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Honor Your Most Magnificent Self

click for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comTaking time to experience the wonder of the final days of summer truly is medicine for the soul. My favorite summer activities include dipping my toes in a nearby lake or ocean, feeling the healing energy of the natural quartz sand against my skin, and finding renewal in the essence of the season.

Too often we move through our days and weeks completely engulfed in work, and the chatter of the bustling world. Our lives tend to be caught up in the motion of the world, with little time for self-care and centering.

Many of us awake in the mornings to the national news that often leaves us drained even before our day begins. We shower, have breakfast, down a cup of coffee, and anxiously show up for our families and our careers.

Many hours later, we return to our homes, where we are met with even more news via network and cable outlets, competing with their own spin on identical breaking stories. We reach for our smart phones or laptops and headlines scroll across our screens. When is enough truly enough?

In light of the endless social and environmental concerns permeating our planet, our species is globally experiencing stress like never before. But surely the Divine Presence within our amazing Universe would not leave us stranded on Planet Earth without the tools to transcend stress and what seems like utter chaos.

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A Time For Turquoise

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn town today, I passed a jewelry store predominantly showcasing pieces of turquoise jewelry. I instinctively looked at my hand. Yes, I was wearing my turquoise ring!

Some eight years ago, as I sat in my monthly psychic circle, my father came through with a no-nonsense message for me to “wear the turquoise ring!” The other sitters in the circle looked a bit taken back, because they had no knowledge of me owning such a turquoise ring.

And so, I did wear it for a while. But, in time, it increasingly remained in my dressing table drawer. However, recently, in a profound reading I had with a trusted medium, the turquoise ring was brought up again, and in even less uncertain terms this time! So, now I’m wearing it again, upon dad’s insistence.

Turquoise is known in metaphysics for its protective qualities. When I was studying Aura-Soma, some twenty odd years ago, I was always drawn to turquoise as a color. Aura-Soma is a method of color therapy, as well as a divination system based on colors, originally devised by British pharmacist and chiropodist Vicky Wall.

I soon learned that the color combinations, and the sequence in which I chose the turquoise, were both relevant to my past lives in Atlantis. This interpretation by my course mentor made absolute sense, because in two very significant past life regression sessions later on, these lifetimes in Atlantis also featured very strongly. Perhaps this is why I always loved the color so much, even from a very young age.

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The Spiritual Cleansing Of Negative Energies

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comNegative energies and dark entities are sometimes misunderstood and misused concepts in spirituality. The term ‘negative energy’ is typically thought of as an ‘evil force’ that is intending harm to you, or something sinister that lies hidden in your home. But this is often not the case. I have a somewhat different view of this.

I believe much of the modern day fear and superstition around ‘dark entities’ may be due to the misunderstanding of old texts scribed in a style that may be too cryptic for today’s language and worldview. There are many instances in both Christian and Buddhist religious literature, for example, in which ‘demons’ are mentioned, but in my opinion they are referring to these phenomena in a poetic manner, as a metaphor.

One clear example of this is the so-called ‘Noonday Demon,’ or ‘Midday Devil’ found in Psalm 90:6 of the Hebrew Bible. It is a demonic figure believed to be active around noon every day to make people restless, distracted and excitable, causing its victims to neglect their work or duties. Well, we all know that sluggish feeling we tend to get after a lunch hour. The digestive process takes quite a bit of our energy, and spikes in our insulin levels, as well as neurotransmitters like serotonin and melatonin, doesn´t help to keep our focus on a specific task.

The solution proposed in traditional texts for this ‘demonic activity’ does not, however, involve exorcisms with Holy Water or other radical metaphysical interventions. Instead what is recommend is mere tenacity and patience. It is evidently more of a normal, physical challenge that one has to overcome, instead of it being a ‘psychic attack by the devil.’

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How To Choose The Best Psychic Medium

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIf 30 years ago, someone were to ask me what a medium exactly was, I would have said that it is someone who connects with those who have passed away. A typical response, you might say.  However, over the years, I have come to learn that there are different types of mediums, all of whom have something unique to offer by way of a psychic reading or channeling.

