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Karmic Fate Versus Free Will Manifestation

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe often say things are ‘meant to be,’ or it was ‘fated’ and therefore out of our hands entirely. But is this really true? How much of what happens in our life is pure luck, chance, or predestined fate? How much of our destiny do we actually control?

Many people also believe that we are able to manifest whatever we want. But how is this even possible if there is such a thing as fate? If predestination or divine will rules part, or even most of our life, then surely there must be limitations or restrictions to what we can manifest?

Well, not exactly. There is fate, but there is also free will.

It is my understanding that fate is related to our karmic life lessons, while free will is our capacity to make choices and manifest aspects of our life as we desire. Many people do this unconsciously most of the time. However, as much as we have free will, the karmic lessons we have to learn are still woven into our life choices and integrated with our manifestations.

So, some aspects of our lives are indeed fated certainties. For example, experiencing certain major life events or traumas. These immutable, unchangeable events or outcomes are related to the karmic lessons we have selected to work through in this lifetime.

If a chosen karmic lesson is, for example, is tied to the experience of infertility it may be ‘fated’ that the person who chose this path will not be able to have children of their own in this lifetime, or will at least struggle to do so. This is an example of how a karmic lesson can limit or restrict manifestation. But, while it may preclude the experience of parenthood in this lifetime, it does not block the potential manifestation of parenting experiences – there are other options open to becoming a parent, such as adoption, fostering, or a blended family.

We may only glimpse our fate, hinted by the stars or the creases of our hands; but even this glimpse is evidence of our contract with the universe, that we are players in the great wheel of life ~ Sy Montgomery

This dynamic between fate and free will challenges us to remain open to divine will and intervention, and trust that Spirit, God, Source, Universe, the Divine and our higher self know what is best to fulfill our karmic purpose in this lifetime. Spiritual awareness meanwhile empowers us to consciously work within these karmic limitations in a way that does not limit our ability to manifest our highest good, joy and fulfillment.

Fate and free will actually work together to facilitate the manifestation of almost any situation, circumstance, event or outcome we could possibly desire – but ideally not at the expense of, or to the detriment of others, as this will only serve to add to our karmic burden.

Know that in your higher self you have everything you need to make the best karmic choices and decisions for yourself. Sometimes we may need additional guidance when we feel lost on our path, and this is part of the experience. Life is about coming to know our true soul selves on a deep spiritual level and what is fated in our lives helps us come closer to this. That is ultimately the purpose of fate. So, in this sense it is comforting!

For me it is even more comforting to know that we have the power to explore and experiment in this lifetime as we desire! What is fated will come to us, this we need not worry about. Instead, focus on your growth and what insight the situations in your life are bringing you. This is how you can work with more intentionally with your fate, your intuition, and the inner guidance system that is your emotional body.

About The Author: Seraphim

Sarah is a natural Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Empath whose practice has been built largely by word-of-mouth. As a child her abilities came to the fore through precognitive dreams and messages she received. Her connection with Spirit was never more personal than the visit she received from her mother who passed, in which she conveyed the moving message that she loved her. Not long after her death she discovered her mom's Tarot deck, which launched Sarah on her journey and life-calling to explore a vast array of her gifts, one of them Eye-Gazing, a psychic tool she developed herself! Sarah continues to receive steady guidance and messages directly from Spirit Guides and Angels, and has maintained a steady and successful private practice in Canada, since 1995. Very active in her spiritual community, she's often called upon to lead local events, including group meditations. The practice of meditation, she confides, has changed her life in profound ways. Sarah has developed The Sacred Art of Creation, leading empowered women's circles that facilitate self-healing, manifestation and alignment with one's higher self. If you'd like a reading with a compassionate reader who can both hear and convey direct messages from Spirit Guides and Angels, you can find Sarah at

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