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Working With Sandalphon, Haniel And Jeremiel

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comArchangel Sandalphon

Archangel Sandalphon is one of only two archangels who has experienced a physical life on planet Earth. The other is Archangel Metatron. Sandalphon has a soft energy and can easily be overlooked, so one must pay close attention and really become quiet when he is in your space.

Sandalphon is associated with healing energy. He also assists the New Children to be born into the best possible families to accommodate their special gifts and sensitivities. He also supports us in finding inner peace.

Archangel Haniel

Archangel Haniel has the presence of a moon goddess. Her energy is subtle and deeply mysterious. She works to support us in embracing the ebbs and flows of life and helps us to connect to the Divine Feminine.

I also see her with a flowing stream of golden coins. She has taken on the task of increasing the financial abundance and prosperity of spiritually aware and conscious women. Through their hands and good works abundance and prosperity will flow that will change the lives of families and heal our planet.

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The Benefits Of Daily Journaling

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI have always loved writing, since I was a little girl. However, as I grew older and became a wife, mother and business owner, I found I no longer didn’t have enough time to follow my passion for putting pen to paper. During the pandemic I suddenly had more time on my hands. Not only did I discover the art of journaling during this time, but I also learned a lot about myself in the process.

I am now the proud owner of a fitness journal, a gratitude journal and a well-being journal. No, I do not write in each of them every day, but I do journal at least once every day, usually before bedtime. I have found that the benefits of journaling to be manifold.

First and foremost, I find journaling to be a form of meditation. Let’s face it, traditional meditation, as empowering as it can be for some, is not for everyone.

Journaling, on the other hand, is not only a form of self-expression (which can be very stress-relieving, to say the least), but it also connects you to the deepest parts of your inner being that may otherwise be drowned out by daily life. Journaling allows you the quiet time to reflect, truly express yourself, and look within – where the answers to life’s problems can often be found when one is in a calm state.

Journaling also trains the brain, because you use both hemispheres of your brain simultaneously. Journaling employs the right brain, by expressing our creativity and feelings, as well as a left brain use of analysis and critical thinking. Journaling also helps to improve one’s memory.

Have you ever heard of RAS, otherwise known as the Reticular Activating System? Apparently, when we write by hand, this stimulates RAS cells and whatever we are focusing on at the forefront of our minds becomes processed into its deeper recesses. Therefore, it is imperative that when writing, we remind ourselves of how important the words are that we are writing – even if they are to ourselves!

Journaling can help us learn from past mistakes. When we record a past experience and reflect on the lessons we have learned from it, it moves us forward. Drawing upon these new insights, we can then approach similar issues or problems more effectively and secure a better end result.

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Ask Spirit To Guide Your Every Step

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAs babies we learned to walk on our own. We may have had some guidance and support from our parents or caregivers, to protect us from falling, but in the end we mastered it on our own. And once we learned to walk, we could in time advance to running, skipping, jumping, and so on.

Similarly, we must learn to make major life decisions for ourselves. We may receive guidance and support along the way from others, including Spirit, but in the end, we must master our life choices on our own.

One of the major challenges we all face in life is how we choose to manage stress and hardship in our life. Stress is a given. Setbacks happen. Overcoming adversity is part and parcel of our journey in this lifetime. No one can live an entirely peaceful and easy life of serene bliss, without dealing with some drama and chaos from time to time.

But we choose different ways to cope with the daily challenges of life. Some people choose to lead a healthy, uplifting lifestyle, as well as practice spirituality, while others sadly opt for destructive ways to ‘cope,’ such as substance abuse, various forms of addiction, and self-sabotaging behaviors, which only serves to make their troubles worse.

When it comes to spirituality, everyone must choose their own path. It is usually what works best for you personally that is ultimately the best way to go. But some choose to not have any belief system. One thing I have learned in this life is that spirituality is essential.

You don’t have to go it alone. There is a great force, a powerful presence known as God, Source, Universe, Spirit, the Divine that guides and protects us. All we must do is ask.

Another important life lesson I have learned is that no one can truly know what you are personally going through, except yourself. Others will have their ideas and opinions of who you are, and what you may be going through, but none of that really matters.

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A Different Approach To Calling On Archangel Michael

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMany believers call upon Archangel Michael for spiritual guidance and protection. He is a wonderful protector, emanating a safe and soothing energy and presence.

Recently, he has shown me a technique to better work with him. I have taught it to several of my clients in need of emotional support and inner strength, and it has worked wonders! They have reported feeling lighter, stronger and clearer around issues that had felt blocked and stagnant for years.

The technique is essentially a simple shift in perspective and in our asking. When we are not seeing clearly what we truly need in our lives, it can help to simply ask the angels to help us see the issue differently, as well as how to ask for what we want in a more effective way.

