energy shielding
Samhain Ritual For Personal Tranformation
One of the most mystical and energetically powerful times in the metaphysical calendar is upon us again tomorrow. Samhain, also known as the Celtic New Year, is a sacred festival celebrated on October 31st.
Samhain traditionally marks the end of the harvest season and the beginning of the winter. It is a time to honor our ancestors, reflect on the thinning veil between the physical and spirit realms, and set intentions for the new annual cycle ahead.
Samhain holds special significance for those who are attuned to the cycles of nature and the spirit world. Traditionally, the boundaries between the physical and spirit realms were believed to be at their thinnest on this night.
The Celts and Norse in particular saw it as a time when communication with ancestors, departed loved ones and the gods was most possible, providing guidance for the future. For the Vikings and other northern European cultures, Samhain was also a time for divination. Runes, symbols of cosmic wisdom, were often used to gain insight into the coming year.
This year, Samhain carries a particularly powerful energy as it coincides with the Waning Crescent Moon’s transition from Libra to Scorpio. This last lunar phase before renewal invites us to release what no longer serves us, and its journey from the balanced, harmonious energy of Libra into the intense, transformative depths of Scorpio will amplify this process.
Libra’s influence encourages reflection on relationships, inner balance, and the need for harmony, while Scorpio’s energy propels us toward deeper introspection, emotional transformation, and embracing the mysteries of life, death, and rebirth.
How To Deal With Toxic Drama Royalty
These days, there is drama, crazy-making and toxic behavior everywhere you turn. And it’s not just on social media and public transportation…many of us have to deal with people in our personal and professional lives who are overly demanding, entitled, melodramatic, mean-spirited, always in victim mode, or just plain unhinged.
Sadly, many of these spiritually handicapped souls are people close to us, people we care deeply about. It can be daunting to deal with their toxic actions and volatile behaviors, and trying to ignore them is exhausting and even impossible in the long run.
But other people’s dysfunction and drama doesn’t have to weigh down your spirit, and it doesn’t always have to be so difficult to deal with, especially with some spiritual support and backup.
The first rule to remember is that love works better than anything else. So, the first step should also be to offer the “drama royal” plenty of compassion.
Chances are the drama king or queen in your life is wounded in some way. Dysfunctional behavior and toxicity often stem from unresolved hurt or deep trauma.
Many people who exhibit dramatic or demanding tendencies often aren’t aware of how their behavior affects others. They may be caught in a cycle of emotional turmoil and, as a result, seek external validation through attention and theatricality. Rather than focusing on the label “drama,” it’s helpful to think of these behaviors as expressions of unresolved pain or unmet emotional or spiritual needs.
Angelic Energy Maintenance For Empaths
As an empath and psychic counselor, I have had to learn how best to navigate the intense energies that come with working with others.
Early on, I often found myself drained, overwhelmed, and weighed down by emotional clutter that wasn’t even mine. I didn’t realize how much I was absorbing from clients, loved ones, and even strangers.
Over time, I’ve learned that clearing and protecting my energy is essential not only for my well-being, but also for maintaining clarity in my work. By understanding how to release what doesn’t belong to me and strengthen my auric boundaries, I have been able to thrive both personally and professionally.
Being an empath means that you’re highly sensitive and deeply attuned to the emotions and energy of those around you. You naturally absorb the feelings of others, which can often result in you carrying the emotional weight of others.
This pattern shows up not only in romantic relationships, but also in work, family, and friendships. If you’re constantly picking up the extremes of other people’s energy, it can leave you feeling heavy, drained, irritable, and disconnected from yourself – as if nothing you try makes a difference. This happens because instead of directing your own energy, you’re constantly processing someone else’s.
Empaths are like emotional air purifiers, prone to absorbing the energies of everyone around them – whether it’s a stranger in the grocery store, your partner, your boss, or your family. When your aura becomes clogged and dysfunctional, you experience heaviness, discomfort, and emotional instability.
How To Use A Wand In Your Energy Work
It is not widely known that a magic wand is so much more than a mere fantasy accessory in popular stories like the Harry Potter series andThe Chronicles of Narnia.
While popular culture has certainly cast wands in a fun, magical light, their true potential as metaphysical tools in real-world spiritual and energy work is less known and mostly underestimated.
Far from being a fictional artifact, a wand has traditionally served as a conduit for directing intention and channeling energy. When used with respect and purpose, a “magic” wand can be a vital tool in one’s metaphysical practice.
I view my wand as an energy tool to harness and direct intention as a means to bring about change in myself, another person, a pet, or a situation. Whether I’m working directly with someone in a healing session or using it remotely with a photo or personal object, my wand helps me focus healing energy to address blocks, wounds, or even negativity.
In a healing session, I use the wand to direct energy to where it’s needed most. This may mean helping someone release emotional blocks, alleviate physical pain, or transform negative energy.
Wands have a rich history in various cultures and have been used in many ancient civilizations. In ancient Egypt, for example, staffs and wands were used by priests and deities as symbols of authority and power. These objects were decorated with mystical symbols and believed to have protective and healing properties. Similarly, in Mesopotamia, priests and shamans used wands in religious rituals and ceremonies.
How To Deal With Spirit Presence In Your Home
Spirit energies are around us all the time in all shapes and forms. Many people have experienced, or at least know someone who has, a spirit presence or paranormal activity in their home.
These encounters can range from subtle to intense, and the nature of the experience often varies greatly depending on the person’s beliefs, fears, and openness to the supernatural.
For some, the presence of a spirit is a source of terror, while for others it is a comfort, like being in the presence of an old friend. Then there are those who scoff and laugh at the very idea that a ghost could exist.
These varied responses highlight an important question: why do people have such different experiences with spirits?
In my experience, it depends on two main factors: a person’s beliefs and attitudes about spirituality and the supernatural, and the nature of the spirit presence itself, whether it is benevolent or malevolent.
My grandmother came to me within three days of her death to tell me she was okay. She gave me a sense of peace and I didn’t see her again. Years later, my mother also came to me to tell me that she was okay and that all was well where she was. It was also a one-time visit.
But with my stepson, who committed suicide, and my father, it was different. He started showing up at his former house (he had left a wife and two beautiful boys) on a regular basis. He would turn on the lights or the faucet. In the middle of the night she would hear our grandchildren talking and giggling in one of their rooms. They were only two and three years old when he died. She went to investigate, thinking they were up to no good, but only one of them was in the room. When she asked who he was talking to, her boy said, “Daddy was here.”
A Step-By-Step Guide To Shielding Your Energy
It is important to be aware of the invisible metaphysical forces that surround us, for not all of them are for our highest good. The energy deficiencies and dysfunctions of others, while often subtle, can have a profoundly harmful effect on our personal and spiritual well-being.
We all have to deal with people in our lives who can be particularly draining and unsettling – commonly known as ‘energy thieves’ or ‘psychic vampires’. Like psychic parasites, these people knowingly or unknowingly drain the energetic vitality of others, leaving their victims feeling drained, anxious, depressed, or even physically ill.
For those of us who are particularly sensitive to the energies of others, this can directly affect our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health in profound ways.
Energy shielding is therefore an essential spiritual practice for maintaining balance and protecting oneself from such negative influences. This type of energy work is essential for creating a protective auric barrier that ensures that the negative energies of others do not infiltrate your mind, body, or spirit. With the right attitude and some spiritual support, we are never defenseless against the negativity of others.
Energy theft, or vampirism, is not just a matter of superstition; it is something I have observed consistently throughout my life, both personally and professionally. In my own psychic practice, I rely on a robust energetic self-defense routine to ensure that any negative energy directed at me is deflected and rendered harmless.