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Miracles Are Real

Click Here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comOur first family dog was a lovable, crazy beagle. She was the light of our lives and I adored her so much. She also reminded me of the power of intention and that miracles happen in our lives every day.

She was only six years old when she started showing signs of back discomfort. It was wrongly diagnosed and she was put on muscle relaxant medication, but it got worse. Eventually she could not move at all. That morning she screamed and was in so much pain, it was unbearable. I begged the vet to refer me to the specialty animal hospital.

I needed to do all I could to save her life. She was part our family and I couldn’t imagine life without her. So, I rushed her to the city, once I got the referral. When I walked in, carrying her, she was seen immediately by a neurologist.  Thank God for him. He took one look at her and sedated her, as she was in so much pain. He then did a brain scan, to see what the problem was.

The magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan showed she had a herniated disc in her neck. The MRI also showed a piece of bone that had somehow broken off and had moved into a dangerous position. Fortunately, the vet said the cervical spine was the better place, rather than lower back, to have this kind of problem, as treatment and recovery in this area is more likely to be successful.

He did add, however, that the little piece that had broken off was too close to her spinal cord and had moved, so he could not get to it during surgery. He would have to leave it where it was, since he was not able to reach it. He said it may cause her some discomfort, but nothing more. He said it was possible it could shift over time, but hopefully would not cause more damage.

So, I said yes to the surgery. I just had to have faith.

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Keep Your Intuitive Energy Flowing

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIf you are psychic, clairvoyant, intuitive, or a pure empath, then chances are you find yourself periodically, or even frequently flipping the ‘off switch’ on your gifts in daily life. You certainly can’t process, neither share with everyone, the energetic information that is streaming 24/7. Sometimes it is also not understood, welcomed or trusted by others.

But, as you have no doubt noticed, this does not prevent the energy information or spiritual messages from showing up. For the gifted person this can feel like a concrete wall, especially when they are first utilizing their gifts and abilities. Many overly eager psychic mediums, intuitives and empaths have been met with a harsh rebuff, when they were starting out, from those they were genuinely trying to help, or wished to share an important message with.

Over time, if you are in an social environment that is less than open or supportive, this can cause you to doubt your own abilities, or force you to try and shut them down completely, in order to fit in, or avoid ridicule and criticism. But here’s the thing: you really can’t shut your gifts down completely.

You can ignore, rationalize, temporarily mute your gifted nature, but the bottom line is that it is here to stay. You were born with your extra-sensory abilities and healing gifts. They may have just recently surfaced for you, or you may have been aware of them from an early age. Whatever your circumstance, your gifts are a part of you, just as your eyes, arms and legs are a part of your body.

So, you might as well learn to deal with it more effectively. You will become much more comfortable with your gifts and abilities if you know how to keep yourself safe, healthy and strong, so that your energy can be powerful and free flowing.

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How To Send Remote Healing

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIt is very disheartening when a loved one is not in the best of health, and due to circumstances you cannot be with that person. The good news, however, is that you do not need to be with them to assist or support them! Geographical distance does not stop you from sending them healing and love!

You see, cosmically speaking, we are all connected, and through this Universal network we can send positive vibes to those we care about. All you require is a little faith and focus.

Start With Yourself

There is no point in trying to send support to someone else, if you are not in a good place yourself. Therefore, connect with nature as much as you can, self-nurture to the maximum, feed your five senses regularly with all the good things in the world (meaning that what you hear, see, smell, taste and touch need to be as positive as possible). Bring the ‘feel-good factor’ into your life. Meditation can also be beneficial before sending someone else healing.

If you can get outside for some ‘natural nurture,’ do remember that trees can help bring about a great sense of serenity and calm. Choose the one you feel the most connected to, position yourself close to it and see how quickly you feel better, and thus ready to send positive energy and healing to your loved one in need.

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The Spiritual Power Of Color

Click Here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comColor is a bridge between the spiritual and physical and can have powerful impact upon our emotions and well-being. We all have colors that are our favorites, that we use personally, and in our homes, to create a sense of joy, beauty, relaxation or passion and excitement.

There are many applications for specific colors in various spiritual pursuits and practices. Various meanings are also applied according to cultural beliefs. The Chakras, for instance, are identified by color, as well as their location in the body. Chakra therapy usually also encourages the visualization of colors, while focusing on specific charkas.

