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Simple Energy Work To Balance The Elements

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe ancients believed that the Universe is composed of five elements, namely Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit (Ether). These classical elements are an important theme in Ancient Greek, Indian and Japanese philosophy, Hermeticism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Medieval Alchemy and Western Astrology.

The elements are therefore also a key aspect of various ancient healing practices and metaphysical traditions. Traditional Chinese Medicine in particular stresses the important role of the elements in healing. Working with the elements is believed to create and maintain energetic harmony and balance which is essential to good health and holistic well-being.

The classical elements are also a key component in Neo-Pagan, Wiccan and Druid teachings and practices. When casting a protective circle in a ritual, for example, the practitioner traditionally calls the four cardinal directions or ‘the four corners’ (North, East, South and West), along with the corresponding elements for each.

The five elements are essentially energies. Energy can be experienced in different ways, however, when the elements are aligned within us, we tend to be able to better handle imbalance and adversity in the outer world.

The energetic harmony of the elements within us can easily get ‘out of whack’ and become imbalanced or blocked due to everyday life events and circumstances, but with increased self-awareness and a few simple self-care habits, you’d be surprised how easily your natural state of energy balance will come back into alignment.

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Healing With Herbs

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe past two years I have turned increasingly to herbs for natural healing. A good friend told me about herbs and how they help her family and I begin to do research. Soon I started taking herbs and have had excellent results.

Herbal medicine has gone from alternative to mainstream. The proper use of many common herbs (some of which can be easily grown at home) can help keep you healthy. Try herbal infusions in teas, lotions and soaps to see what works best for you.

You may not know the many uses for these common herbs and plant extracts, so I have compiled a list of those I often use in my personal life:

Ginger – known as the ‘universal medicine’ in Ayurvedic tradition for its many uses, including anti-nausea and motion sickness, digestive aid, and circulatory aid. It can be consumed in powder or fresh form.

Basil – has a spicy scent which can be used to revive faintness. It is also useful for an overactive thyroid, improving one’s concentration, and as an antioxidant packed with Vitamins A and C.

Curry – like ginger it is a popular herb in Ayurvedic medicine. Some of its uses include pain relief, ‘brain power’ to help ward off Alzheimer’s disease, and antioxidant. It also has been shown to improve skin tone.

Peppermint – thought to be the world’s oldest herbal remedy. It is used to combat nausea and vomiting, increase mental stimulation, and boost energy levels. It can also be used as a mild analgesic.

Parsley – in addition to being a popular food garnish it helps prevent gall bladder infections and kidney stones. It’s also loaded with antioxidant and deodorizing properties.

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Achieving Mind, Body And Soul Health

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As spiritual beings we must take care of the sacred body temples that house us. Optimal health is part of a collective cycle that merges the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of who we are into one continuously moving energetic field. When any one of these three elements is out of balance, we miss out on the opportunity to show up for our lives with optimal focus, energy, desire, stamina, strength, and purpose.

Science has long recognized that stress has a negative impact on our entire being. I have consulted over the years with clients who complain of the physical manifestation of stress, often appearing as low energy, headaches, poor digestion, insomnia, muscle tension, and chronic pain.

However, as a spiritual practitioner and energy worker, I often also witness how stress can upset our energy fields and create blockages at the mental, physical, and spiritual level.

By getting in touch with how stressful events make us feel, we can more closely examine our personal triggers. Once we learn which events or situations are less ideal for us, we can implement methods for coping, as well as choose alternative options that are less stressful. Despite how seemingly difficult any situation is, we always have a choice to impact a different outcome or choose how we respond to the event.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, health and wellness has become a center stage issue for many of us. I find many of my clients are increasingly interested in finding ways to boost their immunity and building the body’s natural defenses.

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The Spiritual Aspect Of Physical Ailments

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAs a medical Reiki master and teacher, I have come to understand that there is often a spiritual aspect to almost every illness, pain or symptom that comes up in the physical body. When we are not in alignment with our spiritual self, it can create imbalances in many aspects of our health and wellness.

