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spirit messages

The Transformative Power Of Vulnerability

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI find that spirit wants to remind us that vulnerability offers us a special kind of magic in our lives. It is a theme that comes up regularly in psychic readings I do for my clients.

Vulnerability can transform lives, careers, relationships and families in profound ways. But for many of us, life has taught us that being vulnerable is a ‘weakness’ that puts us at risk.

Many of us have built walls around ourselves to protect ourselves because we feel we risk rejection, judgment, or failure if we allow ourselves to be vulnerable. The ego tells us it’s best not to take those risks at all!

Instead, we harden our hearts and keep our distance, choosing to figure out what others might think, feel or do before we are willing to put ourselves out there in any way.

But by shying away from being open, authentic, and transparent with our thoughts, feelings, hopes, fears, and desires, we actually block the very outcomes in life that we hope for.

So, how do you get more comfortable opening up and allowing yourself to be authentic and vulnerable? And how does that open you up to the very results you want to manifest in your life?

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Is It Safe To Use A Ouija Board?

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI have been asked over the years if it is safe to use the Ouija Board as a spiritual or divinatory tool. This is a simple question with a complex answer, as it depends very much on who will be using the Ouija, as well as the intended purpose or goal.

To simply say yes or no would be the same as saying someone should or should not use tarot cards, runes, crystal balls, or scrying mirrors, as they all involve communication with the spirit realm.

While I personally do not use Ouija as a mediumship or divination tool, it certainly should not be used as a toy, especially by people who are simply curious and unfamiliar with working with the spirit realm.

I do not know of anyone who has been physically harmed by contacting spirit via Ouija, but I have worked in the past with a client whose mental health and emotional well-being were severely affected by it.

I’ve also heard from a fellow psychic involved in paranormal investigations that she was called in to deal with disturbing paranormal activity in someone’s home that was triggered by a botched amateur séance.

Contrary to popular belief, the Ouija board was originally created as a fun family board game that seemed to have nothing to do with spiritualism or the occult. The truth is that the concept actually has spiritual origins. There is evidence, for example, of a planchette-like device used for divination in ancient China around 1100 A.D., and it is a historical fact that the commercial Ouija Board “game” actually has its roots in spiritualism.

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When A Message From Spirit Makes No Sense

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThere are times when spirit takes me out of my comfort zone with a message or prediction for a client. This is usually when what I need to convey to the recipient does not make an ounce of sense to me, to the client, or to both of us.

I must confess that there have been occasions when I have tried to avoid discomfort or embarrassment by not delivering the message at first. But spirit would absolutely insist, haunting me with a nagging feeling that would eventually compel me to find a way to deliver the message, no matter how bizarre it might seem.

Over the years I have learned to trust the flow and not hold back, but there are still times when I feel like I am going out on a limb until I get feedback from the client confirming that the message or prediction was valid after all.

Some messages also seem silly because a deceased loved one was known to have a strange sense of humor or to play practical jokes on people while in this life. As strange as some of these messages may seem at first, I find that they always bring much joy and comfort to the recipients.

I do a monthly reading for a friend and fellow psychic. We became friends several years ago when I was living in South Africa and have kept in touch since I moved to Europe and she moved to Indonesia a few years ago.

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Learning To Trust Your Intuitions

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAs we navigate life’s challenges, we too often question our inner guidance. Even after decades of psychic work, I sometimes also find myself questioning my own choices and decisions. One of the ways we can move beyond the deceptions of the ego mind is to learn the signs of spirit and how spirit communicates with us.

Everyone has an inner psychic ‘dictionary.’ This inner glossary of personal spiritual symbols repeats signs and patterns to convey a message to you. Although you may not think of yourself as highly intuitive or as a psychic visionary, you may be surprised at how psychic you really are when you allow your higher self to guide you.

Most people who attend my intuitive development classes soon learn that they themselves already own the intuition they are seeking. What I mean by this is that what we try so hard to find in the outside world in order to become more intuitive is actually already present within us.

