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The Power And Beauty Of Your Inner Divine Light

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comA friend recently asked me to help her hang a new chandelier. And reluctantly, I agreed to give up my treasured Sunday evening movie time to help with the project.

Arriving at her house, I found her with a very heavy box nearly five feet tall. At first, I could not fathom the actual size and shape of the chandelier hidden beneath the layers of packaging and thick pieces of unyielding plywood and cardboard.

I was surprised to eventually find what seemed like a chaotic mess of tangled wires affixed to hundreds of tiny quartz crystals. Could it be a warehouse or shipping mishap, I wondered?

I stepped back and took a deep breath, asking myself if I had maybe taken on more than can handle. But before I could speculate any further, my friend proceeded to life up the chandelier to allow each of the seemingly coiled wires to gently fall into place!

I was amazed at how something that appeared so entangled and messy one moment, could suddenly transform into this breathtaking spectacle of sparkling light. Then we added the large quartz stones for the ends to complete the fixture, and soon it was hanging in my friend’s dining room. And I stood back in awe of its magnificent beauty. I was speechless.

This experience reminded me of those times in life when everything seems to be upside down and off-kilter. Those unexpected situations that render us temporarily overwhelmed. I have no shame in admitting that I have succumbed to feeling somewhat defeated in moments like that.

But what I have also learned with the guidance of Spirit is there is always the opportunity in our lives to transform with just a little bit of courage and perseverance a seemingly messy dilemma into something positive and beautiful. No matter how difficult a situation might appear, there is always a silver lining. Continue reading

The Spiritual Aspect Of Physical Ailments

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAs a medical Reiki master and teacher, I have come to understand that there is often a spiritual aspect to almost every illness, pain or symptom that comes up in the physical body. When we are not in alignment with our spiritual self, it can create imbalances in many aspects of our health and wellness.

Note that I always recommend seeking and following professional medical advice. Despite the possible underlying metaphysical and spiritual aspects of any illness or disease, you must never assume that the intervention of a registered medical practitioner is not needed. Always seek medical advice if you are not feeling well, and do not stop using whatever medication and treatments have been prescribed for you without consulting your doctor. It could save your life.

What I can however recommend is to supplement your conventional medical treatment with energy work and other spiritual healing practices. The Eastern practice of Reiki is something you can use effectively to compliment your western medicine treatment.

Reiki is an energy healing modality that brings our chi into alignment. Chi is the energy of life itself. It is an electromagnetic energy which flows through everything in creation. Reiki brings the chi of the body, mind, and spirit back into alignment and can reveal which areas need to be worked on, or released, or simply acknowledged.

Here are a few examples of common spiritual meanings behind some of our ailments. Headaches are often associated with self-criticism and fear. They are also a source of feeling invalidated in some way and often aimed at the self. The solution is to start affirming how amazing you are, how divinely perfect you are, how much you love yourself. The best affirmation you can say is:

I love myself unconditionally. I am perfectly perfect as I am.

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To Hate Is A Self-Destructive Choice

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen I was in middle school, around the age of 13 or so, I remember an older, more popular girl used to constantly bully me. I also remember coming home from school and telling my mother about it. I told my mother that I hated that girl, but she very sternly said, “Oh no, you don’t hate anyone!”

I defiantly replied, “Oh yes, I do!”

My mother then patiently replied, “Okay, well if you are going to insist on hating her, please go and do it somewhere else, young lady. I do not want to hear about it anymore!”

She never explained to me why she felt it was inappropriate for me to hate anyone. I didn’t figure this out until much later in my life.

My own daughter is now also a teenager and she sometimes comes home from school with similar complaints. A girl at school has been spreading false rumors about her. Just like I did all those years ago, my daughter also told me how she hated this girl. And I replied the same way my mother did, except I also explained that hate only breeds more hate.

To hate someone or something only hurts you, no one else. My daughter hating this person she feels has wronged her, will only cause her to hurt herself more with negative emotion, every time she thinks about this person. Every time she tells a friend or family member about this girl, she will be refueling her own negative fire. Thus, she will only end up hurting herself more.

The other girl does not feel every occasion my daughter is upset, or reliving the hurtful situation that occurred. In reality, my daughter is punishing herself every time she thinks about how this person wronged her. This is what we all tend to do, when we find ourselves in similar or hurtful situations.

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The Lotus Flower Reading

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI recently attended an online psychic development workshop. In one of the tasks, we had to partner with another student and do a ‘flower reading.’ I know touching an object using psychometry works well in readings, but this is something else.

Our teacher paired us up and we didn’t know in advance with whom. We also had to intuitively pick a flower for our partner beforehand. At the beginning of the session, we had to show the other person the actual flower or a color photo of the flower we had chosen for them on our shared screens.

In preparation for this, I placed many pieces of paper, each with the name of a different flower on it, into a bag, shook it up, and drew one. Spirit guided me to select the Indian lotus flower or nelumbo nucifera.

When it was my turn to read for my classmate, I relaxed and observed the image of the lovely white lotus in front of me. The depth of information that came forth in the reading about her past, how her life was now, and what lay ahead, was truly amazing!

The reading revealed that she was going to be blossoming soon like the lotus, because she currently finds herself in a strong development stage. I later learned that she’d been through some dark times, almost giving up on herself. She had recently begun doing deep shadow work, as well as exploring her psychic development.

