Prophecy, Free Will And The Laws Of Probability
Psychics, mediums, intuitives and diviners all have their own abilities, talents, skills and unique style in which they work. Be that as it may, we are all still working within the parameters of Quantum Physics and the Laws of Probability. That means the spiritual or metaphysical answers we seek for our physical existence all exist within a tight, coupled framework of probabilities. And it is neither prophetic, nor deterministic in nature.
As a former microchip designer, I was taught if you cannot see it, measure it, and repeat it, then it cannot exist. As an intuitive reader, I know from personal experience this is not entirely true. The unseen realm is an incredible resource with a wealth of information, which we can access to support us. And things are never as they seem.
So, why should we be cognizant of the influence of probabilities, or free will? Well, because they determine the important outcomes in our lives. Probabilities, in my view, is the basic mechanics of the Universe. I toss a coin. Probability of it landing heads is 50%, and landing tails is 50%. As we increase the number of factors (or possibilities) the probability may reduce. For example, winning the typical lottery jackpot has a probability of one in millions. Mathematics provides that figure.
On top of this, the probability result is not reached until we observe (or witness) the event. What we witness can also, in effect ‘change’ the outcome. This is a difficult thing to comprehend for the layman. For example, a psychic reader’s client wishes to understand if they should leave their job. Maybe they are fighting with their boss, feeling undervalued, or feeling bored. The initial response is no, and yet Spirit offers more detail around the work environment.
Physics tells us observations can’t be predicted absolutely. Rather, there’s a range of possible observations each with a different probability ~ Robert Lanza
Spirit may point to a specific individual, event, or timeframe for the client to consider and to then process the situation from the analytical, rather than the emotional point-of-view. It is at this point where Free Will enters the room and says, “Hi, I’m here to help you decide what to do.” The client now has more information, but is it adequate to take the client from the current place of fear and emotion? It may well bring up even more questions.
Human nature and the primitive part of the brain often clouds or misconstrues the advice from Spirit. Generally it is because we find other reasons to stay where we are, or as we are. Maybe the client needs the job to pay his bills and he has been there for several years, not wanting to move or leave family and friends. All that Spirit asks is for him to consider the guidance offered.
In the end, we still make our own decisions. Spirit does not judge us for our choices. If a certain matter is part of our destiny for soul evolution, I have found Spirit will bring it around again, and again. And we choose again, and again. Eventually it comes down to raising of the ante, if you are still not listening, or continue to miss the opportunities. The virtual ‘two-by-four’ then hits us.
I have found that once probabilities become actual events, those outcomes now become reference points. A reference point is the foundation for building more valuable information. When the client is asking for future information it drops back into probabilities, which happens 90% of the time. The loop restarts.
Given so much time, the ‘impossible’ becomes possible, the possible probable, and the probable virtually certain. One only has to wait: time itself performs the miracles ~ George Wald
Also, no two readers, when asked the same question, will get exactly the same details. One reader may say yes, and the other no. So, which reader do you trust? The first thing to consider is that the energy around the question, the focal point of the question, has probably already shifted since you consulted with the previous reader.
We need to shift our paradigm that future events cannot be purely prophetic, nor deterministic, and that the accuracy of predictions depends mainly on developing a relationship with Spirit that is transformative.
Finally recognize that readers are not infallible. Choose what resonates, be aware that both you and your reader may have bias. A reader that is confident, yet humble and responsible, is more reliable than one who makes sweeping statements, or claims 100% accuracy at all times. Know that you co-create everything. Enjoy your readings and be open, but remember in the end you are the creator of your life experiences.
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