We are spirit and are merely occupying the physical vehicle that is our body. I am sure you have noticed that sometimes your body knows the truth about situations before it registers in your mind? This is a psychic ability.

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The Lucky Penny

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMy son is an old soul. He is intuitive and deeply spiritual. He communicates with his guides on a daily basis. He tells me he has gut feelings that often come true. He has had prophetic dreams. He ‘reads my mind’ all the time!

I love sharing magical things with him. For example, I taught him the traditional rhyme, “Find a penny, pick it up; all day long you’ll have good luck,” and he has been eagerly looking for pennies ever since. This makes me happy, as it teaches him to be aware of the world around him and to find the magic in everyday life.

By the way, I recently learned that the penny rhyme was originally “See a pin, pick it up, all day the day you’ll have good luck.” Apparently, this was a reference to an old pagan ritual in which a pin could be used as a good luck charm. The belief was that a dropped pin may have been used in such a magic spell and would therefore bring good fortune to the person who found it.

A while ago, I also told my son about an incident when, at the age of 11, my guides told me that they were sending me a gift. The next day, in a cow field, I found a sterling silver children’s ring with a Native American design engraved on it. He has been asking me ever since when he will also get a gift from his guides. He has found some coins on the ground, but they are always upside down (not a good sign).

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The Ancient Art Of Scrying

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen the evil queen in Walt Disney’s animated classic, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937),  says, “Magic mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?” she is not merely admiring the beauty of her own reflection. Instead, she is practicing an ancient divination technique known as scrying. In this case ‘mirror scrying,’ also known as catoptromancy.

Scrying is the metaphysical practice of gazing into a reflective surface, such as a crystal ball, mirror or water, in order to perceive spiritual insights, spirit messages or clairvoyant visions of the future.

In most societies, since time began, people used different tools in attempts to scry for answers about the present and future. It seems to be human nature to want to know what is in store for us in the future. Often scrying was done in the confines of royalty or religion – reserved only for the privileged few deemed worthy to do it.

Scrying was often a practice learned and applied within a family, as children often watched their elders scry. People did not write down how to do such things in the early days. The secrets of scrying was handed down from one family member to another. However, this metaphysical practice can be learned by almost all people with some dedication, concentration and patience.

Many objects can be used to scry. Apart from the traditional crystal ball or mirror, one can also make use of a candle, water, ink, smoke, tea leaves, or even a glass of dark wine. In ancient Egypt there were sacred lotus pools used by priests for scrying. Shallow scrying bowls, carved from dark stone, have been found in many parts of the world. When filled with water, ink or dark red wine they too became ‘mirrors’ for scrying. The crystal sphere that many modern practitioners use is a more recent innovation. The earliest examples, used primarily for divination date, from about 1500 AD.

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The Empowering Wisdom Of Forgiveness

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAlthough I consider myself a very spiritual person, forgiveness has not always been one of my strengths. In fact, I used to struggle with forgiving those who had hurt or wronged me.

Fortunately, as I matured in my spiritual evolution, I eventually realized that by not letting go of negative events and experiences in my past, I was only being haunted and held captive by them, which was not serving my highest good.

For several years, I was stuck in a downward cycle of replaying certain past events in my mind, reliving every excruciating detail and allowing the past to negatively influence the present and my future. Over time, it became clear that this issue was holding me back in more ways than I could have imagined.

To find some answers, I decided to shift the focus of my spiritual practice for a few months to consult my guides on this issue. During this time, spirit guided me as follows.

Letting Go

To truly forgive, we must let go of the past. There is no true forgiveness if we still somehow hold on to the smallest regret or resentment. Forgiveness is all, or nothing. There are no half measures or gray areas.

Forgiveness is more than just an emotional healing process, it is also an empowering metaphysical practice. If we do not release something completely, we continue to hold some level of negative energy that continues to affect our current vibration, which diminishes our quality of life and negatively affects our future happiness.

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