Should you be interested in employing the services of a medium, you would be wise to look at your particular needs, discuss these with the medium you feel the most connected to, and see how they can help you. Doing so should help you to get the very best out of your experience.

For the sake of your clarity, and for you to gain the best mediumship experience, here is what you need to know about choosing the right kind of medium for your particular needs.

Mental Mediumship

Mediumship of the mind. As the name suggests, this type of medium connects with their spirit guides using telepathy or extra-sensory perception (ESP). Their psychic abilities enable them to hear (clairaudience), see (clairvoyance) and feel or sense (clairsentience) messages from the world of spirit. Their messages typically involve afterlife validation that life continues after our passing, messages of love from the Other Side, and evidence that our loved ones are still around us.


Clairvoyance means ‘clear seeing,’ in that the psychic can see through their third eye or the mind’s eye. Personally, I tend to receive premonitions of a more visual nature. Clairvoyants see mental images, symbols or visions of an outcome to a particular situation. Some can also see spirit in the form of light orbs, physical apparitions and other visual phenomena.

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The Healing Energy Of Plants

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comNow that so many of us are spending more time in our homes, it has become even more important to consider the principles of Feng Shui.

The energy flow in our home affects us in many ways, including our psychical well-being and mental health. One of the easiest, fastest, least expensive and most efficient ways of improving the energy of our home, is the use of plants. Plants add oxygen to the atmosphere and filter toxins from the air, making breathing easier and our environment much more pleasant and healthy.

Plants also have a healing energy that most people can sense. The color green resonates with the heart chakra energy center and it promotes calm serenity and healing, peaceful energy. Adding plants is an easy, affordable way to invite peace and tranquility into your daily life.

The life force in plants will raise the energetic vibration of any room. Plants in the bedroom can improve sleep, for example, while plants in the living room and kitchen can help to absorb radiation from electronic devices. Plants are a quick, inexpensive way of improving the energy in your home and balancing the Feng Shui.

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Transmuting The Negative Energy Of Self-Sabotage

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIn many religions and spiritual wisdom traditions we find guidelines on healing and mind-body wellness. Many of these philosophies, in conjunction with modern medicine, can be a great aid for mind, body and soul. In all spiritual traditions there are usually rules or recommendations aimed at the well-being of society as a whole, as well as each individual soul. Many of these teachings warn us of dangers we might find in our own thought, choices and actions. And if we are unaware or careless, a damaging thought or action can turn into a harmful pattern.

Recognizing a damaging thought or behavior pattern in our lives is not easy. We might realize that someone else makes the same mistakes over and over, but it may be difficult to have the same insight about ourselves. We create the imagined walls of our own limitations, and abide by them, without being aware of making this decision. These limiting, destructive thoughts and actions that appear repeatedly in our lives – especially those demeaning, self-sabotaging, angry thoughts – are in essence negative energy vibrations. A few example of such thoughts can be:

I am useless and incompetent.

I am not strong enough.

Nobody cares about me.

I do not deserve better.

I hate myself.

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The Transmutation Power of Crystals and Stones

Click Here for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe beneficial powers of gemstones and crystals is well-known in the psychic and metaphysical community. Many of us use them in our daily spiritual work. One of the most amazing things crystals and stones do for us is to transmute energy, that is to say, change negative energies into powerful healing.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the more popular crystals and stones and their individual energy properties. Remember, if you choose to use any of these crystals in your daily practice, their energies can be combined, depending on your individual needs.

Rose Quartz

Shades of pink, milky or opaque

Represents the planet Venus, and the signs of Taurus and Libra.

Not surprisingly, given its connection to Venus, this stone contains energies of universal and healing love. Many practitioners use it to increase levels of compassion for others, or before and after a session for grounding.

Rose quartz will help us to rid ourselves of fear, anger, jealously, or aggressiveness. It can also help us in a journey to let go of loved ones we have lost.

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