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Spirit Signs From The Other Side

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!As a psychic medium, I am often asked certain questions about the afterlife and the spirit world.

Is there life after this life? Where do souls go when they die? How do we know if our deceased loved ones are near? How can you tell if they are okay on the other side?

The first thing I usually explain is the nature of soul energy, the nature of consciousness and the afterlife.

Everything is energy. We are pure energy, and energy cannot be destroyed; it only changes form. Therefore, death as we know it does not exist.

Our soul energy is the essence of who we are, a form of pure, indestructible energy that transcends the physical body.

When we no longer need our physical body, our energy simply takes on a new form. Some people call this heaven or the afterlife, but it’s basically energy in a different state at a higher level of consciousness.

Our consciousness does not end with physical death, but transcends it, while our soul retains awareness, memory, and connection to other souls. The soul’s journey does not end; it evolves and remains connected to all that it has touched in this life.

Is there a “hell” or “purgatory” or a place of “eternal damnation”? In my experience, no spirit has ever told me that they are now in a “bad” place, or that they are suffering or being punished in any way.

While life in the physical does end for individuals, love and energy continues, so do not be surprised if your loved one in Heaven reaches out to let you know they are okay ~ Melanie Beckler

The souls of our deceased loved ones therefore continue to exist in the spirit realm, retaining the ability to interact with the living through subtle signs, dreams, and energetic impressions. This continued consciousness explains why we can feel the presence of deceased loved ones and receive signs, messages, and guidance from them as they support and guide us from their new state of being.

Common Spirit Signs

Spirits like to make their presence known through familiar, comforting signs:

Dreams: One of the most profound ways that spirits communicate is through dreams. In these dreams, the deceased appear healthy, happy, and peaceful. In these dream visitations, we interact or have a conversation with them. Deceased pets may also appear in dreams or be felt walking beside you. These dreams often feel more vivid and emotionally real than ordinary dreams, leaving a sense of calm or closure upon awakening.

Finding Objects: Spirits often leave small tokens, such as coins or feathers, usually at meaningful moments and in very unusual places. You may find a penny, dime, or quarter in the most unexpected place. Sometimes you’ll even look at an empty space only to find a coin there a moment later. Feathers are another common sign, often appearing outdoors as if they’ve fallen from the sky, and they may be the color of a bird your loved one enjoyed. Finding a heart-shaped rock can feel like a special gift from a deceased loved one. Some people treasure these rocks and sometimes carry them around as a reminder of their connection.

Moving objects: Spirits like to move objects, sometimes knocking a book off a shelf or moving a picture frame just enough to get your attention. It could be a book you were about to read or a picture of your loved one. You may even notice the picture frame tilting repeatedly. These playful actions are meant to remind you that they’re still with you.

Apports: Objects that mysteriously appear or disappear. Apports can appear without explanation and then disappear as mysteriously as they appeared. They can materialize out of thin air or seemingly out of nowhere. These apports often have personal or symbolic significance to the person involved, such as items belonging to a deceased loved one.

Scent: Spirits sometimes use familiar smells, such as a favorite cologne or a scent associated with their lives. For example, a mechanic might announce his presence with the smell of gasoline or grease. A grandmother who loved to bake may share the smell of her famous pies. These sensory experiences are also considered clairvoyant experiences. our home.

Insects: Butterflies, dragonflies, ladybirds, and various other insects have long been considered spiritual messengers. These small, delicate creatures are traditionally seen as symbols of the connection between the physical and spiritual realms. When they appear unexpectedly or linger around us at meaningful moments, they are often a gentle reminder that the departed are nearby, offering comfort, guidance, or simply a reminder of their enduring presence.

Birds and Animals: Many people experience signs with a bird or animal that they associate with a particular loved one. These birds and animals behave in unusual ways or show up unexpectedly in random places or at times when you need reassurance.

Music: Have you ever heard a particular song on the radio or at a random moment that strongly reminds you of a loved one? Spirits like to communicate through music. You may hear a song that meant something to both of you, or a tune that suddenly makes you think of them.

Numbers: Seeing repeated sequences of numbers such as 111, 222, 333, or even significant dates such as birthdays or anniversaries is often a sign from a loved one. These numbers appear repeatedly on clocks, license plates, receipts, and other unexpected places to remind you that they’re around.

Temperature Changes: Sometimes spirits make their presence known through a sudden chill or warmth in the room.

Electrical Disturbances: Flickering lights, electronics turning on and off, or appliances acting strangely can be a common sign from the other side. These electrical disturbances are often a playful way for spirits to let you know they are nearby.

Spontaneous Thoughts: You may suddenly think of them or have a memory that feels random or even out of place, but is related to your loved one. These mental flashes tend to come when you least expect them, reminding you that they are still with you. It is safe to assume that when you suddenly think of them, they are with you.

Signs from our deceased loved ones are often subtle, leading many to wonder if they are real or just a figment of the imagination. The simple answer is that if you find yourself questioning it, it is usually real. If it weren’t, you probably wouldn’t have noticed it in the first place.

A million different events happen in your day, and none of them stand out to you. When a seemingly benign event suddenly grabs your attention and makes you question if it’s a sign from your loved one in spirit…it probably is ~ Melanie Jade Rummel

Spirit Encounters & Interactions

Can our deceased loved ones physically interact with us? In my experience, they certainly can and do. In fact, they can do so in a variety of ways other than sending us signs or messages through a medium such as myself.

For example, spirits will sometimes touch us on the face, head, and back! this is usually only felt by people who are open to it and is usually a light sensation. When this happens, you may not realize that it is a spirit. Some people also have similar experiences with deceased pets, feeling the animal walking gently down their legs or around their head while they are lying in bed, especially when they are half asleep.

Other ways spirit can interact with us include physical manifestations, such as the appearance of apparitions or the unexplained movement of objects. Spirit also sometimes makes its presence known through sounds, smells, or tastes. For example, we may hear their voices, smell a particular perfume associated with the deceased loved one, or taste their favorite food.

While spirits want to let us know that they are still with us, they also understand that it’s important for us to live fully in this world. They don’t want us to become dependent on their signs or to live in the past all the time. If we were to receive signs all the time, some might struggle to move forward with their lives.

Spirit wants us to enjoy life and trust that when our time comes, we’ll be together again. Wishing for signs all the time won’t make them happen; you have to relax, be open and allow them to happen naturally.

About The Author: Elizabeth

Elizabeth's talents go back several generations. She found her own gifts and embraced them at an early age, recognizing the difference between herself and most others around her. She's since honed and mastered many metaphysical practices, providing hypnotherapy, Psychic Mediumship, Mysticism, and Hypno-Reiki to her clients in Maine, and in areas around the US and in Canada, where she travels. A lover of pets, they are her greatest teachers and these unconditionally loving creatures often chime in on a reading in addition to the Angels, Guides and loved ones who provide resolution and answers for each of her clients. Elizabeth is also an author with much spiritual wisdom to impart and is currently working on a book. If you'd like to be a recipient of her unique Psychic Wisdom, find peace and receive answers that will also benefit your highest good, you can reach Elizabeth at Psychic Access.

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