Overcoming Your Self-Limiting Beliefs
You’ve probably heard this before. I talk about it all the time. But this concept has had such an impact on my life that I just have to keep sharing it!
You are not your thoughts or your emotions. You are the soul or spirit that has the ability to observe and experience your thoughts and feelings.
When I came to this realization, I had been working for years on my tendency to be very critical of my inner dialogue. But it was only when I looked at it from a spiritual perspective that I realized how hard I had been on myself.
Our minds are constantly full of inner chatter that, left unattended, can become a toxic breeding ground for fear, self-judgment, and limiting belief patterns. Once I realized that as a spiritual being I was separate from my thoughts and feelings, I began to observe them more objectively.
As a natural consequence, I found myself asking some very compelling questions. What was I believing about these thoughts? What kind of emotions do these thoughts evoke? This kind of self-reflection opens up a conversation with your heart, your soul, your higher self.
Your mind is designed to keep you safe. Too often this means keeping you within your comfort zones and self-limiting beliefs. Your heart and soul, on the other hand, want you to grow and expand. The higher self wants you to learn, play, explore and experience as much as possible in this lifetime.
Find Your Peace In The Present Moment
A theme that comes up frequently in psychic readings is how people inadvertently choose to live in the past, finding comfort in nostalgia or reliving painful memories that keep them tied to an earlier time. The past is often romanticized — a seemingly simpler, happier place, free from the burdens of the present.
For those who had a happy and idyllic childhood, the past may seem like a golden era. They fondly recall carefree days filled with laughter, unconditional love, and the security of knowing that someone else was responsible for making the big decisions.
These people long for the innocence of childhood, the guidance of loving parents, the support of trusted mentors, and simpler times. It can be a source of comfort, but it can also prevent them from fully embracing the possibilities of the present.
For others, the past is a dark and painful landscape filled with trauma, regret, or missed opportunities.
Some people carry deep emotional wounds from their past. Perhaps they grew up in an environment of neglect, conflict, or abuse. Instead of a safe and nurturing childhood, they experienced hardship, pain, or betrayal.
Bad memories, deeply etched in the soul, can feel like an unshakable burden. Those who have suffered often relive their trauma, carrying resentment and anger toward those who wronged them. For these people, the past is not a place of comfort, but a source of suffering that continues to affect their daily lives. Continue reading
What To Do When A Lost Love Lingers
Many of the readings I do are about love and relationships, and a good percentage of them are about past relationships that continue to linger in the hearts and minds of some callers.
For some people there are often constant, even obsessive thoughts about a former partner, a longing for a second chance, or bitterness and regret for time and energy that now seems wasted. The longer and more intense the relationship, the more battle scars and wounds there often are.
If it was a soulmate or twinflame connection, the aftermath can be especially devastating. The relationship has ended and the connection has been severed in this lifetime. This can be very painful. You know you gave it your all. You hung in there for years, or you made heroic efforts to ensure the survival of the relationship, but it did not work out as you had hoped.
If you are highly sensitive and intuitively aware, you may still be picking up the energy of your former partner, which can be very painful, disturbing and disruptive. Unresolved energetic connections can keep you stuck in a repetitive cycle of repeating the same pattern with that person, or put you on hold, unable to move forward in peace and confidence.
I am often asked, “Is it really over?” or “Does he still have feelings for me?” Of course, the answer depends on the unique circumstances.
The Cautionary Tale Of The Lovestruck Witch
Once upon a time, there was a goodly witch named Wanda. Though she sometimes had a fiery temper, her heart was generally in the right place.
For many years, Wanda lived a cozy life with her partner, Colwyn the Brave, in a happy and fulfilling relationship.
But one day, out of the blue, Colwyn announced that he was ending the relationship. Although he still loved Wanda, he explained that he no longer had the romantic or emotional feelings necessary to sustain the relationship.
But Wanda was no fool. Fee-fi-fo-fum, she knew by the prick of her thumb…that he was lying through his teeth! The truth was that he had decided to dump her for her so-called best friend, Suvanna the Enchantress.
Wanda was devastated. She had dedicated more than two decades of her life to this man, standing by him through thick and thin. And her friend’s betrayal only added further insult to injury.
Realizing the extent of the pain he had caused, Colwyn tried to comfort Wanda, assuring her that one day she would meet someone who would make her much happier than he ever had.
