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Reading The Human Aura

Click Here now for a FREE Psychic Reading at PsychicAccess.comThe human aura is a fine ethereal emanation which surrounds each and every living human being. This aura extends outward from the body in an egg-shape and is plainly visible to many clairvoyants.

The aura is brighter and wider around the head and shoulders and I believe that the classical artists must have seen the emanations when they painted halos around the head of great spiritual prophets and ascended masters.

Seen by the clairvoyant, the aura seems to extend some two to three feet from the body and it is most dense closest to the body, fading and becoming indistinct as it spreads out. Within this aura are all the colors of the spectrum. These colors denote certain spiritual and physical conditions.

However, the aura is constantly changing colors as the emotions of the human soul react upon the auric vibrations.

RED is a physical color and denotes physical desire, anger and passion.

BLUE is a religious color and denotes high spiritual aspirations and thoughts.

VIOLET and PURPLE shades are also of a high vibration and are present in the auras of healers and those with a well developed spiritual consciousness.

YELLOW is the inspirational color and when present in an aura denotes mental activity.

WHITE is the Pure Spirit, the emanation from the I Am and denotes great spirituality.

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Cleansing Your Crystals

Click Here now for a FREE Psychic Reading at PsychicAccess.comIf you regularly use crystals in your spiritual practice, it is vital to have a regular cleansing routine for them to work at optimal levels.

Crystal energy work uses the subtle energy vibration emitted by a crystal, for example to rebalance the human aura or energy field for mind-body-soul health and wellness.

Crystals have a vibrational frequency based on its geometric structure giving each crystal a unique default wavelength known as its oscillatory frequency or its ‘energy signature.’ It is a stable energy emission that is applied to rebalance and heal our own energies.

The human body also has its own oscillatory rate or energy frequency, but our vibration is constantly shifting and changing due to various internal and external factors, including our thoughts, beliefs, mood states, nutrition, sleep, lifestyle choices, relationships and our environment.

The difference between the energy frequency of humans and crystals is that while ours fluctuates and is constantly changing, the vibration of a crystal in its natural state remains constant, stable and unchanging. It is like the factory settings on a brand new computer.

However, like a computer or the human body, crystals can also become contaminated with negative energies, much like viruses or malware. For our healing crystals to continue working the way nature intended, it is important to cleanse them properly or a regular basis.

Some practitioners cleanse their crystals and stones after each session, and this is not a bad idea, considering we expose them to all kinds of energies, no matter how unintentional, every time we handle them. Think of how many smudges and smears you create on your phone screen or glasses every time you use them and then imagine what the many energy imprints your crystals must endure with regular use.

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Crystals And Stones For Your Spiritual Practice

Click Here NOW For A FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comCrystals and stones have grown in popularity in recent years, to aid in healing, protection, divination and wellness.

They can be worn as jewelry, placed under a pillow, infused in water, set around the home, or used in prayers, meditations, spells and rituals.

It is important, however, to purchase only ethically sourced crystals and stones from businesses that respect their high vibrational qualities, because they are precious metaphysical tools from Mother Earth that should not be taken for granted.

Here are some popular crystals and stones I recommend for use in your spiritual practice.


This is one of the most popular crystals and aids in enhancing one’s spiritual vision. It is also great for recovery, sobriety and calming down anxiety. If dreams during sleep are intense, you can place this under your pillow to get a good night of rest.

Black Tourmaline

This stone works with the root chakra to ground one’s energy and cleanse the aura from negativity. It also promotes inner strength when dealing with difficult people and adversity.

Blue Calcite

A wonderful crystal for encouraging rest and relaxation. It is a gentle stone and assists in soothing emotional trauma and gain a positive perspective.

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The Spiritual Gift Of Healing

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMy first experience of the spiritual gift of healing was when I went to visit my father in the hospital many years ago. He was in great pain and something told me to gently touch the knee on which he just had surgery. It was not my intention to achieve anything, simply to comfort him. But then I saw his facial expression shift from agonizing pain to instant relief. That to me was a miracle!

The next major healing miracle happened when one of my twin daughters went ice skating when she was about 8 years old. I was watching the children enjoy the beautiful winter day, when my daughter suddenly slipped and fell. I will never forget her agonizing scream. I instantly knew this was bad!

As I was making my way to her, others where already helping her, but she would not stop screaming and it shot through me like bullets. When I got to her, I immediately saw the bone protruding through her skin. I then put my hands over the break on her forearm and said, “It’s okay.” In the blink of an eye, she stopped crying and said, “Mommy it doesn’t hurt anymore. “

I held her arm all the way to the hospital and when we arrive they made me remove my hands. Again, I had to hear my daughter screaming in pain, with me feeling helpless.

