spiritual contemplation
Transform Your Chores Into Moments Of Zen
I recently had to find my “inner zen” when I had to file my taxes in person. Even though I was really, really not in the mood and not looking forward to it at all, I decided to make the most of this dreaded chore by practicing a time-tested spiritual technique of just being present in the moment. This attitude made my day so much easier and more fulfilling.
As I waited in line at the tax office, I couldn’t help but overhear a less than happy man ranting in one of the booths. I felt bad because, well, we are all human and this is about paying taxes, for goodness sake! We can hardly blame others for reacting this way. I mean, who really enjoys doing their taxes?
But I think it’s better to stay calm and carry on, because in the end everything will be fine. Having a “panic attack” or “hissy fit” like the guy in that booth won’t change the situation, except to make it worse. I know from experience that keeping an inner calm always wins the day.
If you have to deal with a chore or task that you are not looking forward to, try to embrace it and immerse yourself in the experience rather than making it worse by creating a lot of resistance around it. There is a lot of ancient wisdom in “being present in the now.” It is no accident that this concept is rooted in various spiritual traditions and teachings throughout history, as it points to a universal truth that is essential for spiritual living and personal well-being.
The Power Of Precision In Psychic Reading
As a professional rune reader, I’ve come to appreciate the profound importance of preparation and precision in any psychic reading. The core element is the clarity of the question asked, which is paramount in any reading.
I find that clients who approach a reading with clear questions and sincere intentions usually receive the most transformative insights and accurate answers.
In the runic tradition, the clarity of the question has always been central to the practice. From ancient times to the present, seekers have always understood that the runes respond most powerfully to direct inquiries. I’ve seen firsthand how precise questions can serve as a beacon, directing the energy of the reading to the heart of the matter.
Various runic traditions, including Norse, Germanic, and Anglo-Saxon, have always emphasized the importance of asking clear and specific questions.
Ancient teachings also suggest that when consulting the runes, one should approach the practice with honor and respect. Questions should be asked with a sincere and genuine intent, recognizing the sacred nature of the runic symbols and the guidance they provide.
Breaking The Pattern Of Relationship Trauma
Today I did two consecutive readings for clients who are obsessed with a relationship from a long time ago. They both wondered why the relationship ended and what could have been if things had gone differently.
In retrospect, there have been many similar calls recently. I have even had clients who have had vivid dreams and nightmares about a particular ex-love, lost friend or estranged family member.
In all cases, I find that Spirit consistently offers the same guidance. These haunted thoughts and obsessions are due to a lack of closure and unresolved trauma. Spirit has also indicated that there is a growing epidemic of loneliness in the world. Because of this, more and more people are dwelling on old relationships and their regrets.
This has even happened to me recently, with people from my past that I have not thought of or seen in years coming to mind more and more. It can be surprising and disconcerting to have such random memories pop up. Spirit gave me exactly the same wake-up call. These memories are a sign that there is a need for forgiveness and healing. It is essentially a form of delayed grief, when instead we should be having happy and fond memories of the people in our past.
I find it helps to remember that they, like me, were just doing the best they could with what they knew and had at the time. When someone has shown signs of unkindness or aggression, I have also come to realize that it was the result of their own hurts, losses, or disappointments.
Unstuck Your Life With A New Spiritual Practice
One of the most transformative things we can do in life is to step out of our comfort zones and infuse our lives with new vitality. As creatures of habit, we tend to get stuck in life with repetitive routines and recurring patterns that drain our energy and stifle our personal and spiritual growth.
When conventional methods fall short, exploring spiritual or esoteric practices can breathe fresh air into our lives and help us break free from the shackles of monotony.
Feeling stagnant, experiencing a lack of fulfillment, or longing for personal growth are all signs that it’s time to break free from a comfort zone, a soulless daily routine, or a recurring toxic pattern that no longer serves our highest good. These indicators often signal the need for change to invigorate or even reinvent our lives.
By adopting a new spiritual practice and delving into realms beyond the ordinary, we embark on a new journey of self-discovery and soul expansion that unlocks our hidden potential and transforms our destiny. Exploring esoteric and occult traditions offers alternative perspectives and transformative experiences that can expand our consciousness and provide profound insights. It can uncover hidden knowledge and help us tap into higher realms of consciousness that enrich our lives.
What Reality Will You Create Today?
In this lifetime, it is important to remember that we are all the creators of our own realities, as well as the co-creators of our shared reality.
This means that as an individual we have the divine gift of free will. Free will is our personal power to make our own choices in life. It is one of the most important and valuable aspects of human existence because it allows us to determine our own fate and shape our own destiny.
Without free will, we would not be autonomous and responsible spiritual beings in human form. Instead, we would be robots, pre-programmed to act in a certain way. Being born with free will allows us to make moral choices, to love and be loved, and to create our own unique paths in life.
Of course, with free will comes responsibility and accountability. We are responsible for our own thoughts and actions, both good and bad. We must therefore think carefully about our choices and make sure that we are acting not only for our own highest good, but also for the greater good.
Free will also does not mean that we are completely free from the constraints of external circumstances and worldly influences. We also share a collective free will with the rest of humanity. Just as we create our own daily reality and shape our individual destiny, we also co-create a shared global reality with the rest of the world.
Let Us Celebrate The Season With Charity And Kindness
The holidays are a bittersweet time of year for me. While I am blessed to be surrounded by my loved ones during these days, I am also reminded of all the loneliness and suffering that many people around the world experience.
The holidays should be more than just a time of joy and celebration. It should also be a time to examine our privilege and count our blessings.
I came to this realization many years ago as a young woman living in the city of Boston, Massachusetts. Coming from a loving, sheltered family, I made the shocking discovery that the holidays were not joyous for everyone.
It happened while I was walking through the Boston Common one evening with a friend. The Common in downtown Boston is the oldest urban park in the United States. It is traditionally always beautifully decorated for the holidays and there is a long-standing tradition of an annual Christmas lighting ceremony that dates back to 1917.
It all began on December 6, 1917, when the Halifax Explosion, the largest non-nuclear explosion in history, destroyed much of the city. Boston officials learned of the disaster by telegraph and quickly organized and dispatched a relief train to help the survivors.