Typically, when asking for clear guidance or protection, we would simply call upon Archangel Michael to ask him for whatever we need or desire. However, he recently revealed to me that we should rather ask to have those personal qualities activated within us that will empower us to manifest the things we need and desire for ourselves.

This approach leads to a personal transformation that increase our self-awareness and self-reliance, and hastens our spiritual growth. For example, instead of calling upon Archangel Michael every morning to be by your side and protect you throughout the day, you should rather ask him to activate the qualities of courage and inner strength within you.

This will create a ripple effect in your life, emanating from your core and altering the world around you. You will feel more empowered and daily life will be a little easier as you assert your newfound authority.

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Lucid Dreaming

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen we experience a lucid dream we are aware that we are dreaming. Dreamers also report that when they are having a lucid dream, they seem to be able to control the dream to some extent and they also tend to remember them better. In my experience it is like being half asleep and half awake. One time, I actually got up for a drink of water in the middle of a lucid dream, went back to bed, and continued my dream right where I left off!

For me lucid dreaming feels like being in the state of hypnosis – a ‘light’ state of hypnosis in which you have some control over how the session goes. You are in the dream state, but still aware of things around you. You are in a have heightened state of awareness.

Everyone I have discussed the subject of lucid dreaming with usually say they enjoy the experience. Some even say they wish they could stay is that frame of mind longer. When you lucid dream, write down your experience. Enjoy the movie of your mind.

The term ‘lucid dream’ was coined in 1913 by Dutch psychiatrist Frederik van Eeden in his article A Study of Dreams. It usually happens during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. When we sleep cycle through phases of non-REM and REM. REM sleep happens about an hour to 90 minutes after we fall asleep and this is when we tend to have vivid dreams.

It is estimated that at last 50 percent of adults have experienced at least one lucid dream in their lifetime. I have them all the time. The first lucid dream I can remember was when I was about thirteen years old. I was having a lucid dream of talking to my dad. But unlike our normal waking interactions, this conversation went exactly as I wanted it to go. I asked if he would let me go to New York for three weeks, and he said yes!

Since that time, it became increasingly common for me to slip into the lucid dream state. For me it usually happens in the morning, as I am waking up, but then going halfway back to sleep.

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How To Find Lasting Love

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMost of us want to love and be loved. Many people are looking to find the right person. But how does one find love and keep it? And what is the key to finding the right person?

Spirit says one needs to start with yourself first. Without accepting and loving yourself unconditionally, it is impossible to genuinely love someone else.

Do you love yourself enough to find love? Are you strong enough to let go of a loveless or toxic relationship? Do you know what is best for you, or are you willing to settle for a ‘just okay’ relationship…simply to be in a relationship?

In my experience, low self-esteem and a lack of self-worth does not lead to long-lasting, sincere love. Love yourself enough to leave. Loving yourself is just a matter of wanting the best for you.

Doing psychic love readings for many years, I have found that some people simply settle because they are lazy, not wanting to put in the effort. But true and lasting love is hard work. Some feel trapped in bad relationships, falsely believing they can’t get out, while others are scared to leave because they feel they cannot do any better.

Everyone deserves to be in a happy, healthy relationship. We are all deserving of love and belonging. If you are in an unfulfilled, or even an abusive relationship, you need to take decisive steps towards changing your prospects for the better. Take back your power.

Just because someone likes you does not mean you must like them. If you want to see if you really like them, and let it play out, great. Does not mean you have to like them back, much less marry them! Some people are just not the person for you. Move on, or you will never find your person.

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Birth Order And The Empath

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMost of us are familiar with the notion that the personality traits of the firstborn are typically different from the middle sibling, or the youngest child in the family, and so on. But many empaths do not realize how they may be impacted by their birth order in the family.

In The Birth Order Book, author Kevin Lemar gives a detailed outline of these so-called ‘birth order’ characteristics and qualities.

Firstborns, as well as only children, for example, are often associated with leadership attributes and stronger personalities, along with being more protective, fearless, and reliable than their siblings. However, the firstborn may also exhibit some less desirable traits, such as being controlling, bossy and impatient.

The middle-born tend to be social butterflies and peacekeepers, who are focused on fairness and keeping everyone happy. The youngest-born tend to be fun-loving, outgoing, creative, free spirited and can be adept at manipulating others to do things for them.

Only children tend to be mature for their age, perfectionistic and conscientious, but may feel the burden of high parental expectations.

The Firstborn Empath

My experience with empaths has been that the firstborn and only child empaths are indeed more protective, fearless, independent, reliable, but in the empath these protective instincts are magnified tenfold.

They also tend to feel it is their responsibility to solve every human problem and protect everyone around them, regardless. I often see a very enhanced sense of responsibility.

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