After they set her arm, they let me see her. I touched the cast on her arm and immediately sensed it was not set correctly. Of course, they refused to listen to me at first, but I kept insisting that something was wrong. Finally, they agreed to do a second X-ray, which showed my daughters arm was in fact not correctly set. So, she had to have it done all over again. A nurse asked me how I knew. I never answered.

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The Healing Power Of Herbs

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHerbs have a potent healing power that can help us in every area of our life. For every dis-ease or ailment there is usually an herb specifically designed to cure it.

I was originally drawn to the study of herbalism years ago, in search of ways to improve my own health and well-being. After many years of my own research, I decided to take a course to become certified as a master clinical herbalist, which included studying the energetics of herbs and not just their medicinal uses.

There are thousands of herbs on the planet, however only around 600 are more widely used and generally recognized. Just like people, herbs have their own personalities and unique energies.

For example, a skinny person with dry skin and tendency towards lower body temperatures can be placed into a category of ‘cool-dry.’ They would be more susceptible to certain conditions both from the weather and climate they’re live in, as well as their core body temperature and mental-emotional state.

This type of individual might need some warming and lubricating herbs that will get their circulation going and energy flowing. Cardamom and Turmeric provide such warming qualities, while Licorice Root and Marshmallow are helpful to lubricate or provide moisture for someone who has very dry skin.

Herbal teas are one of my favorite methods for ingesting herbs for medicinal use. The other is tinctures.

For herbal teas, I have found maximum benefit by drawing the medicinal constituents out of the herb through herbal infusions and decoctions. Infusions are made from the flower or leaf of an herb, and typically involves boiling water and then turning off the burner, before adding your herbs into the water to steep for at least four hours. Personally, I like to leave them overnight in the water. For proportions, some herbal compendiums use ratios like 1:3, or parts, like one serving of herbs to three parts water.

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Let It Go Like The Leaves Of Fall

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSitting at my living room’s huge picture window this morning, I saw the trees blowing in the wind outside and the colorful leaves that are slowly turning, before they will finally let go of those branches that they were a part of for so long.

The turn of the season is in full swing outside my window and the morning rain has passed. It is a typical fall day here. You really truly never know what you’re going to get with our weather. People often say the weather here is bipolar! We tend to get all the seasons in one day – summer, fall and sometimes even winter, all in one day!  

Earlier it was raining outside – a great time for me to sit quietly and indulge in some deep mediation and chakra balancing. I do this to raise my vibration for the day ahead, which will include the channeling of messages for my clients, courtesy of their spirit guides, ancestors and dearly departed loved ones. 

After calibrating my energy centers. I invited my main guide to share with me some general spiritual guidance that may benefit all of my clients today. Is there anything that I need to share with them at this time?

I closed my eyes and went in deep. My guide told me to help heal those who need it at the core level in these difficult times. I am to help them to let go of feelings that they have struggled with since childhood, and to replace it with healing light and invite in new, higher vibrations. 

Keeping pent-up emotions is causing much dis-ease these days, and it has been hindering many people who will be approaching me today for help, spirit said. I need to plant seeds of healing in their minds and teach them that they have the power to do it too! 

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Retrograde Aromatherapy

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI am very relieved that Mercury is turning direct today, since this recent retrograde has affected me a lot as an empath during these challenging times. Mars will also be turning direct again next week, after a two month retrograde that has left many of us feeling low in energy, demotivated, and struggling to take any real action in our lives. Fortunately, I have now found a useful tool in curbing the effects of retrogrades: essential oils and aromatherapy. This is something that has always been available to me, but I never before considered using in the context of such astrological influences. But now that I have tried it, and it worked, I will be much better prepared next time around!

I am no astrologer, but I do thankfully have access to some very talented ones in my circle of friends, and I received this very helpful advice from one such a friend when I was complaining to her recently about the effects of all the recent retrogrades on my emotional health and well-being. She suggested that my interest in essential oils could be very helpful to support my emotional energy during any major astrological events. I had never before thought of blending and diffusing oils specifically aimed at balancing retrograde energy, but I liked the idea. So, I have been experimenting a lot lately with ‘retrograde aromatherapy.’

There are some common energy themes that are present during retrogrades. For example, a feeling of being at loose ends, or a sudden shift in emotions, often followed by unexpected or unwelcome events. A retrograde is usually a time for us to ground ourselves and focus on unfinished tasks. It is also a time to evaluate our lives and choices, as well as our careers and relationships, whilst managing our erratic emotions.

A retrograde is often a time of upheaval, change and transition. Feeling peaceful, centered, clear and confident during a retrograde can therefore be very useful. To help achieve this I can recommend using some of my favorite oils. Some are maybe less well-known, but you may consider exploring their uses and benefits.

Clary sage

The oil of this flowering herb is wonderful for inspiring clarity and confidence, and is also excellent at soothing intense emotions. For me, it has quite a strong scent and I therefore prefer not to diffuse this oil on its own, but that is a matter of personal preference.

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