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Spirit Messages Through Signs And Synchronicities

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMany people go through life without ever realizing that their spirit guides, ancestors, and deceased loved ones are communicating with them on a regular basis. Spirit is constantly reaching out to us from the other side, but it requires the recipient to be spiritually aware and attentive in their daily life.

The most powerful and easiest way to receive messages and guidance from spirit is to get a psychic or mediumship reading from a reputable psychic or medium.

The next best way to receive messages from spirit is through our dreams, especially visitation dreams in which we interact or have conversations with loved ones. We are most open to spirit communication when we are in the dream state.

Of course, some people are naturally more open to receiving messages from spirit, but anyone can increase their psychic awareness and become more attuned to spirit communication.

The first important step is to adopt a daily spiritual practice that raises your vibration and increases your awareness, such as meditation, prayer, divination, journaling, dreamwork, breathwork, chanting, ceremonies, or rituals.

The next step is to become more aware of signs and synchronicities in daily life. Signs from the spirit realm can include visual apparitions; smells (perfume, cigarette smoke); animals, insects, and other natural phenomena (birds, butterflies, ladybugs, rainbows); objects (coins, feathers); repeating numbers, words or thoughts; specific songs or music; or electrical activity (dimming lights, turning appliances on and off).

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How To Truly Honor Our Departed Loved Ones

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI attended a service recently at the local spiritualist centre that I found particularly meaningful. One of the spirit messages channeled by a visiting medium was for a recently bereaved man in the congregation. The grieving gentleman had been dealing with many mixed emotions since the passing of his spouse.

At first the medium provided the man with undeniable evidence that it was indeed his late wife who was making contact. She relayed several factual details and personal memories that only the man and his wife could possibly know of. This was especially evident from the amazed expression on his face in reaction to everything the medium was saying.

The deceased wife then admitted to being somewhat of a ‘firecracker’ during their 50-year marriage. She further confessed that towards the end of her life she had become especially difficult to deal with and said many hurtful things to him. She acknowledged that despite her unkind behavior he consistently remained patient with her and thanked him for his kindness and forbearance.

The man then confirmed that his late wife had suffered a series of mini-strokes that altered her mental state. She had also been prescribed medication that further affected her mood and behavior in a negative way. The wife then asked for his forgiveness and encouraged him to stop focusing so much on the negative memories of their final months together.

“She is asking you to please think more often of your special moments together,” said the medium.

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An End-Of-Life Mediumship Experience

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI have been doing mediumship work for over 40 years, but recently I received an unusual request I have never had before. I was asked to do a phone reading for a long-time client whose mom who was terminally ill and in hospice intensive care. My client said her mom could no longer speak, and she felt the need to communicate with her before she passed.

I have never done a mediumship reading under these circumstances, but I could hardly refuse my client’s plea. So, I agreed, despite not being entirely confident about how it would unfold.

As soon as I started to tune in, I saw a vision in my mind’s eye of a man holding both her mother’s hands. I described the physical appearance of the two people I was seeing, and the daughter then confirmed that it was definitely her mom and her mom’s brother.

The mother was very relieved to be able to reassure her daughter, as well as her life-long best friend, who was also present in the hospice room at the time, that she was finally ready to transition and return to her spiritual home.

Then I saw three angels standing behind the mother. They wanted to reassure those present that her crossing would be safe and easy, and that she would no longer be in so much pain.

When I perceive angels during readings, they appear to me exactly how one might expect them to look in the traditional Christian art sense, complete with wings and a glowing aura. However, I never see them with recognizable facial features and I always feel their presence first, before I see them.

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Karmic Healing Inspired By Our Ancestors

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI recently completed a pharmacy volunteer assignment at the American Red Cross. On my final shift, one of the phlebotomists gave me a T-shirt as a parting gift. It is printed with the slogan: Be Cool. Give Blood.

That T-shirt turned out to be a sign from spirit! It synchronistically brought up memories of one of my favorite mentors, and prompted a thought process regarding the role of our ancestors in karmic healing, and our soul family contracts, at a moment in time that I most needed it and found deeply meaningful.

In pharmacy school, I had an eccentric professor who used unconventional teaching methods and famously wore Snoopy™ and Joe Cool™ apparel to class. To us he was much like the character John Keating or “Captain” in the popular film Dead Poets Society (1989). As pharmacy students we usually attended mostly stodgy scientific lectures, therefore we simply loved his unconventional, fun approach!

