Protect Yourself From Negative Energy Attachments
A neighbor once asked me to smudge her home and bless it, because she felt there was a lot of negative energy there. She could just ‘feel it.’ People lived below her that she could hear arguing until late hours in the night, using foul language. They would chain smoke too, to the extent that it would rise up through the floorboards. It made her feel sick and caused her to have migraine headaches. Apart from that there were also some old ‘cobwebs’ of trapped negative energy that she wanted me to some and clean out.
She had been dealing with the ups and downs of depression for as long I’ve known her. She is one of the sweetest people you could ever hope to meet, let alone have as a neighbor. She is very kind and always there if you need her. She would be very social at times, inviting friends from church over and entertaining friends regularly, for several weeks, and then she would suddenly feel overwhelmed by the chaos and drama of the people around her, feel drained and depressed, and withdraw from everyone. Then you would not see her for weeks, sometimes months.
I told her I felt that she needed to protect herself energetically and shared with her ways that she can do this. I explained to her that sometimes, when we engage with people, we can pick up some of their negative energies. Even if they are seemingly good people, who go to church and so on, it doesn’t necessarily mean that these people are free from negative energies, or worse, unwanted spirit attachments.
Astrology Forecast July 17 – 23, 2023
The week begins with a gentle Cancer New Moon today, which will instill us with the desire to nurture ourselves and others. Under a Cancer New Moon our emotions take center stage and our sense of compassion, kindness and tolerance becomes elevated. This evening’s Cancer Moon trine with Neptune in Pisces will add to our heightened empathy and understanding.
Make the most of these energies by reaching out to someone you care about, or step up to make the peace with someone you have been at odds with.
Tonight will also be a great time to catch up on your spiritual practice with some meditation, prayer for others, oracle card or rune reading, or journaling.
Our love-and-belonging mindset will escalate even further tomorrow and Wednesday, as the Moon glides through big-hearted Leo and inspires us to lean in and reconnect with those closest to us.
We’ll also have to do some productive work this week, of course, and the Virgo Moon will make Thursday and Friday’s the ideal days to take care of responsibilities and tasks we cannot postpone until next week.
The Sun enters Leo on Saturday, heralding a four-week cycle of self-love, generosity, and strength of heart. A few hours later, Venus will turn retrograde, kicking off a six-week cycle of romance and relationship energies that we’ll need to pay close attention to. This aspect can bring lovers back from the past (not necessarily for a reconnection) or create the opportunity to magically connect with your soulmate.
If you’re in a relationship that has run its course, this will become more apparent in the weeks ahead, and if you have been neglecting a valued relationship in your life, this will become equally apparent. Expect changes in your relationships over the next month and a half. Being more mindful with your partner, loved ones and friends will work in your favor during this time.
How To Ground Your Energy
‘Grounding’ is a common term you are likely to encounter early in your spiritual awakening journey. If you are interested in energy work of any kind, grounding is a key technique to help you stay energetically balanced and enhance your metaphysical practice.
Essentially grounding is a type of meditation that is quick and very intentional. Through grounding we connect our own energy field or light body with the energy of the Earth. This balances our chakras by clearing out those energies that are no longer serve us. Connecting to the Earth’s energy in this way releases negative patterns, thoughts, emotions, and habits, to achieve a clearer, elevated state of consciousness.
To become more grounded, try this visualization exercise. Start by closing your eyes and focusing on your breathing. If you are used to meditation this will be very familiar, if not that is okay! Just be present with your breath and pay attention to your breathing as you inhale and exhale.
Count to three as you draw in your breath, and again as you exhale. Gradually slow the rhythm of your breathing down and just be present with the experience of the air moving in through your nose and into your chest. Feel your physical body around you as you breathe.
I like to focus on my heart chakra while I do this, but it is not necessary. I just find that as I breathe in and out, I like to feel the swell of air in my chest, as if is ‘hugging my heart.’
