spirit messages
Comforting Spirit Whispers From Heaven
Connecting with our loved ones in heaven is a deeply personal and spiritual experience that brings comfort and healing to many believers. Whether through dreams, signs, mediumship readings, or quiet moments of reflection, knowing that our departed loved ones are still with us in some way provides profound comfort, peace, and hope.
Signs, dreams, messages, and other forms of contact from the afterlife are essential to grieving, healing, and accepting the loss of loved ones for several psychological, emotional, and spiritual reasons.
Encounters with the deceased occur in all states of consciousness: while dreaming, while awake, in altered states of consciousness, in various circumstances, and before, during, and after death. According to a 1977 study, a significant portion of the bereaved, estimated at 40% to 50%, experience such phenomena. These experiences help maintain an ongoing sense of connection with the deceased, which can be comforting and provide a sense of a continuing relationship even after death.
Dreams, signs and mediumship can all bring a sense of peace, love, and reassurance to the bereaved, easing the emotional pain associated with loss. Receiving messages from a loved one can also provide a sense of closure or resolve unresolved feelings and unfinished business, which is essential for moving forward.
The Calling Cards Of Spirit Whispers
When I was a teenager, my father said in a very serious tone, “I want to talk to you about something important.
My immediate thought was, I hope this is not going to be a cringe-worthy talk about the birds and the bees. Please let it not be!
But fortunately it was not about the facts of life. Instead, it was an enlightening conversation about spiritualism and the afterlife.
My father told me about his conversion from atheist to spiritualist about a decade earlier. Apparently, my mother had made a bet with him about something that he had lost. According to their agreement, if he lost, he had to accompany her to a spiritualist church to attend a service.
So they went to the Spiritualist church in London one Sunday night when Joseph Benjamin, a well-known medium at the time, was scheduled to demonstrate on the platform. Benjamin was a prominent Spiritualist medium whose mediumship was highly regarded in those days.
Although my father sat all they way in the back during the service, that didn’t stop Benjamin from locating my father in the assembled crowd and delivering a profound message from my late paternal grandfather.
The message stunned my father, especially when Benjamin told him how disappointed my grandfather was that the tools he’d left him were neglected and “rusting away in the shed. And so it was that my father became an avid believer.
My Mystical Encounter With A Music Box
I go through my house at least once a year to get rid of some of the clutter. I even have a large bin labeled “donate,” and when stuff has outlived its usefulness, it goes in there.
Recently, I took some of these unwanted items to the charity thrift store they were intended for.
Whenever I go into an antique or thrift store, I immediately lower my psychic awareness and energetically shield myself as a precaution. I have to, or the energy residue and imprints in those places will wreak havoc on my auric well-being and state of mind.
Not protecting my energy and not blocking out incoming psychic impressions in such an energetically dense environment would be like hanging out at a funeral home, absorbing everyone’s sadness and grief and then taking it home with me. It is basically the psychic empath equivalent of sunbathing on the beach for hours without sunscreen!
Before I learned how to “unplug” and “shield up,” I would feel so unbalanced and completely drained afterwards that I would lie in bed for days to recharge my batteries. I would feel overwhelmed with emotional and psychic overload, which is both mentally and physically toxic. Fortunately, over the years I have learned how to protect my auric energy and “turn off” my psychic abilities to use at my discretion only when needed.
After dropping off my bags at the store, the man behind the counter went into sales mode and excitedly informed me that he had just received a ton of cool new items. His sales pitch was charming, and I decided to poke around the store for a few minutes to see what I could find. I had no intention of buying anything, and thankfully I didn’t. I didn’t need any more clutter!
How To Recognize A Genuine Psychic Medium
Consulting a psychic medium to communicate with your loved ones in spirit is something I can wholeheartedly recommend. The readings I have had with gifted mediums have brought me much comfort and closure in my own life, as well as new insights and karmic understanding in my spiritual journey.
