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The Scientific Evidence For Psychic Empath Phenomena

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe extra-sensory, paranormal ability of clairempathy or ‘psychic empathy’ is not yet recognized in mainstream science, but that does not make it any less bona fide for the highly sensitive people who experience these empathic psychic phenomena as a daily reality. Despite the lack of academic interest, and contrary to widespread skepticism, there is a growing body of anecdotal evidence and a significant collection of scientific data steadily gaining momentum to offer intriguing clues to the psycho-physiological experiences of empaths, intuitives, sensitives and psychics all over the world.

I am a clairempath. I feel what other people feel. I experience inexplicable extra-sensory perceptions of other people’s emotions, mood states, subconscious motivations, and even their physical or medical symptoms. It happens without me having to see them, or knowing anything about them. Touching others, or being in close proximity to them, elicits more intense empathic perceptions, but it is not necessary for me to have direct contact or personal interaction with others in order to have a direct experience of their underlying feelings and intentions.

Empathic psychic ability or clairempathy is a clairsentient psychic ability. Clairsentience refers to the ‘clear’ sensing or feeling of extra-sensory information. In my experience this process of sensing is due to some form of energy transfer between me and other people. There is an energy interaction or energy exchange that takes place between me and them. I experience these vivid psychic or paranormal impressions of other’s energy on a daily basis, and I utilize it to the best of my ability in my work as a professional psychic medium, consulting with clients all over the world.

The term ‘sentience’ refers to awareness, or consciousness of a sensation or a feeling. Sentience does not involve thought, or logic, or reason. It involves spontaneous feeling or sensing, instead of rational thinking or deduction. Clairempathy therefore is an energy perception, or sentient response, that has no rational or logical origin. It is a form of perception which is experienced as a tactile, physical sensation… or an emotional feeling. My clairsentient or clairempathic experiences are uncanny and very real, as many of my friends, family and clients will attest.

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Prophecy, Free Will And The Laws Of Probability

click here for a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comPsychics, mediums, intuitives and diviners all have their own abilities, talents, skills and unique style in which they work. Be that as it may, we are all still working within the parameters of Quantum Physics and the Laws of Probability. That means the spiritual or metaphysical answers we seek for our physical existence all exist within a tight, coupled framework of probabilities. And it is neither prophetic, nor deterministic in nature.

As a former microchip designer, I was taught if you cannot see it, measure it, and repeat it, then it cannot exist. As an intuitive reader, I know from personal experience this is not entirely true. The unseen realm is an incredible resource with a wealth of information, which we can access to support us. And things are never as they seem.

So, why should we be cognizant of the influence of probabilities, or free will? Well, because they determine the important outcomes in our lives. Probabilities, in my view, is the basic mechanics of the Universe. I toss a coin. Probability of it landing heads is 50%, and landing tails is 50%. As we increase the number of factors (or possibilities) the probability may reduce. For example, winning the typical lottery jackpot has a probability of one in millions. Mathematics provides that figure.

On top of this, the probability result is not reached until we observe (or witness) the event. What we witness can also, in effect ‘change’ the outcome. This is a difficult thing to comprehend for the layman. For example, a psychic reader’s client wishes to understand if they should leave their job. Maybe they are fighting with their boss, feeling undervalued, or feeling bored. The initial response is no, and yet Spirit offers more detail around the work environment.

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Extend Yourself The Grace Of Forgiveness

click here for a free psychic reading a PsychicAccess.comIf you are an empath you may believe that forgiveness should be easy for you, or at least easier than it is for others. But I’ve spoken to many empaths and highly sensitive people over the years who all struggle with forgiveness.

One of the main issues with forgiveness for the empath is that we feel another’s emotions intensely, literally as our own. This muddies the waters considerably, because it tends to blur boundaries. Blurred boundaries can often lead to a closed mouth for an empath. Why? Because it is difficult for us, especially in childhood or in romantic relationships, to know where we end and another begins.

It is easy for others to manipulate appropriate boundaries with an empath, or to erase them altogether. All the empath knows is that there is pain, sadness, a sense of frustration, or anger.  If you are an empath, then the question becomes are you angry with them, or yourself? Should you have been able to foresee the catastrophe happening, the relationship ending, job imploding, and so on. This leads to self-doubt and the rehashing of incidents that occurred years ago…with no resolution.

