Psychic Connections
I first noticed my psychic sensitivity when I was a little girl, probably as young as three or four years old. I remember getting sick and looking at individuals, that were either family or friends, out of the corner of my eye with a knowingness that my illness was coming from them – although I experienced the symptoms first. I remember cringing at the knowledge that in a day or two they wouldn’t be feeling well. Yet, for some reason, that I don’t quite understand to this day, I didn’t feel I could tell anyone.
I was raised by my grandparents on a farm that was five miles out in the country. We were as close as a family could be. In fact, I feel incredibly fortunate to have experienced such a loving, nurturing childhood. Yet, although I felt I could tell my grandparents anything, and they would be supportive, for some strange reason I felt I couldn’t tell them about my psychic awareness. Perhaps, it was because no one talked about unusual things like that, so I was embarrassed, not realizing at the time that it was indeed a gift. Yet, I don’t recall ever feeling frightened or anxious. Mostly, it simply felt confusing.
As the years went by, more and more incidences happened to me that didn’t seem to be regular occurrences for others, but I still wasn’t quite sure. I remember thinking that perhaps they were having the same kinds of experiences, but were also not comfortable with telling others, just like me. In any case, again, I felt reticent to mention it to anyone.
Signs You May Not Be Using Your Soul Gifts
We all have soul gifts and metaphysical abilities. These gifts are meant to be used to help us fulfill our destiny, and support us along our spiritual path in this life. However, many any of us have soul gifts that are yet to be discovered.
We tend to be consumed with the hustle and bustle of life, and the latest gadgets, smart phones and social media trends. Meanwhile, we are not only unaware of the needs of those around us, we also remain unaware of our own unique, innate soul gifts and abilities. Many are sadly unaware of their reason for being.
For example, some have the gift of being a ‘master builder’ or ‘divine creator.’ They have an amazing ability to contribute to creating a fantastic new world with their imaginative powers, but they sometimes create their own imagined world so fantastic they would rather spend time there. They tend to withdraw from the reality of the materialistic world as we know it, and the people therein, when they are not using this gift.
Some people with soul gifts that are yet to be realized, may suffer from insomnia or nightmares. These unpleasant dreams come as warnings or revelations. They occur when one is not using the gifts you were given, or are not living or doing what you came to do in this life.
Some people may have unexpected or brief experiences with time travel or time slips, or even time loops. This could be the soul’s way of pointing you in a certain direction, or a time or place that the soul wants or needs to revisit. This may manifest through unexpected or unplanned astral projections, or possibly the physical body raising its vibration just briefly to make such anomalies possible. It may have one asking yourself, “Was that just a dream?”
The Laying On Of Hands
The laying on of hands, also known as the imposition of hands, is a ritual act performed in some religious and spiritual traditions. It is used for the purpose of ordination, healing, or the transmission of a spiritual gift or blessing. In this blog article I will explore the different traditions and how they use this ancient practice in diverse ways, with a special focus on healing.
The hands are of particular importance in certain Jewish religious rituals. Deuteronomy 34:9 describes, for example, how Moses laid hands on Joshua, his successor. The term used for it is semicha, meaning ‘leaning of the hands.’
It is also associated with sacrifice. Thousands of years ago, priests practiced semicha by laying hands on the sacrifices right before offering was made. Moses tells Aaron, “This is the thing that God commanded you to do, that God’s presence may appear.” It is understood that this passage in Leviticus 9 refers to the laying on of hands.
In the New Testament we find a continuation of the Jewish practice of semicha, still connected to the liturgies of ordination and now also of baptism, in both of which the imposition of hands is an important part of the ritual.
Ordination involves conveying a gift and an authority within the Church. The imposition of hands connected with baptism is a means whereby the convert is born to the ecclesia, or the Christian community. The action itself of laying on hands is connected with the gift of the Holy Spirit and is also used to convey a blessing. For example, in Acts 6:6: “These they set before the apostles, and they prayed and laid their hands on them.” It is also practiced as a means of healing (Luke 4:40).
Learning To Trust The Universe
Maybe you have heard someone say you need to trust in the Universe. However, this is not always easy and learning to trust really is an art and a practice, particularly if you are going through a somewhat challenging time. Nevertheless, if you really work on your ability to do this, the results can be so rewarding. It can really benefit you to put your faith in the Universe, and here is how you do it
Surrender To The Flow
Believe in the power of Universal Love. Yes, the Universe really is unconditionally loving and indeed does have your back. Fully taking this on board, will help you to gently surrender to the Universal flow.
Adopt a daily mantra to affirm to yourself, such as, “The Universe totally supports and loves me unconditionally.” By doing so, you will be working with the Universe, to help you attract all that what you need in order to enjoy a full and abundant life, and also place yourself in a position where you can help others do the same.
The Universe should not be seen, however, as a mechanical dispensing system that dishes out a person’s wants and needs to satisfy their every whim. However, it is perfectly okay to work with the Universe to improve your life, as well as help other people do the same.
The Answer To Your Question ‘Why’
We ask many questions about our lives. Why did he leave me? Why am I not manifesting? Why can’t I find the right job? Why does my mother hate me? Why did another psychic reader give me an answer different from yours?
There are so many shifts in the Universe, and many grey areas. When you look at your questions, many times it is generic and many times, after talking it out, the answer becomes clear. There are so many sifts and changes in every person’s life. Just because you thought a particular person, job, thing, incident was what you wanted or needed, it is not necessarily what Universe had planned for you.
Take a moment to think about things. With relationships, did you settle? Did you compromise just to hang onto someone and then realized that you weren’t happy, or that person was not changing as you had hoped? Compromise in life is the biggest obstacle in life. It holds so many back from reaching their highest good.
Just because you feel you are ‘soulmates’ does not mean you are meant to be with that person. Just because you know that it is the ‘perfect job’ for you, does not mean you are meant to have it. Just because you believe one psychic reader was right and the other was wrong, does not mean that it is true. Things shift, and life is fluid.
There are many people that hurt inside due to a loss, whether due to a breakup, death, unemployment, or any type of loss that you can imagine. Some say they won’t have anyone or anything else…they only want that specific person or thing. When you do this, you are limiting your life. You are wasting precious time over something that is not meant to be, and was never meant to be your permanent solution.