People often turn to psychic mediums as a way to find closure and healing from the loss of a loved one. The ability to receive messages or insights from the deceased can bring great comfort and inner peace.
A gifted psychic medium can convey specific details or messages from the deceased that confirm the existence of an afterlife and provide confirmation that our loved ones and ancestors are still connected to us. This can be especially comforting when we are grieving.
The experience of feeling connected to deceased loved ones can also alleviate feelings of loneliness or separation by fostering a sense of an ongoing relationship beyond physical existence. Sometimes messages delivered through a medium can also address unresolved issues or unfinished business with the deceased, facilitating healing and forgiveness that may not have been possible during the person’s lifetime.
Mediumship sessions can also provide spiritual guidance and insight into life’s larger questions. Messages from the spirit often include advice, encouragement, or perspectives that help us navigate our own spiritual journeys. Working with a psychic medium can be part of exploring one’s own spirituality and beliefs, opening doors to new understandings and perspectives on life and death.
Spiritual Technology Is No Longer Science Fiction
Many years ago I began receiving messages from Spirit predicting advances in technology that would allow us to reach higher states of consciousness and expand our spiritual awareness.
At that time there was nothing on the market that matched what I was seeing, so some of these psychic impressions did not make complete sense to me, but since then several new technologies have become available to help us explore and understand consciousness and our spiritual nature.
For example, there are now several commercially available devices designed to support meditation practices by providing feedback, guidance, and enhancing the meditative experience. These devices promote relaxation, mindfulness, and deeper states of meditation.
Biofeedback devices can now help users understand and control their physiological responses during meditation, promoting relaxation and mindfulness.
Today, there are also numerous smartphone apps designed specifically to guide meditation sessions, provide mindfulness exercises, and track progress. These apps often include features such as guided meditation sessions, timers, ambient sounds, and progress tracking.
It is like having a personal yogi in the palm of your hand! Even better, that yogi gives you instant feedback on your progress by measuring your results. The apps often have incremental steps on your journey to awakening. So not only can you feel the immediate results, but you can also advance and maintain higher meditative achievements.
Just Let The Universe Work Its Magic
As spirit beings in human form, we tend to be subject to our willful ego. Many of us can be particularly stubborn when there is something (or someone) that we desperately want, causing us to lazily focus on that thing or person and nothing else.
Even when Spirit gently nudges us in another direction and the Universe patiently whispers, “No, that is not what is meant for you,” we stubbornly cling to our obsessions.
God, Source, Spirit, the Divine wants only the best for us and the Universe will never deny us those things that serve our highest good. In the readings, the messages from our guides, angels and ancestors always come from a place of love and never from a place of withholding, exclusion, punishment, revenge, fear or neglect. Spirit wants us to live our best lives, to experience lots of love, and to grow both personally and spiritually.
Psychic advisors like myself are sometimes “the messengers who get shot.” We sometimes read for people who get very upset with us when the guidance we receive from Spirit is not what they had hoped to hear. Continue reading →
The Phenomenon Of Spirit Apparitions
Have you ever felt a presence in the room and then caught a glimpse of a recognisable shadow or a fleetingly familiar face, only to realise that they are no longer among the living?
You are not alone, and it is more common than you might think. It is known as a spirit apparition and most people prefer not to talk about it for obvious reasons.
Lately, I’ve noticed an increase in such experiences with my clients, perhaps due to the other side’s increased efforts these days to communicate with us. I’ve also found myself to be a prime example of this phenomenon.
Increasingly I am seeing familiar faces of deceased people I have known in my life, manifesting in the form of brief spirit apparitions. There is never any doubt as to who they are, as they always have the same appearance as when they lived their existence here.
What exactly are spirit apparitions? They are visual energy manifestations of people who have passed on, appearing to the living in various forms. The word ‘apparition’ simply means an ‘appearance,’ often of something surprising or unexpected. In the context of afterlife phenomena and the spirit realm, it refers to the manifestation of the spirit of a deceased person as a visible image or figure.
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