Spiritually, color can impart both information, as in the reading of aura colors, and energy, as in healing. The aura is the energy field surrounding living beings which is ‘visible’ to those who are clairvoyantly sensitive.

Color therapy, or chromopathy, is becoming a very popular alternative therapy. The principle of color therapy is that different colors carry different energy frequencies, and therefore they can be used to address specific concerns. Studies have shown that color can affect mood, heart rate, alertness, and impulsivity, to name but a few.

Certain colors tend to have significant spiritual therapeutic properties, and science has recognized the impact of these same colors on the brain and emotions. Green, blue, yellow and red are examples.

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The Energizing Power Of Quartz Crystal

Click Here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comQuartz crystal is a stone of power. Some call it the ‘universal stone’ due to its multiple uses. It enhances energy by absorbing, storing, amplifying, and balancing energy. But in particular it is used to receive universal energy.

Quartz also improves our thinking, since thoughts are a form of energy. Because it directs and amplifies energy, it is very beneficial for manifestation, healing, meditation, protection and channeling. Due to its ability to balance energy, quartz is also excellent for harmonizing our environment, as well as energizing other crystals.

Quartz crystals, especially Amethyst, enable us to align our body with planet Earth. The quartz crystals help us to raise our vibration. So, when you feel sad, pessimistic, or abandoned and desperate due to the challenges of life, you can use amethysts or any other quartz crystal to recharge your energy and empower yourself.

Crystal attracts positive energy from planet Earth, while helping us to release out of the body the negative emotions and feelings of stress, anxiety, fear, depression, and all negative emotions of defeat or low vibration. One of the ways that quartz acts in the body is like an energetic shield that creates a bubble of spiritual light around your body.

Quartz also helps purify any negative vibration from your space, since they emanate a large amount of energy that you can use to thrive. They further help clear the mind of unnecessary thoughts and disorder.

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The Spirit Rituals Of Life – Part 3

click for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comPain can just make things downright miserable. We can have the best of everything: a great job; a wonderful, caring spouse; a wonderful home; wealth and luxury; the list goes on, but if you’re in emotional pain, or suffering from a chronic illness, it is very difficult to connect spiritually… let alone do anything uplifting every day.

But, committing to rituals that are good for us every day, can help relieve the pain. I have many clients who suffer from fibromyalgia, depression, and all kinds of pain. One thing that I can say for sure is that whatever may help or work for one person, may not for another. Each person needs to be helped on a individual level.

I have found that emotional pain is sometimes just as painful as physical pain.  Those that have lost loved ones sometimes don’t want to get out of bed, just like my client who suffers from migraines, she just wants to lay in bed most days with the shades drawn and to be left alone.

While I was alone in the woods, I asked some questions regarding pain, and how pain can help us to take action to connect with more happiness or contentment.

How can we relieve physical pain? Spirit says, “If it doesn’t kill you, it makes me stronger.” Do things that help alleviate pain. For example, one of my clients suffered from severe osteoarthritis and arthritis, so she took it upon herself to start taking supplements that build up the joints and help cushion the bones when they grind against each other. She said that this one little daily ritual is what has saved her from experiencing the pain on a grand scale. It has minimized her discomfort remarkably.

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Archangel Raphael – The Angel Of Healing

click for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comRafael means Healing of God. His name not only refers to physical health, but also to that of the soul. He is a healing archangel that represents the aspect of God that helps us maintain a healthy balance in our body, and our emotions.

The body is the temple of the soul, but only if we are taking care of both. Harmony between body and soul translates to inner peace and a natural ease that guides us to joyful moments, and helps us be strong through the difficult times.

Raphael can be the guide that we need by our side, not only in times of difficulties, but also in every challenge, in every new project.

Rafael is also the Protector of Medicine, and is sometimes referred to as the Angel of Science, but he has also adopted other names, such as Archangel of Health; Angel of Healing; Angel of Providence; and even Protector of the Dusk Winds. He is also called the Angel of Consecration, because he helps all who consecrate their life to the service of a higher ideal.

He is also referred to as the Guardian of the East in some Kabalistic traditions, in which he represents the element of Air (as he is also called Ruler of the Winds) and the spirit (or mind) of the person. He is often invoked to free the spirit from what in the past was termed ‘demonic attacks,’ and nowadays we might refer to as obsessive thoughts.

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