Exploring Your Past Life Memories
Have you ever had such a strong sense of déjà vu that you just couldn’t shake it? Or have you had a strange yet familiar dream about a particular place or time in history? Chances are you were experiencing a past-life memory.
Both our physical body and our soul essence carry deep echoes of the past. We inherit cellular memories from our ancestors that are embedded in the genetic code of our bodies, while our souls carry energetic imprints and karmic wisdom from our previous incarnations.
Our soul is eternal and transcends individual lifetimes, accumulating wisdom, experiences and lessons across multiple incarnations.
Intense traumas, transformative events, and extreme hardships experienced by both our ancestors and ourselves in past lives are etched into our physical and spiritual DNA.
The legacy of these cellular and soul memories sometimes resurfaces in our present lives in a variety of ways. For example, it may manifest as an inexplicable behavior, an irrational phobia, an unusual talent, or a strange preference that can be traced back to past life experiences.
Moonstone Connects You With Your Dreams
Do you often wake up in the morning with the feeling that something significant happened in your dreams, but have no recollection of what you actually dreamed? Or maybe you’re one of those people who believe you don’t dream at all?
If this is true for you, you may want to consider the mystical properties of a humble yet powerful ally: the moonstone.
Yes, try putting a moonstone under your pillow before you go to sleep! Many of my clients have thanked me for this suggestion. These magical stones enhance your dreams and help you remember them.
Why would you want to dream more vividly and remember more of your dreams? Because paying attention to our dreams is one of the most healing and empowering spiritual practices available to us. In my opinion, anyone who is serious about their spirituality should keep a dream journal.
When we are in the dream state, a lot of spiritual inspiration, energy healing, divine guidance and soul growth takes place. Each night when we enter the dream state to immerse our soul in the astral realm, it is like a “little death” or temporary departure from the material world. It is a mini prequel to what our soul will experience one day when we we depart from this physical life and return to our spirit form.
How To Increase Your Psychic Awareness
People often tell me that they wish they had psychic abilities. The truth is, we all do! Like any other talent, it just takes practice to develop your individual psychic potential.
You can develop your psychic awareness in the same way that you can practice playing a musical instrument or a sport. Of course, some people are more gifted musically or athletically, but that does not prevent anyone from acquiring a certain level of skill.
People with exceptional psychic potential tend to exhibit divergent thinking, or the ability to generate multiple solutions or perspectives to a problem. They tend to think outside the box, make unconventional connections and approach challenges with creativity, flexibility and originality.
People are also more likely to have exceptional psychic potential if they are emotionally sensitive, have high levels of empathy and transpersonal awareness.
But overall, giftedness or psychic talent is a multifaceted inner potential influenced by a combination of factors including genetic predisposition, natural aptitude, personality, environmental factors, motivation, developmental opportunities and one’s unique soul plan and purpose.
While some people demonstrate exceptional abilities from an early age, psychic awareness is a dynamic and evolving quality that can be cultivated, nurtured and expressed in different ways throughout life.
Connecting With Your Spirit Animal
The concept of animals serving as spiritual guides and symbols for personal growth has deep roots in human culture, stretching back to ancient indigenous societies and persisting through to modern spiritual practices.
This enduring belief stems from the profound connection humans have observed and felt with the animal kingdom throughout history.
In many indigenous cultures around the world, animals traditionally hold a sacred significance and are believed to possess spiritual wisdom and powers. Many cultures also have animal symbolism in their myths, folklore, rituals, and everyday life.
For example, Native American tribes traditionally attribute personal qualities and character traits, such as strength, courage, wisdom, and cunning, to various animals, viewing them as embodiments of these virtues.
Acoording to these indigenous teachings our animal totems or spirit animals offer us guidance, protection, and insight on our spiritual journey.
We can connect with our spirit animal through meditation, dream interpretation, or rituals. By aligning with the characteristics of our chosen animal, we can gain strength, wisdom, and a deeper understanding of ourselves and our path in life.