Note that I always recommend seeking and following professional medical advice. Despite the possible underlying metaphysical and spiritual aspects of any illness or disease, you must never assume that the intervention of a registered medical practitioner is not needed. Always seek medical advice if you are not feeling well, and do not stop using whatever medication and treatments have been prescribed for you without consulting your doctor. It could save your life.

What I can however recommend is to supplement your conventional medical treatment with energy work and other spiritual healing practices. The Eastern practice of Reiki is something you can use effectively to compliment your western medicine treatment.

Reiki is an energy healing modality that brings our chi into alignment. Chi is the energy of life itself. It is an electromagnetic energy which flows through everything in creation. Reiki brings the chi of the body, mind, and spirit back into alignment and can reveal which areas need to be worked on, or released, or simply acknowledged.

Here are a few examples of common spiritual meanings behind some of our ailments. Headaches are often associated with self-criticism and fear. They are also a source of feeling invalidated in some way and often aimed at the self. The solution is to start affirming how amazing you are, how divinely perfect you are, how much you love yourself. The best affirmation you can say is:

I love myself unconditionally. I am perfectly perfect as I am.

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Throwing The Bones

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comBefore studying various Western disciplines of healing and divination, I trained to become a sangoma some 30 years ago, on the borders of Mozambique and Kwazulu-Natal in Southern Africa, where I learned among other things the divination method known as ‘throwing the bones.’

A ‘sangoma’ casting the bones is the African equivalent of the Native American shaman, the Old Norse rune reader, or the European Tarot reader. To uninformed Westerners, indigenous African methods of divination are often thought of as ‘witchcraft,’ but just like there is good and bad in all cultures and professions, the true calling of the African diviner or shaman is a spiritual one of seeking advice through the wise ancestors. In the same way modern Western diviners rely on spirit guides, angels or the ascended masters for divine guidance, so the African diviner relies upon the ancestors.

My training came about after I consulted another sangoma and was told it was my calling to become sangoma myself. She also cautioned me that until I took up this calling, I would repetitively become ill – and how right she was!

Eventually I heeded the ‘calling’, as unusual as it was at the time for a young English woman to enter the mysterious realm of African mysticism in the country in those days. Training was harsh and intense with my mentor and included coaching in various disciplines, such as divination, dream interpretation, ritual,  indigenous medicines, and herbalism over a two and a half year period.

One of the divination methods I was taught is known as ‘throwing the bones’. Since the beginning of recorded history the notion of throwing tokens, casting the dice or drawing lots to interpret the divine will of spirit and the ancestors has been viewed as symbolically linking the diviner to his or her mission. Casting or throwing the bones is an ancient practice native to many regions of the world, including Africa, Asia, and North America. In Southern Africa it is a long-standing ritual among the sangomas of the Zulu, Swazi, Xhosa and Ndebele tribes.

Each bone or token used for casting is part of a kit the sangoma carefully selects with the guidance of spirit, initially with the help of a mentor. Spirit and the ancestors instruct the seeker as to the symbolism and meaning of each sacred item in the collection, and precisely shows the student where to find it and which one to use in a divination. In Southern Africa, a mentor assists the thwasa (trainee sangoma) in the process of learning to receive information from the bones, and in reading the patterns in which the bones are likely to fall.

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The Psychic Power Of Everyday Dowsing

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDowsing can be used in our daily lives for tracking down missing car keys, that have been absentmindedly misplaced, or finding lost jewelry and other specific objects. Dowsing is also great for locating a lost pet…or even a child playing hide-and-seek!

The origins of dowsing can be traced back thousands of years, before technology and satellites were there to help locating oil…or pyramids. All those years ago, country folk would use a ‘Y’ shaped tree branch or twig to find water wells, or hidden treasure. It is commonplace these days to dowse for water, auras or even land-mines.

The only reason dowsing is being considered to be a ‘psychic tool’ is because scientists haven’t been able to find a logical explanation for how dowsing works. This is also complicated by the fact that some dowsers have better results than others. Their accuracy often depends on how attuned the dowser is to their dowsing tool. Fine tuning to this art seems to come with experience.

