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Some Will Only Know Joy In The Afterlife

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Shortly after my father’s death in 2005, I began sitting in a monthly mediumship circle with three friends. At our third gathering, my father began the first of many communications from the other side.

This experience was made even more special by the fact that one of the sitters was my father’s hospice nurse.

How fortunate I was during those last six months of my father’s life to not only have the wonderful support of this earth angel, but also to feel so connected to her through our interest in things of a psychic and spiritualist nature.

What a bonus then to have her as an additional link to him in our psychic circle.

At one point, however, my father stopped communicating during our sessions for a period of about three months. When his presence finally returned, I asked him where he had been, and he replied, “Learning about joy!”

This was very surprising to me because my father never really knew or showed much joy when he was in this world. Or maybe he never allowed himself to experience joy. The only times he seemed really happy or joyful was when he had what he called “several sherbets under his belt,” meaning he’d be pretty intoxicated!

I felt both sad and happy. Sad because he had never known joy as I knew it – just rolling around on the floor playing with my pets, sharing a joke with a friend, or being elated when a client came back to say that their life had taken a turn for the better. But I was happy that he was finally allowing himself to learn about and experience some joy.

Joy is the happiness of love – love aware of its own inner happiness. Pleasure comes from without, and joy comes from within, and it is, therefore, within reach of everyone in the world ~ Fulton J. Sheen

He always seemed to be looking for a reason to be unhappy or worried in this life. I loved him dearly, but looking back, he was always restlessly searching, hoping to find joy in some foreign land or exotic destination to which we frequently migrated over the years. He also spoke of his “ship coming in one day.” It never did.

As a professional musician, he made many people happy with his stage performances, but I don’t think he was at peace with himself. I have learned that the exhilarating feeling of being happy, fulfilled and at peace with ourselves and having true joy in our hearts can only manifest for us when we allow our physical world to align with our higher self and soul purpose.

When I think back, my father used to question why I often volunteered to help other people because he felt it was very unlikely that they would ever help me in return. But I now realize that joy doesn’t come from getting something back – it comes from giving wholeheartedly and helping others, especially animals in need.

Basically, the secret is to act with purpose and generosity. Random acts of kindness. When we feel aligned with our purpose, giving becomes spontaneous and automatic, and joy and fulfillment follow.

When my father knew he was dying, he became obsessed with leaving behind his possessions and what would become of them. It was both heartbreaking and somewhat disturbing.

One by one, I have since donated most of his things to others who need them more. Initially, before disposing of anything that belonged to him, I would consult with him in our monthly mediumship circle, and his response was always the same: that he no longer cared about material “stuff.”

If only mortals would learn how great it is to possess divine grace, how beautiful, how noble, how precious. How many riches it hides within itself, how many joys and delights! ~ Saint Rose of Lima

He would say, “Just give it away to those in need!” What a shame that he had to wait until after his death to experience the joy of generosity, kindness and charity.

Some people will never fully understand and experience joy until after their death and transition, for in the spirit realm we are freed from the burdens, fears, and limitations of earthly life and material possessions.

Upon crossing over, our souls immediately gain a higher, broader perspective, seeing our recent life journey with greater clarity and compassion. In this newfound state of awareness, some people can finally embrace unconditional love, peace and joy in a way they couldn’t or wouldn’t while in their earthly incarnation.

Waiting to experience joy until it is too late is a karmic regret that some will face at the end of their lives. But it does not have to be this way. Life offers us countless opportunities every day to embrace joy in the present moment.

We often put off happiness, believing it will come when we’ve achieved certain goals or overcome certain challenges, but the truth is that joy is not a distant reward – it’s a feeling we can cultivate every day. If we keep putting it off, we risk missing out on many of life’s simple pleasures, meaningful connections, and the beauty of the present moment.

Joy isn’t something that magically appears at a perfect time in the future. It must be cultivated, nurtured, and cherished every day, before time runs out and the opportunity to live and love wholeheartedly slips away, leaving us to experience it in hindsight in the afterlife. Embracing joy in the present is a powerful act of intention and self-awareness.

Where there is charity and wisdom, there is neither fear nor ignorance. Where there is patience and humility, there is neither anger nor vexation. Where there is poverty and joy, there is neither greed nor avarice ~ Saint Francis of Assisi

Here are some guidelines to help you cultivate and nurture more joy in your life right now:

Practice gratitude: Take time each day to reflect on what you’re grateful for, even the little things. Gratitude shifts your focus from what’s lacking to what’s abundant, opening the door for joy to flourish.

Be present: Engage fully in the moment. Avoid getting caught up in the past or worrying about the future. Meditation, mindfulness, or simply pausing to appreciate the beauty around you can help ground you in the present, where joy resides.

Cultivate connections: Cultivate deep relationships with others by expressing love, empathy, and kindness. Joy is amplified when it is shared, and meaningful connections are a source of happiness.

Have fun: Prioritize what brings you joy-whether it’s a hobby, a creative outlet, or time spent in nature. Regularly doing what lights up your soul invites joy to become a natural part of your life.

Release control: Release rigid expectations or perfectionism. Joy often comes when we stop trying to control every outcome and allow life to unfold with trust and openness.

Celebrate achievements: Acknowledge and celebrate small successes or moments of progress. Cultivating joy is often about noticing and appreciating the small victories that happen every day.

Practice self-compassion: Be gentle with yourself. By cultivating self-love and compassion, you allow joy to enter your heart, free from the weight of self-criticism or guilt.

Embrace change: Recognize that joy doesn’t have to be tied to permanence or ideal circumstances. Even in challenging times, seek out moments of beauty, humor, or connection.

By integrating some of these practices into your daily life, you will not only cultivate more joy, but also live more fully and authentically. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Find some joy today.

About The Author: Shani

Shani is a qualified practitioner in Reiki, aromatherapy, reflexology, body spin, and animal telepathy who received psychic development training at the Arthur Findlay College of Psychic Research in England. A published writer, her articles and predictions have appeared in several respected magazines and on psychic websites, and she has read for many celebrities and even heads of state in Africa. Because of her empathy, people find it easy to connect with her. Every month, she attends a psychic circle and the information that comes through from Spirit never ceases to amaze everyone present. Though she was born in London, Shani has traveled the globe and has studied the art of African Mysticism, bringing her unique flavor to those seeking her incredible talents. What she has taken away from her many travels abroad, is that there is always a sort of longing clients have to be connected to the source of their being. Get a reading with Shani at

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