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How To Truly Honor Our Departed Loved Ones

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI attended a service recently at the local spiritualist centre that I found particularly meaningful. One of the spirit messages channeled by a visiting medium was for a recently bereaved man in the congregation. The grieving gentleman had been dealing with many mixed emotions since the passing of his spouse.

At first the medium provided the man with undeniable evidence that it was indeed his late wife who was making contact. She relayed several factual details and personal memories that only the man and his wife could possibly know of. This was especially evident from the amazed expression on his face in reaction to everything the medium was saying.

The deceased wife then admitted to being somewhat of a ‘firecracker’ during their 50-year marriage. She further confessed that towards the end of her life she had become especially difficult to deal with and said many hurtful things to him. She acknowledged that despite her unkind behavior he consistently remained patient with her and thanked him for his kindness and forbearance.

The man then confirmed that his late wife had suffered a series of mini-strokes that altered her mental state. She had also been prescribed medication that further affected her mood and behavior in a negative way. The wife then asked for his forgiveness and encouraged him to stop focusing so much on the negative memories of their final months together.

“She is asking you to please think more often of your special moments together,” said the medium.

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An End-Of-Life Mediumship Experience

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI have been doing mediumship work for over 40 years, but recently I received an unusual request I have never had before. I was asked to do a phone reading for a long-time client whose mom who was terminally ill and in hospice intensive care. My client said her mom could no longer speak, and she felt the need to communicate with her before she passed.

I have never done a mediumship reading under these circumstances, but I could hardly refuse my client’s plea. So, I agreed, despite not being entirely confident about how it would unfold.

As soon as I started to tune in, I saw a vision in my mind’s eye of a man holding both her mother’s hands. I described the physical appearance of the two people I was seeing, and the daughter then confirmed that it was definitely her mom and her mom’s brother.

The mother was very relieved to be able to reassure her daughter, as well as her life-long best friend, who was also present in the hospice room at the time, that she was finally ready to transition and return to her spiritual home.

Then I saw three angels standing behind the mother. They wanted to reassure those present that her crossing would be safe and easy, and that she would no longer be in so much pain.

When I perceive angels during readings, they appear to me exactly how one might expect them to look in the traditional Christian art sense, complete with wings and a glowing aura. However, I never see them with recognizable facial features and I always feel their presence first, before I see them.

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Karmic Healing Inspired By Our Ancestors

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI recently completed a pharmacy volunteer assignment at the American Red Cross. On my final shift, one of the phlebotomists gave me a T-shirt as a parting gift. It is printed with the slogan: Be Cool. Give Blood.

That T-shirt turned out to be a sign from spirit! It synchronistically brought up memories of one of my favorite mentors, and prompted a thought process regarding the role of our ancestors in karmic healing, and our soul family contracts, at a moment in time that I most needed it and found deeply meaningful.

In pharmacy school, I had an eccentric professor who used unconventional teaching methods and famously wore Snoopy™ and Joe Cool™ apparel to class. To us he was much like the character John Keating or “Captain” in the popular film Dead Poets Society (1989). As pharmacy students we usually attended mostly stodgy scientific lectures, therefore we simply loved his unconventional, fun approach!

I distinctly remember one of the topics we discussed in his curriculum was ‘empathy in healthcare.’ Little did I realize at the time how his teachings would someday inspire me in my work as psychic advisor.

In 1994, on the first day of our social and administrative classes, our beloved professor was tragically diagnosed with colon cancer. He passed away seven years later in 2001.

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The Messenger Must Know When To Hold Her Peace

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEver heard of “less is more?” Well, there is a lot of spiritual truth in the saying. It is especially valid in this day and age, where everyone seems to have preconceived ideas and strong opinions on just about everything. Sometimes saying less, or even saying nothing at all, is enough, and usually for the best.

Saying nothing can be very empowering and liberating. We have free will to choose how we want to spend our time and energy. I choose to focus on things that are for my highest good, and those I care about.

It is not our duty to correct every misinformed opinion or ignorant viewpoint we encounter. Does that mean we should be self-absorbed and uncaring? No, certainly not. But we can also not make the world a better place by wasting our precious time and energy trying to fix everyone, and correct everything, while our own inner peace and well-being suffers.

