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True Friends Encourage Each Other’s Gifts

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI have aways had an extraordinary spiritual connection with a particular friend. Many of our shared experiences over the years illustrate the strength and importance of this connection. We are always on a bit of a “mystical high” when we spend time together!

I knew she was psychic from the first time we met, but she is seldom very eager to talk about it. I suspect she feels a little insecure about it or even afraid of her own power.

Then I had a dream. The angels showed me in this dream that it was time for my friend to embrace her psychic abilities, and that it had now become my responsibility to ensure that she was prepared for this journey of psychic awakening and self-discovery.

A memorable trip to New York City during the recent holiday season provided the ideal opportunity to inspire her and build her confidence.

She lives in the New York area while I live in Arizona, so we do not see each other very often. Over the holidays, I took a short vacation to visit her. Our plans included a trip to the city to see a play, which was great, but not the most magical part of the trip.

The day we arrived in the city, we went to this holiday fair near our hotel to kill time, before going to dinner and the play. As soon as we got out of the cab, the magic started. Amazing things happened everywhere we went. Her birthday was coming up and I wanted to get her something special. I ended up buying her the perfect pearl ring, which she loves.

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Breaking The Pattern Of Relationship Trauma

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comToday I did two consecutive readings for clients who are obsessed with a relationship from a long time ago. They both wondered why the relationship ended and what could have been if things had gone differently.

In retrospect, there have been many similar calls recently. I have even had clients who have had vivid dreams and nightmares about a particular ex-love, lost friend or estranged family member.

In all cases, I find that Spirit consistently offers the same guidance. These haunted thoughts and obsessions are due to a lack of closure and unresolved trauma. Spirit has also indicated that there is a growing epidemic of loneliness in the world. Because of this, more and more people are dwelling on old relationships and their regrets.

This has even happened to me recently, with people from my past that I have not thought of or seen in years coming to mind more and more. It can be surprising and disconcerting to have such random memories pop up. Spirit gave me exactly the same wake-up call. These memories are a sign that there is a need for forgiveness and healing. It is essentially a form of delayed grief, when instead we should be having happy and fond memories of the people in our past.

I find it helps to remember that they, like me, were just doing the best they could with what they knew and had at the time. When someone has shown signs of unkindness or aggression, I have also come to realize that it was the result of their own hurts, losses, or disappointments.

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Navigate Your Career Change With Inner Guidance

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen a new year dawns we tend to take stock of our lives and consider making some changes, such as in our field of work or our current position. Some people even consider starting a business.

It is common to consider a career change at the start of a new year. A new year makes us aware of the passage of time and is therefore often seen as a time for self-reflection and goal-setting.

But as simple as it may seem at first, changing careers can be a daunting process, especially if you hope to achieve the best possible outcome. It requires careful planning, research and preparation, but with the right mindset and approach, it can be a very rewarding and fulfilling endeavor.

Changing careers is inherently uncertain. It involves leaving the familiar for the unknown, and this can be challenging and scary. However, our personal and spiritual growth tends to thrive in uncertainty. It encourages us to step out of our comfort zone and embrace the unfamiliar. Rather than seeing uncertainty as a barrier, consider it an opportunity for personal expansion, self-discovery, and soul evolution.

If you are considering a career change, one of the wisest things you can do is to ask spirit for guidance and support and to follow your inner guidance. Spirit will guide you through the ambiguity and help you make the right decisions along the way. Navigating a career change can be daunting, but tapping into your spiritual inner guidance system will provide more of the clarity and direction you need.

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The Entrepreneur’s Guide To Business Intuition

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The power of psychic intuition can be a valuable asset for entrepreneurs seeking to navigate the complexities of business and financial decision-making.

Spiritually aware entrepreneurs who develop their psychic intuition have a unique advantage in anticipating market trends, understanding consumer behavior, and making strategic decisions that align with their business goals.

Whether you are a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, understanding the potential of psychic intuition can be a game-changer for your success in the business world.

Psychic intuition operates at a level beyond the conscious mind. It is the innate ability to perceive information beyond the five senses, known in parapsychology as extrasensory perception (ESP) and more commonly as the “sixth sense” or “gut feeling.”

It is the inner knowing, sensing, or feeling of information that is not perceived through our normal sensory channels.

Psychic intuition is the ability to understand or know something without the need for conscious thought. It is an immediate understanding or realization, a quick and ready insight or knowledge or conviction, without any logical explanation or identifiable source. This heightened awareness gives the attuned entrepreneur access to hidden insights or precognitive information that may not be immediately apparent through logical analysis.

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The True Value Of The Psychic Pathfinder

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comPsychics, mediums, channelers, and prophets have been around as wayshowers or pathfinders since the beginning of time, offering insight, guidance, and predictions to those seeking divine answers to their most pressing questions.

The earliest historical records of people with psychic abilities can be traced back to ancient Egypt, Greece, and China.

One of the most famous psychics of all time was the Oracle of Delphi in ancient Greece. She was a priestess at the Sanctuary of Apollo in Delphi and was known for her ability to channel prophecies. She would enter a trance-like state and utter divine messages and predictions. These prophecies were often sought by kings, generals, and wealthy community leaders seeking guidance or insight.

In ancient Egypt, pharaohs consulted psychic oracles and mediums for advice on matters of state and personal affairs. They also employed soothsayers who practiced various rituals and divination techniques to access divine wisdom and foresight.

In ancient China, divination and psychic practices were deeply embedded in the culture. Oracle bones, inscribed with symbols and used for divination, have been unearthed at ancient sites. Soothsayers, known as fangshi, offered their services to those seeking guidance and insight.

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Protect Yourself From Energy Vampires

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comPeople have the power to either energize or drain us because we are all energetic spiritual beings in human form. This is especially true if you are highly sensitive and empathic.

Energy vampires are people who mostly unintentionally drain or ‘steal’ the energy of others, leaving everyone they interact with feeling mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually drained, even depressed.

Although they may not be intentionally malicious or evil, their dysfunctional personalities and toxic behavior patterns can have a detrimental effect on our health and well-being.

Energy thieves are everywhere, from the workplace to our social circles. Understanding their effects and protecting yourself from their toxicity is critical to mental and emotional well-being.

It is important to recognize the signs and patterns in your interactions with these people. There are many signs that you may be the victim of an energy vampire. Some of the most common indicators include feeling drained or exhausted, having a change in mood or energy level, or difficulty concentrating or making decisions after spending time with someone. You may also feel that you are always giving and never receiving from someone, or that you are being used or manipulated by them.

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Together Again In The Afterlife

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThere are many different beliefs and opinions about what happens to us after we die. For centuries, philosophers, theologians, and even scientists have pondered whether or not we are reunited with our loved ones in the spirit world when we leave this life.

There are also many people who believe that there is no life after death. They believe that when we die, our consciousness simply ceases to exist. This idea is often based on the idea that our consciousness is a product of our brains, and when our brains die, our consciousness dies with them.

It is often claimed that there is no definitive answer to any of these questions, and that it is purely a matter of “faith.” Well, faith is believing in something without concrete evidence. It is trusting that something is true without any proof.

I have to disagree. For me, the afterlife is not just a matter of mere faith, nor is it a complex question with no real answers. For me, it is a matter of knowing it as truth from personal, first-hand experiences.

Not only have I seen ample evidence in both my professional and personal life that the afterlife does exist, but I also know that when death separates us from our loved ones, it is only temporary, for we are ultimately reunited with them in the spirit realm.

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