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Inside And Outside – What Your Home Says About You

click here for a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comCan we define someone by looking beyond their personal space, such as how they tend to the exterior of their home and garden? Well, I fully believe this can be accomplished by eyeing a few simple details.

I recently had a visit from a lady that I have known for a very long time. She comes from a large family and has had some difficulties over the years with particular family members. Her younger sister has always been a source of contention with her. Recently, she felt it was time to sit down and have a serious chat with this sister, to see if they could come to terms with the rift between them.

After they had their talk, it seemed to her that all of the past differences had finally been resolved, and they now could proceed into the future with a more gentle and sincere approach towards one another. But soon she was shocked to find her sister pulling an unwarranted and mean-spirited stunt.

She was quite mystified after this spiteful event. It left her feeling hurt and confused. She then asked me if we could examine the situation, to see if we could find a just cause for the younger sister’s unacceptable behavior.

As it happened, I had recently paid a visit to the younger sister’s home. I had not been to see her for a very long time and held no preconceived ideas as to what condition she, or her home, would be in.

The younger sister has been married for a very long time, to a man who is not a bad guy by the world’s standards, but certainly can be defined as a ‘wet blanket.’ I know she had found it a bit trying at times to be in a relationship such as this one, but she did what a lot of people do under the circumstances – they pretend everything is okay in order to keep up appearances. This I could understand to some extent, although I could not conceive how difficult it would be to live under those circumstances for a very long time.

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Spiritual Symbolism Of The Hummingbird

click here for free introductory reading at PsychicAccess.comMother Nature is a wonderful place to retreat to when we are seeking clarity, inner peace and a return to balance. This is especially true when we have the opportunity to watch animals in the wild. Each animal, bird, insect and living creature affords us a special magic or spiritual wisdom, which it carries to remind us of a part of our own spiritual being.

Birds in particular carry wisdom from a higher perspective. One such bird is the mystical hummingbird. The energy of the hummingbird first emerged in my artwork in 2016, when he appeared in a painting I titled Grace. When hummingbird first appeared in my artwork, he came as a sign or symbol of hope and joy. He appeared on the path of the angel in this artwork, and he has since appeared in numerous of my sketches and paintings.

Hummingbird may be tiny, but he is mighty in so many ways. His medicine or spiritual symbolism reminds us of our true spiritual nature and our ability to experience personal transformation, by transcending our burdens and finding freedom in expressing who we are as individuals.

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Spiritual Healing

click here for free introductory reading at PsychicAccess.comHealing from a serious or chronic illness may happen under different circumstances, and it some cases it can appear fully spontaneous. Behind every healing option there is a complex process which we never fully understand.

Our mindset is however an important player in how things unfold. But it is more than just having a positive attitude—it has many facets. And since the term ‘mind’ is a more modern concept, I prefer to refer to ‘spirit,’ which encompasses the mind in all its complex depth, along with emotions and sensations.

Spiritual healing can be defined in many ways, through many traditions. It seems to me useful to talk about the effect on the person, and understand it from that point of view. An experience of any kind may be a spiritual healing process, whenever a breakthrough takes place, or a release of inner pain occurs to make room for acceptance.

This might not be a painless process, otherwise it would happen much more easily, but it is a necessary step, because it allows us to abandon a repeating loop focused on pain. As an example, I can think of someone in a dysfunctional marriage, into which much work has been invested, including some counseling or therapy, but the only thing still keeping it together is the desire to ‘not fail.’

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