When I begin a dowsing session, I set my intention as to what it is I want to uncover or find, and I ask for clear precise feedback. The feedback is given to me in the form of a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ response from my dowsing tool. I believe that my guides help to influence my higher self in creating muscle contractions along my arm and hand, to influence the movement of the particular dowsing tool being used.

Each of my pendulums and dowsing rods are programmed from the start, so I know which motion signals ‘yes’ or ‘no’. When I do a dowsing session it helps energetically to have something like a photo, or another object in my hand which belongs to the person who the question relates. This is known as psychometry.

Unfortunately, I’ve also discovered that asking a question which is emotionally charged, for example “does he love me or not’, doesn’t always work, because one’s emotions tend to influence the response, and therefore you tend to receive the preferred answer!

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The Miracle Gift Of Spiritual Healing

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!I discovered that I had the spiritual gift of healing many years ago when I went to visit my father in the hospital. He was in great pain and something told me to gently touch the knee he had just had surgery on. It was not my intention to accomplish anything, just to comfort him. But then I saw his expression change from agonizing pain to instant relief. That to me was a miracle!

The next great healing miracle happened when one of my twin daughters was ice skating when she was about 8 years old. I was watching the children enjoy the beautiful winter day when my daughter suddenly slipped and fell. I will never forget her painful scream. I knew immediately that this was really bad! By the time I got to her, others were helping her, but she would not stop screaming. Hearing her in such pain shot through my heart like a bullet.

When I got to her, I immediately saw the bone protruding through her skin. I put my hands over the fracture on her forearm and said, “It’s okay, it’s okay. Immediately she stopped crying and said, “Mommy, it doesn’t hurt anymore. I was stunned and so was everyone else.

I held her arm all the way to the hospital, and when we got there, they made me remove my hands. Again I had to listen to my daughter scream in pain and I felt helpless.

After they immobilized her arm, they let me see her. I touched the cast on her arm and immediately felt that it was not properly applied. Of course, they refused to listen to me at first, but I kept insisting that something was wrong. Finally, they agreed to take a second x-ray, which showed that my daughter’s arm was indeed not in the correct position. So she had to have it done again. One of the nurses asked me how I knew. I never answered.

Once the second cast was on, I felt that her arm was now properly aligned. But now there was another problem. This time I felt that the cast was cutting into her bent arm. Again, they refused to listen to my concerns. To this day, my daughter has a deep scar where the cast cut into her arm.

Over the years, I have come to realize more and more that I have the ability to heal. Today I feel honored to be blessed with such a gift, but I have never felt that the healing comes from me. I am just the medium or the channel. The healing comes from God. Over the years this has been an invaluable gift, but I do not flaunt it. It is just good to know it is there.

Meanwhile, my guides have been very helpful in teaching me more about spiritual healing and energy medicine. For example, they have shown me that when you lay your hands on someone to heal them, you must first “air wash” their entire aura to cleanse the energy. Then, when you feel the heat from the injured area coming into your hands, don’t release it back into the atmosphere, but imagine putting it in a jar and then sealing the lid. Also, be careful not to let it go into your own body, as some people absorb the energy they take out.

What Is The Gift Of Healing?

The spiritual gift of healing is an ancient and revered ability that has been recognized in various cultures and religious traditions. From esoteric teachings to mystical practices, the gift of healing is seen as a profound connection to divine energies, enabling the healer to channel these energies to restore balance and health.

The universe and our existence within it are the result of a complex interplay of energies, and each of us is a microcosm of this greater whole. Spiritual healing involves restoring harmony and balance within the energetic systems of the body, mind, and spirit. The healer acts as a conduit for divine or universal energy, facilitating the recipient’s return to a state of equilibrium.

The spiritual gift of healing is a miracle gift due to its profoundly transformative and supernatural nature. It transcends conventional understanding and taps into the realm of faith and divine intervention. Those who possess this gift are able to channel divine energy or power to bring about physical, emotional, or spiritual restoration to people in need. The instantaneous or inexplicable recoveries witnessed through this gift often defy medical explanation and profound impact of these healings often leaves recipients and witnesses in awe.