But his words fell on deaf ears. Wanda was heartbroken and very, very angry.
Then she remembered…she was a witch. She could make things happen, especially with the help of her sisterhood of witches.
Signs Your Partner Might Be Cheating
Is your partner cheating on you? Is your spouse having an affair? Should you believe their version of events? Is there a noticeable change in their behavior or routine? Do you sense a lack of trust or transparency in your relationship?
These types of suspicions can create a wall in relationships that is almost impossible to break down – especially if they turn out to be unfounded. When the fears are true, however, infidelity has the power to completely shatter trust and even destroy a family.
Over the years, I’ve done countless relationship readings for people from all walks of life, and one theme comes up again and again: infidelity.
In these readings, I have noticed certain patterns of behavior that consistently emerge when someone is hiding an affair. These signs aren’t just guesses or speculation-they are recurring clues that I’ve seen confirmed time and time again by the lived experience of my clients.
I don’t claim to have all the answers, but I’ve seen enough to know when something isn’t right. Whether it’s someone’s energy, their words, or the tears they shed when describing what they’ve noticed, these signs often speak louder than the lies people tell.
But knowing the truth is only part of the journey. Once you uncover it, you must be willing to act and not settle for disrespect or dishonesty.
If you’ve been feeling uncomfortable or insecure in your relationship, recognizing these signs early can help bring clarity to your situation and save you a lot of disappointment and heartache. Many of my clients who didn’t take it seriously at the time can vouch for this today.
Embrace The Wisdom Of Your Inner Crone
The archetypes of the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone are central figures in various spiritual and mythological traditions, especially in Paganism and Wicca, where they represent the Triple Goddess. They symbolize the three primary phases of a woman’s life and the cycles of nature, and are associated with the phases of the moon — waxing, full, and waning.
The Maiden is associated with the waxing moon, representing youth, new beginnings, potential, and innocence; the Mother aligns with the full moon, embodying creation, fertility, abundance, and maturity; and the Crone is associated with the waning moon, symbolizing wisdom, life experience, reflection, and endings that lead to new beginnings.
In Greek mythology, these archetypes are seen in the Moirai or Fates: Clotho (the spinner of the thread of life), Lachesis (the measurer), and Atropos (the cutter). Similarly, in Hinduism, the goddess Kali represents the transformative power of the Crone, who presides over destruction and rebirth. They remind us of the cyclical nature of existence and the interconnectedness of the stages of life.
Mary, the mother of Jesus, embodies the essence of the Crone within the Christian tradition. As Mater Dolorosa (Sorrowful Mother), she is revered as a figure of profound strength and resilience, having witnessed the suffering and death of her Son. Her wisdom, born of enduring immense grief and unwavering faith, serves as a beacon of strength and compassion for the faithful. She is seen as a compassionate and empathetic figure who understands human suffering and intercedes for believers with her love and wisdom.
How To ‘Face Everything And Rise’ (F.E.A.R.)
It’s okay to feel afraid sometimes – some fear responses are a natural and vital part of our built-in self-protection system. Rooted in our primal survival instincts, fear helps us identify and respond to real threats, such as a raging fire or a dangerous wild animal.
Survival fear arises in response to immediate, tangible threats to our safety or well-being. It’s a necessary, life-preserving mechanism based on objective, real-world risks that ensure our survival. By activating the body’s fight-or-flight response, it enables us to act quickly and stay safe.
But not all fears are instinctual, nor do they serve our highest good. Irrational fears arise from societal conditioning, cultural expectations, false beliefs, past traumas, or imagined scenarios. These fears are learned or imagined, not instinctual.
Unlike survival fear, irrational fears reflect internalized doubts, imaginery threats and false narratives that serve no protective function at all. Instead, they just interfere with our personal growth, decision-making, and well-being.
Conditioned fears are typically exaggerated or irrational, existing more in the mind than in reality. Examples include fear of failure, fear of rejection, or fear of not living up to social standards. Self-limiting fears can trap us in cycles of self-doubt and hesitation, limiting our ability to take risks, grow, and live wholeheartedly.
To live our best lives, we must learn to recognize these irrational fears, challenge their validity, and prevent them from taking control of our life and well-being. By stepping back and evaluating the source of our fears, we can release what no longer serves us, reclaim our joy, and unlock our full potential.