Astrology Forecast July 10 – 16, 2023
Mars transits into Virgo today, heralding a two-month cycle of detailed and deliberate action, strong intellectual energy, enterprising ambition and increased productivity.
Whether you’re doing research to write the next Oscar-worthy screenplay, mapping out a plan for a big remodeling project, or setting up a new business, the next two months will prove invaluable to set the stage of the next chapter in your life.
Tuesday will be the most powerful day for productive work and business success. Mercury will move into Leo to add to our Mars-in-Virgo inspired ‘star power’ by further elevating our ideas and inspirations.
Tuesday morning’s Taurus Moon sextile with Saturn in Pisces will also chime in to add to our sense of responsibility, goal-oriented action, and organizational abilities.
In the afternoon, the Moon’s conjunction with Jupiter in Taurus will reward our efforts with heightened social influence and financial gains. So, take advantage of this powerful window of opportunity to shine tomorrow!
We’ll take a step back on Wednesday as the Moon moves through Taurus, to ground, center and rebalance, before moving forward.
Thursday and Friday’s Gemini Moon will lure us into more social activities to connect with friends, or brainstorm with colleagues..
Give yourself permission to embrace the free-flowing, easy-going vibes of Saturday and Sunday’s Cancer Moon. It’s okay to take some time out from all the planning, analysis and deep thinking for a relaxing weekend after all the mental gymnastics of the week.
Dealing With Ancestral Karmic Debt
When a loved one crosses over, they transcend this dimension to enter the next. In the spirit dimension we revert from human ego consciousness back to universal consciousness, and our awareness is no longer limited by time and space.
I like to think of our constantly evolving soul or spirit as ‘cookie dough.’ When we cross over and revert to the broader perspective of universal consciousness, our soul energy is like a ball of dough that has been proofing for a lifetime.
As the Universe, or the Divine Cookie-Maker, rolls out the dough of our returning soul, there will be some karmic ‘lumps.’ These lumps are the unwise choices, mistakes, transgressions, missed opportunities, failures, crimes, and sins for which we didn’t make amends during this lifetime. It then becomes our karmic debt.
Some of these karmic debts go back many generations and have become part of the ancestral legacy of our soul family. It has sometimes dire consequences for everyone we are spiritually connected to in this life and the next. It becomes a shared responsibility for the entire soul family, for which someone needs to step up at some point to break the cycle.
Making amends and striving towards karmic healing is therefore not just something we do for our own sake, but also for those that came before us, and especially for those who will come after us.
Our ancestors on the Other Side are also continually striving to resolve their karmic debts, and for this they may need our help and support. If we hold them, or ourselves, in a state of unforgiveness, they cannot move forward with their karmic healing, or the next stages of their soul journey.
Astrology Forecast July 3 – 9, 2023
A Capricorn Full Moon sets the scene today for a potentially temperamental, irritable start to the week. The Moon’s opposition to Mercury in Cancer is likely to add to this ticking time bomb. So, take care to center yourself!
Tread lightly at home with significant others, find your inner peace before you venture out, and try to avoid unnecessary contact with relatives, as this lunar energy is notorious for its tendency to trigger family conflict and drama. You may also have a ‘bad hair’ moment this morning, and feel very indecisive about what to wear. Just keep it simple and go with that go-to favorite outfit.
A calm, focused state of mind is especially vital today and tomorrow to ensure that we will complete obligations, tie up loose ends, and release it, as once the Moon moves into Aquarius on Wednesday, we want to be ready for the next cycle to pursue new projects, adventures, and goals.
The key to bringing our dreams to life is to begin within, nurturing them energetically, before manifesting them in the physical world. The Moon in Pisces on Friday and Saturday will prove a great time to do just that.
By Sunday we’ll be ready to take action on our new plans and ideas. Spurred on by the Aries Moon, we should see great progress in the days to come. It’s not typical to see such powerful activity when the Sun is in Cancer, but all the planets seem to be aligned for an assertive shift forward, so go ahead and dust off those manifesting skills this weekend.