Compassion, charity, and kindness are all much needed in the world today, but not if it is constantly at our own expense. I therefore prefer to wisely pick my battles, and stick to my lane. One person cannot be everything for everyone. We must focus on our own unique strengths and capabilities when helping others.

If we randomly go out on a limb to help everyone with advice and support, it is often not appreciated and frequently met with negativity and resistance. Not to mention trying to point out the facts or truth of a matter, which can be very risky these days! There are some things in life people just need to figure out for themselves. They don’t always need to hear it from us.

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Spirit Meets Us In The Middle

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAbout three decades ago, a friend’s father passed away. I had only met him once, and very briefly. Several months after his passing, he came to me in dream with an important message for my friend. I asked, why me? He explained that I was the only person in her life that he could reach.

Her father’s telepathic communication was, however, coming in so fast and symbolically complex that I could not keep up with what he was saying. This is the nature of this world. The energy density here is so heavy and slow, while spirit energy is light, quick, and highly advanced.

To assist me with my understanding, and also help me remember his message later, he showed me in the dream how he was ‘recording it as voicemail message.’ This enabled my mind to slow the message down. I was able to replay it slowly at my level of human understanding.

I later relayed the ‘decoded’ message to my friend. He wanted her to know that he was aware that she had been suffering much grief after his passing, but that he wished for her to move on. “I am still with you and still love you, but it is time for you to start living your life to the fullest again,” he said.

She was very grateful and relieved to receive his message. She cried and it clearly touched her. She then told me that she had attended a grief support group that same night I had the visitation dream. She had decided to give it a try, as she was struggling to process her loss and did not know how to move forward.

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Spirit’s Calling Cards Are Everywhere

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comBoth experienced and novice psychics will tell you the spirit realm is in constant contact with the physical world. Although spirit may not communicate in the way we do, their messages are constantly here for us to see, hear and feel – if we know how and where to look for it.

The spirit realm exists beyond our time and space, but spirit is still able to interact with us. Hollywood movies would have us believe they can make objects float through the air, but it’s much more subtle than that.

Interference with electronic devices, such as clocks or laptops, is common when spirit is present. Take note if your computer seems stuck on a particular page or a clock stops at a certain time. Your spirit guardian may be sending an important message.

Static physical objects like family pictures may also change in the presence of a departed loved one. You may notice a photograph becoming blurrier or curling up on one side. Sometimes the frame is shifted or moved.

Take a walk outside every day. Are you seeing birds or butterflies? Both are messengers of spirits, so pay close attention to what you see, including their colors and patterns, and look up the meaning later. If you’re lucky a butterfly may land on you. Up in the skies, cloud formations, rainbows, and falling stars are all associated with spiritual messages.

Psychic or intuitive experiences is another way spirits speak to us. Have you ever felt like you ‘hear your name’ being spoken or called, or ‘feel the touch’ of a hand on your shoulder, while you are alone in a room? This is a sure sign a spirit presence is nearby.

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How To Get A Clear Tarot Reading

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI recently had someone mention that they always receive ambiguous information when they get a Tarot card reading.  I found this to be quite a quandary, because I have never felt that this was the issue. Not only do I find great value in the use of Tarot cards in my personal work, I also know several very accurate readers that use Tarot cards as a divination tool.

With further discussion I found out that the average time this person spent in a reading was only five minutes. After hearing this information I was not really surprised at all that the information that they were getting seemed quite ambiguous? This being said, I have had some wonderful and insightful experiences while doing short readings. However, going through a Tarot spread and gaining absolute insight in five minutes would certainly create a challenge for even the most seasoned psychic readers.

There are many types of psychic abilities, and the manifestations of these gifts can also vary depending on the psychic or medium. I would like to explain my own personal experience, and I know that it aligns itself with several other readers.

Psychic information develops over time. Many times information comes to a psychic in the form of mental images rather that words, and it is the psychic’s job to translate the message. Psychic information is channeled much in the same way that someone remembers a dream. Information can sometimes start out relatively obscure, and then as details are added clarity comes naturally. Sometimes the flow of information happens quite rapidly, and other times it needs to be ‘teased out.’

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