She is also recovering from a recent trauma and the lotus is traditionally known for being the ideal gift for someone recovering from any traumatic experience or physical injury. Many years ago, I attended a Yoga class during which the challenges of the lotus position was discussed in-depth. The teacher said that through proper breathwork and becoming more flexible, one’s body will allow you to achieve this pose.

I was only 19 years old at the time and not very supple. I saw no hope of achieving that position for quite some time. However, only a few classes later, we did a session during which a lot of emphasis was placed on our breathing. And to my amazement, I was able to easily get into the lotus position!

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Discover Your True Strength And Inner Beauty

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen you look in the mirror, what do you see? Are you looking at only the outer appearance, or are you looking at the soul behind the flesh? Are you seeing the spirit within you?

Take a few minutes today to shut out the noise of the world, as well as any negative self-talk you may tend to indulge in. Then be still, take a few deep breaths and go within to explore who you really are on the inside.

Shift your awareness out of your mind and into your heart and gut. Uncover the inner strength that lies beneath the tears and hurt. See the love that longs to come to the surface and be shared with others. Find your inner spiritual truth.

So often we tend to see only our defects and not the good that lies underneath. It is time to see yourself as the best possible version of yourself. Begin to realign the way you see yourself and make it positive, confident, and powerful.

Trust me, I have been there too. I used to be always looking for affirmation from others that I am worthy, beautiful and worth being in their life.

Then one day, Spirit woke me up. Spirit spoke clearly and said, “Sheri, close your eyes and see the real you within. Feel your true power. Feel the essence of goodness that you are and what you can give to others. Help others to also see their perfection within themselves and guide them to not give their power away to others who cause them pain and hurt.”

It was a powerful moment of enlightenment for me and the message from Spirit has stuck with me for decades since.

Now, you may think that you have nothing to offer. Maybe you feel old, or unattractive, or not smart enough, or successful and talented enough. Maybe you believe your partner left you for another because you were not good enough, and so on. But none of these ideas you have about yourself are true.

You are a spiritual being in human form. You were created in the divine image of God. There is an inner beauty, a goodness, an infinite intelligence that lies beneath your physical exterior, no matter who you are or what you look like.

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The Signs of Spiritual Awakening

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSpiritual awakening is not just about inner peace, raised consciousness or becoming a role-model of enlightenment. It’s also a messy journey!

So, what exactly is a ‘spiritual awakening?’ Well, there isn’t one universally accepted definition, because the experience or journey is unique to each person. Also, it’s a lifelong process, and the time of awakening is just the beginning.

Essentially spiritual awakening is firstly a significant shift in one’s personal perspective, typically characterized by a recognition of observer consciousness. It is the realization that the true self or ‘I’ is the observer of your thoughts, feelings and experiences. You are not your thoughts, feelings and experiences, but merely the observer of your thoughts, feelings and experiences.

Awakening also brings a sense of expanded awareness which prompts us to examine our beliefs about ourselves and the world through a more critical lens. This usually sparks a quest for authentic truth and a thirst for deeper knowledge and understanding of ourselves and the world.

The awakened person begins to rebel against what they have been told to believe on all levels of their experience of themselves and the world. Awakening returns us to a state of newfound curiosity about our existence. We begin to explore what actually informs our existing beliefs, to determine if they serve our highest good, or not.

The awakened person also accepts their role as a conscious co-creator and takes responsibility for healing and releasing that which doesn’t serve their highest good.

In recent times more and more people all over the world are beginning to awaken. Triggers for awakening are often major life events such as marriage, divorce, pregnancy, bereavement, loss, trauma or traumatic events, major transitions, career changes, and so on. But anything can trigger a spiritual awakening. It can also simply happen due to a sense of general dissatisfaction with life and yearning for more depth, meaning and purpose.

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Reclaim Your Energy For Financial Prosperity

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comYou may be surprised to learn that I find doing readings about money and finances to be no different from doing a love or relationship reading. In my experience, how we handle money is usually exactly the same as how we operate in relationships and how we ultimately treat ourselves and others. How we earn and spend money is also how we love ourselves and others. In the end it is all about how we manage our personal energy.

For example, if you constantly find yourself in overwhelming debt, consider how you operate in your relationships. Do you feel as if you give, and give, and give, and rarely get anything back? Do you feel as if you are always pursuing relationships and they are unwilling to commit? Is it typically an ‘on again, off again’ scenario?

Now consider how this also reflects in your money matters and financial management. Do you find that as soon as you have money it is already spent? Is it continuously flowing out? Do you struggle to hold on to, or build any savings? The deeper truth is that this constant ‘scarcity’ or ‘lack’ is the result of a fear of owning our power.

Do a simple exercise by becoming quiet and centered. Calm your mind and body and then call on your angels and guides. Ask them to show you what it would feel like to hold on to just ten percent more of your energy. Increase this every day for ten days and you will now know what it is like to hold on to hundred percent of your energy!

Once you have reclaimed all your energy, ask your spirit helpers to teach you how to carry this newfound sense of personal power into your daily life. If you are like many of my clients, you will soon find that both your financial priorities have shifted. You will be making less impulse purchases and find yourself saving for the things that are more in alignment with your higher self.

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