In the meantime, every time an empath thinks about the situation, past or present, we feel it…and the cycle continues.

Yes, you are empathic, intuitive, even psychic, but that does not make you immune to being human, neither does it make you all-knowing or all-seeing, especially when it comes to your own life, childhood or relationships.

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Self-Care Is Not Selfish

click for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEmpaths are givers first and foremost. Loyal, sometimes to a fault, and fiercely protective of those they care about… moving at lightning speed whenever called upon.

So, when I say to an empath that it may be time to put themselves first, the response is often mixed. But, if putting yourself first seems too selfish or too difficult, try something simpler: at least put yourself on an equal footing with those you love and care for.

For many sensitive and highly intuitive people, self-care must be an acquired behavior… and it’s a big one. Empaths intend to be selfless, to help, heal and facilitate those they care about. Wonderful! But remember, if this is your goal, then begin with yourself. The stronger, healthier and happier you are then the more effective, nurturing and supportive you can be to those around you.

Putting yourself first doesn’t mean that you are doing only what you want to do all the time, and it doesn’t mean that you are suddenly going to ignore those you care about. What it does mean is making it a priority to take care of your own physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs. This can be a tall order and quite the task for some empaths. Don’t wait until you are in a meltdown… frustrated  and snapping at everything and everyone around you, with little or no provocation.

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Physical Fitness Advice From The Other Side

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMy grandma and I were very close while she was in this life. We spoke about many things and held many of the same views. She was a highly intuitive person. Many in the family didn’t know this about her, but she could accurately sense and feel things about people. She would also predict things before they happened.

Her mother was also a well-known intuitive – again something that her own children didn’t even know about her. My great grandma would predict gambling numbers for people, and they would often win! Grandma told me, “My mother would dream the numbers and people would pay her for this advice.”

Grandma also shared many other stories with me about her family growing up. Some of those stories still fascinate me and to this day I reminisce about the things she told me. I feel very lucky and blessed to have shared 47 years of my life with her. Grandma had children at a very young age, so thankfully she was able to see some of her grandchildren, and even some of her great grand children grow up.

We spent many summer vacations at my grandparents’ house. Just like me, my grandma loved to talk about ghosts, spirits, and all things paranormal. We would talk into the wee hours of the night. Some of the things she shared with me, she may not have shared with anyone else in the family. I guess she sensed in advance that I would need some of this information for my future calling.

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Remote Healing

click here for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comAfter receiving a profound remote healing experience, just a few weeks ago, I now know that distant healing really does work! Successful remote healing sessions have been documented in the past, where the recipient was totally unaware that they were being worked on. But I feel that being receptive to the healing makes a significant contribution to the healing process.

My remote healing was done by a couple who work as a team. Their work has had a profound effect on me. The dynamic healing duo includes an emotional intuitive and a medical intuitive. I never had any pain issues with my hips, but they told me that there was a blockage in my right hip, caused by blocked emotions. To my surprise, the following day, my right hip ached!

The healing team picked up on so much information energetically which they could never have known about me, and in addition to their healing session, they gave me tools to assist in releasing any negative, pent-up emotions, as well as letting go of any people connected to my buried emotional pain. When left unattended, old emotional wounds prevent us from moving forward in joy. Old wounds can go far back to childhood, or even into past lives.

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Dealing With Dysfunctional Family Dynamics

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comFamily dynamics can be tremendously complex. These relationships are multi-layered and may have played out for ages. Next to love relationship, and then business, family relationships are at the top of the list for many of my clients.

For many family is a love-hate scenario, which can be particularly challenging. It is said we cannot choose our family, but we can choose how and when, or if, we interact with them. However, severing family ties is a big step and not one taken lightly. By the time this happens the drama, or abuse has been ongoing for years – many times beginning in childhood. A childhood that in spite the passage of time is as fresh and painful as it was when it occurred. If money and or control are woven into the mix, the matter doubles in complexity.

It’s an unfortunate truth that many of the people that I speak with, especially empaths, intuitives and highly sensitive people, have family histories that are rife with conflict, and often also abuse. They often share a feeling of not belonging, being singled out, or being the scapegoat of the family. The suffering is long-term and tragic, with the scars running deep.

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