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Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

click here for a FREE reading at PsychicAccess.comI believe that my own tendency to compare myself with others began at a young age, when my mother would constantly compare me to my cousins. For example, she would talk affectionately about their lovely physical attributes, like their thick hair, high cheekbones or deep-set eyes. Their personalities were louder and more assertive than mine too.

I was an overweight kid, and the more withdrawn I became, the more I would eat. I felt that my overweight was seen by others as greed, but I now believe I was layering deep insecure feelings.

I now know too that I was not meant to be like my cousins. In hindsight, I thank my mother for the life lessons. Perhaps she helped me in learning about insecurity and experiencing an inferiority complex. Today, I have a much deeper understanding of how my clients feel, when they don’t feel good enough. Or, as is often the case, when they are concerned about their children not feeling good enough for whatever reason. This is not always due to faulty parenting. Parents often suffer terribly when they see their kids, whatever their ages, suffer from lack of self-esteem. They see their kids as having every reason to be super-confident, yet witness them withdrawn and unhappy.

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Your Angels As Your Co-Creators

click here for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen we think of angels, we typically think of spiritual wisdom, guardianship, personal serenity and metaphysical insight. But did you know angels can also aid us in our creative pursuits? Have you ever heard of being inspired by a muse or divine inspiration? That is the sure sign of angels at work.

Two Archangels in particular, Jophiel (Beauty of God) and Uriel (Fire of God) are known for their association with creative inspiration. If you’re a creative person feeling stuck, or at a loss, call upon these angels for their assistance.

One of the easiest ways to do this is to create a vision board with a series of images and sayings which relate to your personal creative hopes and dreams. You may also include these two angels in your daily meditations or prayers. Or try writing an open letter to them. They are always listening and willing to help, but only if we call upon them for assistance.

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Sensitivity Is A Gift

Click photo for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSensitive people need to give themselves a break! I am very sensitive myself, and I consider it a gift. I wouldn’t be able to have the kind of career that I have without being sensitive. For those of us that are sensitive, it can come as a mixed blessing sometimes. The same sensitivity that allows me to empathically engage with others in an intuitive way, can also be a detriment when I allow the circumstances of this work, or of others, overwhelm me. I must be constantly careful about what I view on Facebook, and read or see in the news.

I personally abstain from following the news for the most part. My world is what I am experiencing at this present time. If we were alive 200 years ago, rather than right now, we would be clueless about most world events.  However, these days absolutely everything is streamed into our conscious reality 24-hours a day, seven days a week. For those of us whose life purpose is tied in with sensitivity, it is unwise to partake in this media stream. Continue reading

Shine Your Light!

click on photo to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe all have a soul light that is eternal and bright. It shines through our physical being when we are aligned with our authentic self. We are all individually created to be different from one another. If we can remember that, especially when others appear to reject us, we’ve accessed the key to unlock our soul archetype.

When we compare ourselves to others, we get off track and can try to muster up a fictitious self that becomes impossible to uphold. It creates expectations that trap us, and can actually prevent us from shining our own, unique light into the world.

Have you ever felt like you are different, or don’t fit in? The first step to finding your authentic self, and tracing back to who you are as a unique soul, is to detach from others.  Sometimes there is a feeling of loneliness associated with this, but if you keep moving forward, and through it, and trust in what’s unfolding, you will land in a place where true confidence resides – the kind that can never be taken away. You will gain a self-respect that will allow your gifts and talents to flourish. Continue reading

All Aboard The Train Of Life!

click photo for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI recently heard someone say he was a passenger on “the train of life” and what immediately came to mind was what a glorious opportunity we have to evaluate our own particular role in coming into this existence.

So, let us start at the beginning. First of all we would need the individual who came up with the concept of a train, no more traveling long or short distances by foot or horseback or car, embark on your journey in comfort and ease, knowing there is someone who will endeavor to get you safely to your destination while you sit back and relax.

What manner of being would even venture to come up with such a plan? That would have to be the dreamers, or visionaries. They are the ones who often have their heads in the clouds and envision a better quality of life for us all. There is an abstract thought somewhere inside of them that must find a way of arriving at a viable workable plan. Continue reading

Connecting To Your Inner Guidance System

Click photo for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comLet us suppose that we all come to this earthly plane with a suitcase full of gifts, talents and abilities. If we can find ourselves able to subscribe to this belief, what would be our next inkling?

First of all, what happens to this suitcase? Do we open it ourselves, wait for someone to come along and give us the combination that will release the contents, or perhaps we might just set it aside for future use?

Even if we undertake to open it immediately, does this secure our position? Allow me to give you a couple of examples in order that you might grasp how this all can work either for us, or against us. Continue reading

Is My Child Psychic?

Click photo for a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comFrom The Sixth Sense to Poltergeist and the works of Stephen King, our pop culture landscape is full of fictional child psychics. Could you have one in your home?

Every parent thinks their child is special and gifted. In fact, all children are born with some degree of psychic ability, and some keep it throughout their lives. How can we tell, and what is the best course of action, when we find a psychic child in our midst?

The main reason people lose psychic ability as they age is because of some grown-up or authority figure dismissing these very real gifts as their imagination or ‘make-believe.’ Children don’t know what is real or not, and when they are blessed with psychic gifts, they will believe… even if you don’t.

Though you may not understand, it’s important not to dismiss the child with statements like, “It’s only your imagination,” or “Stop, you’re scaring me!” The more a child hears negative statements about their extra-sensory or paranormal experiences, the more they will associate their psychic gifts with shame, anger, humiliation, or sadness. Continue reading

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