Modern Healing Miracles

Here are just five examples of people who reported experiencing miraculous spiritual or faith-based healing:

Andrew Strom: Andrew Strom, an evangelist, recounts his own experience of healing from a chronic eye condition. Despite medical prognosis suggesting irreversible damage, he claims to have experienced sudden and complete healing during a time of prayer.

Anita Moorjani: Anita was diagnosed with terminal cancer. During a near-death experience, she reports encountering overwhelming feelings of love and acceptance. When she revived, she felt a newfound peace and her cancer was inexplicably in remission. Anita attributes this healing to her spiritual awakening.

Bruno Groening: Groening was a German healer who channeled divine healing energy. Thousands of people reported healings from various ailments after attending his gatherings. While medical explanations exist for some of these healings, the sheer number and variety defy easy explanation.

Delia Knox: In 2005, Delia Knox was paralyzed from the waist down after a car accident. She attended a healing service where, during prayer, she felt a sensation in her legs. Subsequently, she stood up and walked, astonishing both herself and the audience.

Harold Fuller: Harold was born blind. Raised in a religious household, he fervently prayed for sight. He reports experiencing a dramatic healing during a religious service, regaining his vision completely. There is no documented medical explanation for this event.

Jaxon Buckley: Jaxon, a young boy, was diagnosed with a terminal brain tumor. Doctors gave him weeks to live. His family turned to prayer, and Jaxon reportedly experienced a vision of Jesus. Shortly after, scans showed the tumor had shrunk significantly, and Jaxon went into remission. There is no scientific explanation for this dramatic turnaround.

Jean-Pierre Bely: Jean-Pierre Bely, a Frenchman, suffered from multiple sclerosis, which left him wheelchair-bound and partially paralyzed. He visited Lourdes in 1987 and bathed in the waters of the Lourdes Grotto. Following this, he reported a gradual improvement in his condition, eventually leading to his complete recovery. ourdes, a town in France, is famous for its reported miracles associated with the Virgin Mary. Pilgrims visit the site, particularly the Lourdes Grotto, seeking healing from various afflictions. Numerous cases of unexplained healings, verified by medical experts, have been documented throughout the years.

Kathryn Murray: Kathryn was paralyzed from the neck down after a car accident. Confined to a wheelchair, she turned to intense prayer and meditation. Over time, she regained some movement and eventually was able to walk again. Medical science cannot fully explain the extent of her recovery.

Mireille D’Allance: Mireille D’Allance was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer, which had metastasized to her bones. After attending a healing service at a church, she reported experiencing a sensation of warmth and energy, followed by a complete disappearance of her cancer upon subsequent medical examination.

These stories represent firsthand accounts of individuals who attribute their healing to spiritual or faith-based experiences, providing evidence for miraculous healing interventions beyond conventional medical understanding. It’s important to note that these are just a few examples, and there is not always scientific consensus on such miraculous healings. Some may be due to misdiagnosis, spontaneous remission, or the placebo effect. However, for the people who experience them, these events are deeply meaningful and a testament to their faith.

Famous Spiritual Healers

Many important figures in various religions and spiritual traditions have been associated with the spiritual gift of healing, including:

Jesus Christ: Considered the ultimate healer in Christianity, Jesus is said to have performed numerous miraculous healings throughout his ministry. From healing the blind to raising the dead, his actions are seen as a manifestation of God’s love and power.

The Buddha: Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, is revered not only for his profound spiritual teachings, but also for his healing abilities. The Jataka stories, which recount the Buddha’s past lives, describe various instances in which he healed people through compassion and wisdom. The Buddha’s approach to healing emphasized the importance of addressing the root causes of suffering, which often arise from ignorance, attachment, and aversion.

Krishna: A revered avatar of Vishnu, Krishna is considered a divine healer. His teachings in the Bhagavad Gita emphasize detachment from worldly desires and finding solace in devotion to God, which can bring a sense of inner healing.

