life experience
Letting Go Is The Key To Past Life Encounters
In my psychic readings over the years, I have had many of my clients around the world asking about a special person in their lives. Often the thoughts and feeling they experience with this person are so real, and the connection feels very strong right away.
The way they explain the feeling to me is that they feel like they have known that person their whole life. If they have just met very recently, and feel this kind of connection, there is often a past life connection or soul agreement. Once you make this kind of connection with someone then you have a fair chance to see where the relationship leads to.
Previous relationships that ended bad, because there was no lasting connection, can have a negative influence on soulmate connections from past lives. Many of us unfortunately want to hold on to such bad learning experiences.
When we are unwilling to let go it is often because we are scared to be hurt again. Then we have someone special enter our lives from a past life connection and we sometimes make it hard for this new person, while they really are not the one to blame for all the pain we experienced in the past with others.
Letting go of the past, and forgiving and moving on, seem so hard to so many people, but it can be so easy when there is someone special in your life to have new beginning with.
Our past lives experience also go beyond meeting someone new. One good example is visiting a location that seem familiar to you. Our past lives, like our dreams, are mystical glimpses into other worlds. We may not always know why we see what we see, but when we do it’s an enlightening look into a past we once lived that offers us personal growth and opportunity for healing.
Honor Your Past Life Memories
Sometimes we experience unusual memories accompanied by intense emotions, when nothing unusual has happened to trigger it and there is no apparent reason for us to feel this way. These memory flashbacks may be due to past life experiences that had a profound impact on our soul evolution.
Past life memories tend to come out of nowhere. For example, I love traditional parades, but whenever the marching band passes by I always get the shakes and even begin to cry.
I am also deathly afraid of covered bridges, to the point that feel traumatized whenever I must cross one. I also have a claustrophobic phobia to be trapped in confined spaces, or climbing up to a high place and being unable to come down. And last but not least being tickled freaks me out completely!
I believe these fears are all due to energy imprints from traumatic previous life experiences. As constantly evolving souls we all journey through many lifetimes on the path to spiritual transcendence. It’s not simple or easy to shape a fully enlightened spiritual being.
So, why do we sometimes ‘remember’ these former traumas and why do we let it affect our current life? There is always a reason we carry things over from lifetime to lifetime. Some are things we still need to heal or overcome, while others are protective warnings of past life dangers that are meant to shield us from repeating the same mistakes.
In my work as a professional psychic and healer, I have also found that many people carry a fear of what caused their deaths in previous lives.
Sometimes these cellular memories from former incarnations are also beneficial and positive, even amazing. For example, I have heard of people who mysteriously just know how to sew, speak a foreign language, or handle a gun with confidence. Some people are inexplicably gifted to play musical instruments with no training, or paint, or dance. Some are naturally born healers or inventors with no formal education. Their abilities and skills just seem to come naturally.
Who’s To Say If It’s Good, Or Bad?
Who’s to say if it’s good, or bad? There is a wise Buddhist children’s story I often read to my son that answers this question.
A young boy tells his father in a panicked, desperate tone, that his horse has gone missing. He is obviously very distraught and terrified he will never see his horse again.
The father says, “Who is to say that this situation is good, or bad?”
The son, of course, is confused. How could the loss of his horse not be a bad thing?
They go out into the woods to search for the horse. After many long days, they eventually find the horse. It has since made friends with a wild horse.
The father turns to the son and says, “See? Now you have two horses!”
But on the way back home the son stumbles and injures his leg. Again, he is miserable and terribly distraught. He tells his dad this is the worst possible thing that could happen. Now he will not be able to ride his horse.
His father says, “Who is to say that this situation is good, or bad?”
Of course, the son is perplexed and cannot figure out how injuring his leg could possibly be a good thing?
A week later, some of the son’s friends come to visit him. They tell him that they have been commanded to head out to war, along with all men over the age of 18. They tell the son he is lucky to have broken his leg, because now he would not be required to go to war with them.
Over the years, I have known many people, especially energy healing clients and Yoga students, who had suffered serious illness or injury…who later said it actually saved their lives, or brought them significant personal and spiritual growth, joy, fulfilment, and even bliss.
When Two Souls Collide
Clients sometimes ask me if a recently deceased loved one or pet will eventually reincarnate and return to them. In my experience, they certainly do. Sometimes in this life, and certainly in a next life.
There have been times in my life when I would meet someone and there would be a kind of ‘knowing’ or a sense of familiarity about them, as if I had known them before. I believe we all have these experiences of soul recognition from time to time.
A clear sign for me that I am experiencing a soul recognition during such an encounter is that I feel my body tremble when making eye contact, or my hands are shaking. In my experience, the more intense the physical sensation, the more incarnations I may have had with that particular person.
I have had this experience with people who turned out to be someone I only briefly had contact with, but also others with whom I had more lasting relationships. I also experience this ‘knowing’ with my pets. It is something in the way their eyes connect with mine, as if to say. “Hello, it’s me. I’m back!”
One particular incident, which remains vividly etched in my mind, was an event I witnessed about a decade ago. Someone I knew had fallen pregnant when she was going through a difficult time in her life. Despite the father of the child not wanting to be involved, she decided to keep the baby, and she did her best to make sure her baby was going to have the best she could manage to offer her child.
I was very surprised when she asked me to be the guest of honor at her home for the natural water birth. As honored as I was, I was also a bit stressed about it. She outlined the process and reassured me that a trained doula (midwife) would be present. She had done much research into having her baby at home, as well as substantial prepping with her doula. I agreed, but knowing it might be a very long process, I had mentally prepared myself.
The Many Deaths And Rebirths In Your Lifetime
You have already died many deaths. Many versions of you will ‘die’ in this lifetime. And, many versions of you will be reborn.
Of course, you have also passed through the veil between this life and the next for many past lives. But in this case, I am referring to ‘deaths’ we suffer in this lifetime.
We can identify these dramatic changes, transitions, shifts, or ‘deaths’ in our astrological chart. Your Saturn Return, for example, occurs around the time of our 30th birthday. Our Saturn Return forces us to take an honest look at everything we may have been avoiding until now. It forces us to make much needed changes and improvements. It is the ending of our youth and the birth of our new adult self.
We do not remain the same person throughout our lifetime. Our goals, ideas, and life lessons all serve their purpose until they are phased out to let in new information, new ideas, and new opportunities for growth. If we do this right, life keeps changing us. We continue to grow and expand.
For this purpose, it is wise to interact with people who have different beliefs, practice other religions, and have other political affiliations compared to our own. And more importantly, to really listen to them. We must allow all the information in and trust our intuition to let our beliefs and understanding of life continuously evolve.
Our life experiences constantly challenge and change our ideas, goals, and views. We are constantly shedding our old skin. Just as our body changes every day we are alive, so does our soul. We take in every experience, whether we know it or not. It’s like adding ingredients to a recipe.
Embrace these deaths and births along your life path. They are needed for your soul growth and spiritual expansion. I’ve witnessed over the years some people really fighting change and resisting growth…and it always makes them miserable. Fluidity and acceptance are spiritually essential. Simplicity will bring you inner peace.