all have within our soul. “The rest of humanity must now, in imitation of Christ, gradually develop what was present for 33 years on the Earth in one single personality,” he writes.

Jesus understood that even just a little speck of this higher energy, no larger than a mustard seed, could transform human beings into exalted beings of a higher dimension. The essence of Christ consciousness is therefore simply this: Jesus came to teach us that the blessed pathway to our inner divinity and the glorious kingdom of higher consciousness already lay charted within the heart of each one of us. All we need to do is follow it.

The concept of higher consciousness or spiritual enlightenment is found in many world religions. Christ consciousness is also known God consciousness in Protestant Christianity; Cosmic consciousness in Hinduism; and Pure consciousness in Buddhism. Renowned psychic Edgar Cayce referred to it as “the Christ pattern”. Channeler Paul Selig describes Christ consciousness as a higher energy vibration at which one realizes that “God is the frequency of every cell in your being.”

Christ consciousness is therefore an awareness of the higher self as an expression of the Universal Consciousness. It is an elevated state of spiritual awareness that one achieves through self-realization and unity with God Source, Spirit, the Divine.

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More Joy, Less Struggle!

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI work with many clients who are experiencing significant spiritual growth. They are often exploring different metaphysical modalities, questioning their beliefs, investigating their energy patterns and mental habits, and contemplating higher consciousness. They read books, attend workshops, watch videos, and put a great deal of energy, effort and focus into their personal unfolding.

However, while they enjoy the freedom and fulfillment that comes with having all the ‘ah-ha’ moments and uncovering deeper levels of healing and development, many of them also begin to wonder after a while why it is no longer so much fun. If this is at all familiar to you, your angels want you to know that you are not alone in this feeling.

As we venture deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole of metaphysics and mysticism, we tend to get more and more ‘in our heads.’ Activities and hobbies that we once loved also begin to lose their appeal. It even becomes difficult to hang out with the people or be in the social settings that were once enjoyable to us.

The angels confirm that this is perfectly normal. As we begin to see through the veil and recognize what is real, it is only natural for the things that once served to distract us from the truth of who we truly are, to lose their shine and appeal. The quest then is to discover and engage with those things that truly bring us joy and fulfillment, beyond the everyday noise of unconscious existence.

The angels invite you today to explore what it is that brings your soul joy in this lifetime, and open to the possibility that growing through joy will bring you greater soul growth than any other means. Here are three simple ways you can tap into your soul’s joy.

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Striving To Embody The Higher Self

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe higher self, the soul, the spirit is the spiritually supreme, eternal aspect of our conscious existence that is unencumbered by the human ego and connected to the greater cosmic universe.

When people spiritually awaken, they begin to realize that we tend to constantly operate from the ego, with only subtle, mostly subconscious bouts of guidance and inspiration from spirit. They begin to feel the difference in their personal energy vibration when they are operating more consciously from spirit, but it is a challenge to consistently remain in this powerful state of divine alignment.

One’s life however becomes noticeably different once you manage to connect to the higher self on a more constant and consistent basis. You also become more circumspect about what you spend your time and energy on. Spiritual self-care and a conscious lifestyle becomes extremely important.

In the connected, aware state of steadily embodying the higher self we no longer feel the need, for example, to accumulate as many material things and status symbols as possible, and we no longer say yes to everyone and everything for the simple fear of missing out.

We also tend to choose a new tribe and begin to increasingly spend time with people who are also in a state of higher vibration. We also progressively lose our interest in dysfunctional, lower vibrational behavior, like criticism, pettiness, perfectionism, gossip, judgment and wanting to control and manipulate others.

When we are more permanently aligned with the higher self, we become more empowered as deliberate creators and are able to manifest our desires more profoundly. We also become more grateful for the daily little miracles of life and keenly present in every moment. And we become more in tune with our soul purpose and begin to fearlessly pursue our true passions.

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