Hazrat Ali: The son-in-law and cousin of the Prophet Muhammad, Ali is revered in Shia Islam for his wisdom and spiritual authority. He is also associated with miraculous healings and is often called upon for intercession in times of illness.

Saint Peter: One of Jesus’ disciples, Peter is believed to have inherited the gift of healing after Pentecost. The Acts of the Apostles records instances of Peter healing the sick through prayer and faith.

Padre Pio: A 20th-century Italian Capuchin priest, Padre Pio is known for his stigmata (wounds resembling Christ’s crucifixion) and for reports of miraculous healings associated with his prayers and blessings.

Hildegard of Bingen: A 12th-century German Benedictine abbess, Hildegard was a prolific writer, composer, and visionary. She is also known for her herbal remedies and holistic approach to healing, which integrated physical treatments with faith and prayer. She wrote extensively on natural medicine and holistic health, incorporating her mystical visions into her healing practices. Hildegard believed that health was a balance between the elements and humors in the body, and she used herbs, diet, and spiritual practices to treat illness. Her approach integrated spiritual insight with practical knowledge, making her a pioneer of holistic healing.

Sai Baba of Shirdi: Sai Baba of Shirdi, an Indian spiritual master revered by both Hindu and Muslim devotees, is known for his miraculous healing powers. He has performed numerous healings, curing diseases and ailments considered incurable by modern medicine. Sai Baba’s healing methods included the use of holy ash (vibhuti), prayers, and his mere touch or presence. His healings were not only physical, but also aimed at spiritual upliftment, guiding individuals on a path of devotion and self-realization.

Yogananda: Founder of the Self-Realization Fellowship, Yogananda brought the practice of Kriya Yoga to the West. He emphasized the connection between physical health, mental well-being, and spiritual growth, promoting a holistic approach to healing.

Paramahansa Yogananda: A direct disciple of Yogananda, Paramahansa Yogananda is known for his lectures and writings on Self-realization and Kriya Yoga. His followers believe that he had the ability to heal through prayer and spiritual attunement.

Jesus Christ: The Divine Healer

Jesus Christ is one of the most famous figures associated with the gift of healing. The New Testament of the Bible records numerous instances of Jesus healing the sick, restoring sight to the blind, and even raising the dead. His healing miracles are seen as manifestations of divine power and compassion. For example, the Gospel of Matthew (8:16-17) says, “With one word he drove out demons and healed all who were sick. This was to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah: ‘He took up our infirmities and carried our diseases.'”

Jesus did many incredible healing miracles. He healed a man blind from birth by making mud with his saliva, applying it to the man’s eyes, and instructing him to wash in the Pool of Siloam. The man received his sight. A paralyzed man was lowered through the roof of a house where Jesus was teaching. Jesus forgave his sins and told him to pick up his mat and walk,

Jairus, a synagogue leader, asked Jesus to heal his dying daughter. Although he had been informed of her death, Jesus went to her, took her hand, and told her to get up. She came back to life, demonstrating His power over death.

A Roman captain asked Jesus to heal his lame servant. Jesus marveled at the centurion’s faith and healed the servant from afar, demonstrating that faith, not proximity, is the key to healing. Jesus also healed ten lepers who were crying out for mercy. He sent them to show themselves to the priests, and they were cleansed on the way. Only one returned to thank him.

Jesus is a great role-model for the modern spiritual healer. The many healings he performed, as recorded in the Gospels, demonstrate his compassion, spiritual authority, and divine connection. They also illustrate his ability to heal a wide range of physical, emotional, and spiritual conditions, offering hope and restoration to those in need. Through these acts, Jesus affirmed the importance of faith, the power of God’s love, and the spiritual potential for miraculous transformation in our lives.

The Wounded Healer Archetype

The wounded healer archetype plays a significant role in the spiritual gift of healing, influencing how healers perceive and approach their practice. The best healers typically draw on their own experiences of suffering, trauma, or personal life challenges to empathize with and heal others.

