Receiving Angel Guidance In Your Dreams
I was nine years old when I met three beautiful angels in a rather unlikely setting. My parents were visiting some friends one Saturday night, and when it was time for me to go to bed, they put me upstairs in the master bedroom.
The grown-ups were enjoying themselves and making a lot of noise downstairs, so I was lying on the bed, wide awake, staring up at the ceiling.
Suddenly, like a sliding door, the ceiling opened to reveal three magnificent beings against the backdrop of the night sky. They were angels.
In later years I researched books and pictures of these beautiful beings and to my amazement some artists had captured them exactly as I had seen them in my vision that night. Their message came to me telepathically, clear and comforting: “We will always be with you.
The vivid memory of that night stayed with me and shaped my understanding of the spiritual realm. As I began to work with people all over the world, I soon realised that many people are either too afraid to open up to angelic guidance, or simply do not know where to begin the communication process. If this resonates with you, know that angels do come to us in dreams and visions, offering their guidance, protection and support.
The Bible, for example, contains numerous accounts of dreams and visions involving angels, such as Jacob’s ladder (Genesis 28); Joseph’s dreams (Genesis 37); Daniel’s visions (Daniel 7); and John’s revelation (Revelation 1-22).
We can receive profound guidance from the angelic realm in our dreams. Asking for guidance through your dreams takes some practice, but it is a powerful way to gain insight into various aspects of your life, whether it be relationships, financial issues or career challenges.
Pay attention to your dreams – God’s angels often speak directly to our hearts when we are asleep ~ Eileen Elias Freeman
To prepare for receiving guidance in your dreams, make sure your bedroom is comfortable and conducive to relaxation. One way I like to enhance my sleeping environment is by using essential oils. I place a drop of lavender essence on each corner of my pillow to promote relaxation and calm.
The environment in which you sleep has a significant impact on the quality of your dreams. If the last thing your eyes see before you fall asleep is a chaotic environment, your dream time is likely to be chaotic and restless as well, focusing on the turmoil in your life rather than making space for angelic guidance.
Blue light from devices such as smartphones and tablets can also significantly disrupt the quality of your sleep and therefore the quality of your dreams. Exposure to blue light before bedtime inhibits the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for regulating the sleep-wake cycle, leading to difficulty falling asleep and poorer sleep quality overall. This disruption can result in fragmented or less vivid dreams, which can hinder the potential to receive angelic guidance in the dream state.
In addition, scrolling through your phone at bedtime can overstimulate your mind, making it harder to relax and transition into a restful sleep. The chaotic, fast-paced and sometimes very negative and disturbing nature of online content can leave you with residual stress or anxiety that carries over into your dream world, creating an environment less conducive to peaceful, insightful and spiritually guided dreams.
To promote a more calm and receptive dream state, it’s beneficial to limit screen time before bed and create a calming pre-bedtime routine that encourages deep, restorative sleep.
Before drifting off to sleep, make yourself very comfortable. Tense and relax your body, especially your hands and feet, a couple of times. This helps release any physical tension and prepares your mind for a restful sleep.
Then, say a simple prayer or affirmation to set your angelic dream intention: “Angels, as I sleep, please advise me and help me find the answer to (mention the problem). I will be ready to interpret my dream when I wake up. Thank you.”
Make yourself familiar with the angels, and behold them frequently in spirit; for, without being seen, they are present with you ~ St. Francis of Sales
Keep a pen and paper or a dream journal next to your bed to record any messages or insights you receive upon waking. It’s crucial to jot down your dream messages as soon as you wake up because during sleep, we are in our spiritual, unconscious self. As soon as we awaken, we shift into our physical, conscious self, and the vivid details of our dreams can quickly fade away.
When you wake up, take a few moments to recall your dreams. Write down any images, feelings, or impressions that come to mind. These dream messages can be subtle, so it’s essential to capture them before they slip away. Over time, you’ll start to notice patterns and recurring symbols that can offer valuable insights into your life.
Opening yourself up to angelic guidance in the dreamstate is a transformative experience. It requires patience and trust, but the rewards are immeasurable. By creating a peaceful sleep environment, using tools like essential oils and dream journals, and setting the intention to receive guidance, you can invite angels into your dreams and benefit from their wisdom.
Remember, the angels are always with us, ready to offer their support and guidance. All we need to do is ask and be open to receiving their messages. Whether you see them in visions, feel their presence, or hear or see them in your dreams, know that you are never alone. The angels are here to guide us, protect us, and help us navigate the challenges of life with grace and love.
So, tonight, as you prepare for bed, take a moment to connect with the angels. Ask for their guidance and support, and trust that they will be there, watching over you as you sleep. And when you wake up, take a moment to reflect on your dreams, write down any messages, and carry the wisdom of the angels with you throughout your day.
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