I distinctly remember one of the topics we discussed in his curriculum was ‘empathy in healthcare.’ Little did I realize at the time how his teachings would someday inspire me in my work as psychic advisor.

In 1994, on the first day of our social and administrative classes, our beloved professor was tragically diagnosed with colon cancer. He passed away seven years later in 2001.

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Focus On Your Own Karma

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI often get questions about karma, vengeance, and divine justice from clients when I do readings. Will the haters get what’s coming to them? Will karma finally get my cheating ex? Will my abusive employer get his comeuppance someday? If so, how long will it take for them to feel the hurt and pain they inflicted on me?

When someone calls me hoping to hear that the other person will get their ‘karma,’ it usually relates to a recent incident and they feel like the rug has been pulled from under them – especially when the attack or betrayal was seemingly unfounded. They usually hope for immediate, soul-crushing retribution!

In my own life, I have not experienced such ‘instant karma.’ In fact, true karmic debt is a very slow turning wheel. Expecting immediate payback is a lost cause and a foolish pursuit. Revenge is sweet, they say, but the spiritual truth is that seeking venegeance will only add to your own karmic debt. If someone has hurt or wronged us, the pain will ease over time. Time heals all wounds, even if the scars remain.

The only meaningful ‘payback’ I have ever experienced in my own life, was the times when I received apologies from loved ones on the other side in mediumship readings. Those messages all came from the souls of family members who have completed their life review after their transition. Once we cross over into the spirit realm, we always get new clarity and an expanded understanding of our actions, or lack thereof, and how it has caused harm to others. For some souls this process takes much longer than for others.

This happened to me on several occasions over the years, with various mediums relaying spirit messages of remorse, apologies, and loved ones asking for my forgiveness. In every instance the ‘perpetrator’ had no idea of the impact they had had on me while they were in this life. Some of them also explained that their hurtful actions were due to a learned dysfunctional behaviors and trauma from their own life experiences, especially from childhood.

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The Energy Connection Between Humans And Their Pets

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAnimals have an aura or energy field, just like we do. When they become our pets, their energy merges with ours. Pets are therefore connected to their human loved ones with an energy cord, in the same way we form energy attachments with the people in our life.

For this reason, we are also able to energetically communicate with our pets. Animal communicators and pet psychics also make use of this energy connection when they work with animals.

I am often asked how I connect with lost pets. What is my process? I like to start with knowing the species or breed, coloring, and especially the name of the pet, because I tend to pick up on multiple animals when doing a reading. People tend to own and love many pets throughout their life, so I need to narrow down which energy they need me to focus on.

There is usually a spirit guide who acts as a ‘mediator’ from the other side to helps me interpret the psychic information I see, but I also get telepathic information directly from the animal.

If the animal passed a long time ago, I tend to find that it has already reincarnated. In many cases they have also rejoined the same human loved one. I find that animal souls tend to stay with the same humans, unless there is abuse or neglect. Our animals are members of our soul family.

My ‘Boo Kitty’ has come and gone many times. Not surprisingly, before I encountered Boo for the first time this lifetime, spirit showed me that my totem animal is the black panther. Not long after, I was reunited with Boo for the first time in this lifetime (she returns to me in every lifetime).

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Overcoming Addiction To Work For Spirit

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comA recent talk I gave about my addiction recovery journey and my calling to work for spirit, became a wonderful full circle moment for me. It was very empowering to look back, reflect on my experiences and see how far I have ultimately come.

It also brought up early memories of moments in the past when the writing had already been clearly on the wall, so to speak. In retrospect, is it was very clear early on that overcoming addiction was going to be one of my major life lessons and a significant part of my spiritual path in this lifetime

I remember, for example, I had my astrological natal chart done by a gifted astrologer, who later became a mentor to me. I also had my first experiences of past life regression with him.

After carefully analyzing my chart, he told me that my calling was to do spiritual work and be a guide and healer. He then added that I would first have to rise above the challenges of addiction before I could fully immerse myself into working with spirit. How right he was!

I did not understand his prediction at the time. I was still sober at the time and my social use of alcohol was something I considered to be my ‘guilty little pleasure.’ In time, I even started calling it the ‘devil on my shoulder,’ but in no way did I feel I had a problem with alcohol, much less consider myself an addict.

I would often read tarot cards for myself in those days and, sure enough, no matter how many times I shuffled the deck and no matter how many different decks of Tarot I consulted, the Devil card would consistently appear. The true significance of this would become more evident as time went on.

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