The wounded healer archetype emphasizes the healer’s ability to empathize with others who are suffering. Having personally experienced pain or adversity, healers can better understand and connect with the struggles of those they seek to help. This deep empathy allows them to offer genuine compassion and support, which are essential components of healing. Through their own wounds and experiences, healers undergo a process of transformation and growth. They learn valuable lessons, gain insight, and develop resilience that can be applied to their healing work. This personal healing journey equips them with wisdom and understanding that can benefit others on their path to wellness.

The wounded healer archetype encourages healers to embrace their own vulnerabilities and imperfections. By acknowledging and integrating their own wounds, healers cultivate authenticity and humility in their practice. This openness creates a safe and trusting space for healing to occur as clients feel understood and accepted without judgment. The shared experience of overcoming adversity is also a powerful catalyst for healing. When healers share their own stories of struggle and resilience, they inspire hope and offer encouragement to those they serve. This shared journey fosters a sense of solidarity and connection, reinforcing the belief that healing is possible for everyone.

While healers may often draw from their own wounds in their healing work, the ultimate goal is to transcend personal suffering and facilitate healing for others. By channeling divine or universal energy, healers act as conduits for healing forces that transcend individual pain and suffering. In this way, they serve as beacons of light and catalysts for transformation in the lives of others.

In essence, the wounded healer archetype enriches the spiritual gift of healing by infusing it with empathy, authenticity, and transformative power. By embracing their own wounds and vulnerabilities, healers tap into a deeper reservoir of compassion and wisdom that empowers them to guide others on their journey toward wholeness and healing.

Signs Of The Gift Of Healing

Do you feel a deep desire to see others healed, both physically and emotionally? Are you naturally drawn to environments or practices that focus on healing, such as prayer groups or faith-based healing services? Do you often find yourself drawn to people who are sick or struggling, feeling a nudge to offer support or prayer? Have you witnessed or experienced positive results after praying for someone’s healing? It’s important to note that this does not guarantee a gift, but it can be a sign.

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you could be blessed with the spiritual gift of healing. Here’s a checklist of signs that you may have the gift of healing:

Unexplained Healing Abilities: You’ve experienced instances where your presence, touch, or words seem to facilitate healing or relief for others, even when you didn’t consciously intend to heal. This is usually the most important and obvious clue that you have a spiritual healing gift.

Intuitive Insights: You often experience intuitive flashes, gut feelings or inner knowing about people’s physical, emotional or spiritual conditions.

Strong Energy Sensitivity: You are sensitive to subtle shifts in energy and may feel tingling, warmth, or vibrations in your hands or body during interactions with others.

Healing Dreams / Visions: You have vivid dreams or visions related to healing, receiving guidance, or being in a healing environment.

Strong Empathy: You easily feel and understand the emotions and experiences of others, often feeling deeply connected to their pain or suffering.

Comfort With Touch: You have a natural inclination toward touch and find comfort in providing physical support or comfort to others through hugs, hand holding, or gentle touch.

Desire To Relieve Suffering: You have a strong desire to help others alleviate their pain, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual, and may feel called to assist those in need.

Healing Environments: You feel uplifted, energized, or at peace in environments conducive to healing, such as nature, sacred spaces, or energetically balanced rooms.

Feedback From Others: You receive positive feedback or acknowledgement from friends, family, or acquaintances about your ability to provide comfort, support, or relief during difficult times.

Spiritual Purpose: You have a deep personal connection and keen interest in spirituality, faith, or a higher power and feel guided by divine wisdom or inspiration to pursue a healing practice.

Interest in Healing Modalities: You feel strongly drawn to exploring various healing modalities such as Reiki, energy healing, massage therapy, or spiritual counseling as a way to deepen your healing abilities.

Past Life Memories: You may have a strong resonance with stories or memories of past life healing, or feel a sense of familiarity with healing practices from other cultures or time periods.

It’s important to remember that these signs are not definitive proof that you are a gifted healer, but rather indicators that you may have natural healing abilities. If you resonate with many of these signs and feel drawn to the path of healing, consider exploring the teachings of your preferred religion or spiritual tradition on the subject. Talk to faith leaders or healing mentors, and look for opportunities to serve others in a way that aligns with your values.

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